See the Good

A sparkling snow, majestic mountains, a beautiful deer, and an uplifting sentiment!  On days when it seems as if everything is going wrong, it’s time to see the good.  It’s Sunday, and time to play with The Paper Players!

See the good
This week, sweet Claire is the host of our monthly Clean and Simple challenge.  The theme she selected for us is:  Winter Animals .   Don’t you love it?  When I think of winter animals, I often think of deer.  So I selected this sweet doe from the new Grassy Grove stamp set to be my focal point. I can’t wait to see what animal YOU feature on your card.   But before you run off to grab those stamps, papers and inks,  remember that by CLEAN AND SIMPLE, we mean cards that have:

  • minimal layers
  • few to no embellishments
  • lots of clean white space (minimal patterns)

See the good

Colors of the Day

See the Good

The Stampin’ Schach Design Tips

I love the Grassy Grove bundle from the January – June Mini Catalog, especially the deer.  However, as the name would indicate, the rest of the Grassy Grove stamp set and coordinating dies, aren’t really suited for a winter animal theme.  Luckily,  the Mountain Air set came to the rescue.  This is a reversible set. I first inked the “flat” side of the mountains with Smoky Slate, stamped it off once, and then stamped onto the panel. After cleaning the stamp, I flipped it over to the “detailed” side, inked it with Smoky Slate again, and stamped it below the first image. Next, I added the tree line, inked in Evening Evergreen. Because we are dealing with winter animals, I pulled out a piece of sparkly “snow” I found in my “Box of Misfit Card Parts”, and added it.  I LOVE it when I find something usable among the “castoffs”.  However, I think the new Mother of Pearl paper would make amazing snow!  Because my sweet doe needed a little something,  I added an evergreen die cut.   And what about this wonderful sentiment?  See the good! What a positive outlook to have!

See the Good

To download the free step-by-step tutorial for today’s  See the Good card, which includes all the paper measurements and all of the current products used, please click on the button below. For every card which has been posted on my blog since 2019, there is a free tutorial.

2022 FREE Tutorial PDF Gallery – CLICK HERE
2021 FREE Tutorial PDF Gallery – CLICK HERE
2020 FREE Tutorial PDF Gallery – CLICK HERE
2019 FREE Tutorial PDF Gallery – CLICK HERE
For more inspiration, be sure to visit the rest of The Paper Players design team:
Nueve’s Canine Corner

It’s me, Nueve! I’m so sad.  My stubby tail isn’t wagging because our sun shiny days are gone.  We got snow again.  Mom said it was between 6 and 7 inches.  I’m not sure what an inch is, but when I had to go outside to potty,  it came up past my knees. Mom made Dad go outside and scoop away snow so Great Uncle Brody wouldn’t have to walk in it.  He gets special ‘rivileges  cause he is old. Now Sixxy and I will have to wait to go on walks until people get the snow taken off the walking places.  Mom doesn’t like to take us out for walks right after it has snowed.  She’s afraid she’ll fall on the slick places.  Plus, we won’t get to watch the neighbor, either.  Sixxy and I like to watch him make wood sticks for his fire window.  Sometimes the neighbor woman rolls their cooker thing out into the driveway and makes meat.  We LOVE to smell the meat!  She never shares, even when we ask nicely. I don’t think she likes furry kids.

See the Good
Mom said that we kids need to see the good in the snowy days, just like her card says.  Even though we couldn’t get out to walk, Mom snuggled with all of us in front of the fire window.  Then she did Obedience School.  We did sits and downs. Great Uncle Brody can’t hear very good, but Mom just moves her hand, and he knows what to do.

See the good

It was really fun because we got treats.  I think that is more like eating the good, than seeing the good. But I guess I got to see the yummy treat before I ate it.  Then I got to play my favorite game,  Search and Rescue.  Dad holds me, while Mom hides.  Once she is in her hidey place,  Dad says, “Where’s Mom?” and I go find her.  I got to play three times.  Mom was seeing the good, which was me,  because each time I found her, she said, “Good boy, Nueve!”  By then, I was really tired, and needed to nap.

see the good

Until next time, see the good…

see the good

January – June Mini Catalog and Sale-A-Bration

The time we have been waiting for is HERE! The January – June Mini Catalog and Sale-A-Bration Brochure are LIVE!

January - June Mini Catalog
Click HERE to Open the Mini Catalog


January - June Mini Catalog
Click HERE to open the Sale-A-Bration brochure

Sale-A-Bration is one of Stampin’ Up!’s biggest promotions of the year. It’s packed with perks  and filled with fun! During Sale-A-Bration, you can earn free, exclusive products for every $50 and $100 (before tax and shipping) you spend.  And, you can enjoy even more benefits when you join the Stampin’ Up! family!

IF You Have a Big Wish List — Please Read — Sale-A-Bration Starter Kit Special

Do you have a BIG WISH LIST? Consider becoming a Stampin’ Up!® demonstrator. The Starter Kit is a great value! For $99, choose $125 worth of products, and it ships for FREE (an additional 10% savings)!  PLUS, during Sale-A-Bration you will  receive two additional free stamp sets after picking all of the products you want in your Starter Kit. The stamp sets need to be live at the time of picking them, so anything you see in a current catalog or at is eligible. There couldn’t be a better time to join the Stampin’ Up! family.

  • SAVE at least 20% ON EVERYTHING YOU PURCHASE! Once you join, you’ll enjoy a 20 – 25% discount on your favorite Stampin’ Up!® items.
  • NO PRESSURE OR OBLIGATION TO SELL TO OTHERS! There’s never an obligation to host parties, sell products, or purchase anything else after the kit.
  • THERE’S NO RISK! NO PENALTY TO DROP! If you reach $300 in sales by the end of the first full Stampin’ Up!® quarter after you sign-up, you automatically renew your demonstrator discounts and benefits for another quarter. To continue, you will need to reach $300+ in sales (includes personal purchases) to renew from quarter to quarter. If you don’t reach $300 in sales, you can “drop” with no penalty.
  • CONTINUE the BENEFITS and DISCOUNTS! From the time you join through the end of the first full Stampin’ Up!® quarter, you will be able to take advantage of demonstrator discounts and benefits. The Quarters are January – March, April – June, July – September, October – Dec. You will have the balance of the quarter in which you join PLUS the first full quarter to reach your first $300 in sales (includes personal purchases) and renew for another quarter.
  • JOIN TODAY! Purchase the starter kit through me and instantly become a member of the Schach Pack Pals. You’ll have access to private Facebook groups, receive newsletters, and will be able to engage with a community of other stampers.
  • Questions about joining? Email me at If you are ready to join NOW, CLICK HERE!
Current Host Code Information

Ready to order supplies to make your own cards? I would love to be your Demonstrator. Click Here to place an order in my online store.

When checking out, if you apply the Host Code to your online orders of at least $50, but under $150, you’ll get a free gift from me. If your order is over $150, please do not apply the host code – you will be receiving your own host rewards, as well as your gift from me. All orders of $50 or more earn points toward my Loyalty Rewards Program.

Current Code: VZ37RQWV

NEED A COPY OF THE CATALOG? If you do not currently have a Stampin’ Up!® demonstrator, please email me at:  and I will drop one in the mail to you free of charge, pronto!


As always, if you have any questions about the cards I create or the techniques I use, I am only an email away! Until next time…


  • The $99 Starter Kit is the BEST DEAL EVER! Check out the details HERE.
  • Join Paper Pumpkin
  • Check out the Clearance Rack and save!
  • See my Retired Sets for Sale.
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  • If you are in need of any current catalog, and you do not have a demonstrator, please email me ( I will send you one free of charge!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous Ann! Such a stunning winter scene you created and you just can’t go wrong with a boxer bum photo. Too cute!

  2. Ann, another gorgeous card. Your scene is serene and peaceful and beautifully CAS.

  3. Love this beautiful scene Ann!

  4. Love your card and love Nueve’s musing.

  5. This is so creative Ann and a beautiful wintery scene – that deer does look so realistic and I love the sparkle of the snow behind. I am loving little Neuve’s musings – you really have competition with that one lol!

  6. BEAUTIFUL card. BEAUTIFUL doggies, as always!! Thanks for sharing both!!

  7. Ann, I so appreciate how your gorgeous style consistently shows up in every card in every challenge. I love the way you combined sets to create a peaceful wintry scene. Love the sentiment! So good to see the dogs.

  8. I LOVE the deer from this set….so realistic and perfect for Claire’s winter animals challenge! You’ve created the perfect background as well….it all works together so nicely!

  9. Love the beautiful card! I’m a doggie/puppy lover, so sharing the antics of the boxers was really cool!

  10. Love reading about the dogs..nice card..stay warm…

  11. Wonderful card. Almost like looking out my window except no deer but lots of snow. We had a bit more snow and then the blowing did not help. Ted, with his short legs, was not to happy with going outside.

  12. Always a treat to read about the doggies. love the background theme on this wintery card. Great as a Christmas card as well. thanks for sharing

  13. Ann, your serene scene is gorgeous! Yes, deer are the perfect animal for a winter animal card! The sentiment is just lovely, too! The beautiful mountains are so pretty! I love it! Stay warm and oh your pictures make me smile! Thank you for making my challenge shine this week!

  14. Very beautiful and stunning card. Love it! Nueve, maybe the neighbor will see the good and give up the some good smelling meats.

  15. The card is amazing, but doesn’t hold a candle to Nueve’s post. Oh how I love them!!! Thanks for the joy.

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