First, a couple of quick business reminders…and then on to Boxer News!
There is still time to order those retiring products that you KNOW you just have to have. But hurry…time is running out! All retiring items are only available while supplies last and will be discontinued after May 31st.
Retiring Products List – Occasions Catalog: Click HERE
Retiring Products List – Annual Catalog: Click HERE
Retiring Products – Discounts: Click HERE
There’s still time to reserve your Stampin’ Schach Product Share. Details about the shares can be found HERE. Click HERE to see all of the options…and don’t forget to email me. The first round of shares will close on May 31st at 6:00 PM CST.
Need a 2018 – 2019 Annual Catalog? If you do not have a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator from whom you currently order, and you would like to have a copy of the new Annual Catalog, please email me at, and I will drop one in the mail for you!
Boxer News
We have lots of awesome Boxer News to report to you! And who is better to do the telling than one of your old friends, Muffy. Muffy Lin has been itching to get back at the ‘puter and type away. Take it away, Muffin!
Hi, Muffy here! Yep, that’s me in the picture with my latest godpuppy, GQ. I know. I know. Things have changed a lot from my show days …
Although my face may be silver now, I still have a heart of gold. It’s been almost five years since I finished my Grand Champion title. My mom said that maybe I can show in the Veteran’s class this fall…if I lose a little weight! Like don’t we all need to???
I do have some BIG news to report about my son, Jackie. Jackie just finished winning back-to-back Best of Breeds in Ohio. But more importantly, he earned his Canine Good Citizen title AND he passed his therapy dog test. He will be visiting nursing homes and hospitals. Here he is, with a couple of his therapy dog classmates.
And here he is, looking gorgeous! Of course, I am a little biased, since I am his mom.
Lexi has been away since last October. She’s staying in Texas with her co-owner, Rhonda. Rhonda used to be my handler until she moved to Texas. Rhonda wanted some Lexi babies to carry on her kennel’s bloodline. Hopefully, I will be an aunt sometime in June…but Rhonda isn’t sure. Here’s Lexi struttin’ her stuff at the ranch. I don’t think she has any puppies in there, do you? That girl needs to eat like I eat, and put a little meat on those bones.
Mom is afraid Lexi is not going to want to come back to Iowa. Her house yard is 3-1/2 acres. She gets to ride in a pick up truck to check on cattle AND she gets to go on horse back rides. Well, she trots beside the horse while Rhonda rides, but it still sounds like fun to me.
My beautiful daughter, Kia, is enjoying life in Seattle with Brady the Boy.
She takes Brady on hikes, and carries all of her own stuff in her back pack. She is leading quite the life. I think she is a wee bit spoiled. Here she is walking on one of the trails in Washington:
And here she is with Brady’s friend, Korin. (Brody the Boxer calls her “Korn”. He is still so silly.) Korin plays an instrument called a “viola”. I only know trumpets, because that is what Brady the Boy plays. Mom said it has strings on it. Maybe it is like Brady the Boy’s guitar. It has strings. He left it here when he moved to Seattle. It’s on a stand in the guest room. I play it with my nose sometimes. I wonder if Korin plays her viola with her nose…but I digress.
Little GQ had a wonderful time at his first dog show. Mom didn’t mess around with sending him to a little show for his first time out. He went straight to our National Boxer show. Even I have not been to THAT show…although Jackie has.
Little Q won his Futurity class. I’m not quite sure what that is, but Mom said he showed against all the other little 6 to 9 Month Puppy boys that were there…and he WON!!! I didn’t tell him it was a big deal. He already thinks he is pretty special. But he is pretty dang cute, don’t you think? I told him all about dog shows, and how important it is to hold his neck like that, and how to hold his tail up.
At the end of the day, though, he is just an ordinary puppy boy who loves to snuggle with this old girl.
And finally there is my dear brother, Brody the Boxer (not to be confused with Brady the Boy). You might remember that over a year ago he was diagnosed with bladder cancer. Well…he just had his latest tests, and the amount of blood in his urine is not increasing. It’s not decreasing…but it is not increasing. Mom has done a lot of special things for him. He eats a special diet and gets special herbs and oils and stuff. There is one more test they could do, but it costs a lot of money. Mom talked it over with the vet, and they just decided to do what they have been doing. He does get a special medicine every night. He gets it in a “Pill Pocket”. Mom gives me an empty Pill Pocket so I don’t feel left out, and so Brody doesn’t feel badly that he has to take medicine. In the meantime, we just count every day with him as a blessing.
I hope you have enjoyed this update on my family. It has been way too long since I have gotten to talk with you. As Mom says, “Until next time!” May you go on lots of walks and get lots of treats!
Hey Muffy thanks for filling us in on the Boxer news!!! Sounds like a busy life for everyone of you and it is hard to believe it has been five years since you were in the ring.
Thanks for letting us know what is happening with all of you. Big hugs to you and the rest of the Boxers. Tell Mom you deserve extra treats today for all that typin’ you did.
Have a great summer Muffy and the Boxer Clan.
Mom deserves some tasty coffee for all her help.
Hi there Muffy! What a great update you gave to us the family and extended family! So glad everyone is doing so well and looking so FAB! It was so nice to catch up on the clan, and they are doing their part in making mom proud! Right? Happy summer to everyone! Hugs
Dear Muffy, great to hear from you and learn all of the news and my you had LOTS of news. You are a sweetie, just like all your siblings, cousins etc. What a handsome/beautiful group you are, each in your own way. Say”Hi” to your Mom for me please. She is a keeper!
Keep strutting, healthy and keep Mom busy! (more pumpkin muffins)
Thank you for the fur baby update! Glad all are doing well.
We have missed this family, “Mom” had a lot of catching up. We have enjoyed the ride. So glad that Brody is trying to beat the odds. Tell “Mom” to keep all in touch.
So happy to see all the pictures and get the updates from Muffy. She has turned into quite the matriarch. So many of us have soft spots in our hearts for these sweet ones. Hugs to your mom, too!
Thanks so much for the boxer update! I love reading about them!!
Awwwww, sweet , glad to see them all over again, thank you Muffy, hugs to you and stay healthy ?your still a shining star ?
Hugs Frenchie ?
Let Muffy know how much I enjoyed the “catch up” blog post. So happy to hear how well everyone is doing. Keep us posted.
Thanks for your boxer family update, Muffy. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
Thanks for the update Ann! Loved the pics of the “pups”. My how they have all grown and congrats on their awesome accomplishments. You are a great Boxer Mom!
Love the boxer news! Always good to see pics and hear all about them.
My daughter’s Boxador has cancer in his kidney. They found out about 2 or 3 weeks ago and were told he only had about 2 months at most. They are just trying to enjoy the time they have left with him.
Love the Muffy update – loved seeing pictures of the clan! My oldest son plays viola so we have both of those at our house!! My puppy Jack has liver issues and I know how much love we have for our furry family members. Hugs!
Muffy, so glad to have you back at the computer. I enjoyed the update on your family, thanks. Give Brody a big kiss from me.
Thank you for sharing all of the Boxer News! It’s been awhile since I’ve last saw any of your photos. My goodness who took the photos of you with GQ and the other photos of GQ? They are all so beautiful. And all of the Boxes are gorgeous.You can tell that they are all loved very much. Smile BIG! 🙂
Mary from NH
What a JOY to open this email this morning! Muffy, I have so missed your ‘puter time posts! I remember the days when Mom let you and Brody on the puter….you two had me crying from laughing most of the time! So glad to hear all is well with your family! Keep us up to date on Kia…brings back memories when Mom posted your ultrasound photo and we got to count ‘how many mini muffins’ you were going to bring into the world. 🙂 Love your mama and Brody for me and take good care Miss Muffy.
So great hearing the boxer update!!!! I’ve had my rescued boxer mix girl for almost 15 months now and she’s been my service dog since September. I’ve fallen in love with this breed….
Muffy, it was so nice to hear from you! Love seeing all your pictures of your ‘kids’ and what they are doing! I also love seeing what your mom is busy doing with her stamps stuff! You take care and enjoy the summer.
Muffy, it was so nice to hear from you! Love seeing all your pictures of your ‘kids’ and what they are doing! I also love seeing what your mom is busy doing with her stamps stuff! You take care and enjoy the summer.
Our four legged friends. . . . how dear they are to us. Thanks for the update Muffy
Muffin news is always a treat. Glad to hear the furry family is doing well. Puppy kisses all around. Debie from sunny Ca.
Loved catching up on all the kids!
LOVE it! such good news about the pups ….thank you
Thanks for the very fun and funny updates, Muffy. I was so happy to hear about Brody, that he’s still around and doing well. Good to hear about all the family.
Hi Muffy! So glad your Mom let you have some ‘puter time. I have missed hearing from you. Thank you for the family updates. Your children are precious and they are born winners. Harry and I are so happy to hear that Brody is doing well. Please give him a kiss from me and a ‘high four’ from Harry! Hugs, Lisa
Hello, Muffy; I have missed you! Thank you so much for the updates on your cute family! They get it all from you! Take care and good luck with loosing some weight; it certainly gets harder as we get older.