Weekly Deals
March 1 – 7, 2016
It’s Tuesday, and time for the Weekly Deals! My personal favorites are the Tin of Cards Project Kit and the Red Foil Sheets. I held a Tin of Cards class this winter and it was a big hit. I loved the cards so much that I ordered a second kit, which my son, Brady, and I put together. He LOVES kits! As for the Red Foil, now is the time to stock up for holiday cards! It’s never too early!
Help! I STILL have too much retired stuff! Stuff that has overrun the music room. Stuff that has invaded Brady’s bedroom. And stuff which seems to be cloning itself in the recesses of my basement studio.
I have consolidated all of the retired items I currently have for sale into one easy document. Here is the link:
Retired Stampin’ Up Items for Sale
The list will be updated daily as items are sold. Please send an email (ann@thestampinschach.com OR kimschach@msn.com) if you are interested in making a purchase. In your email, include the name of the items you are wanting to purchase and your zip code so I can calculate postage for you.
All items will be sold on a first come, first served basis, as determined by the date and time of your email. I can only mail to US addresses. I will accept both checks and PayPal, but please allow time for personal checks to clear unless you have ordered from me before.
Remember, postal rates have increased and some items, like dies, are heavy. However, I will try to find the least expensive method of mailing for you.
Please…help me reclaim my lost space!
Are You Throwing Money Away?
That’s exactly what you could be doing if you are not taking advantage of what we are calling the Ultimate Bundle! During SALE-A-BRATION (Jan. 5 – March 31), you will receive up to $155 worth of your choice of products with the $99 Starter Kit. That’s up to $56 FREE! You can maximize your savings even more when you select from our 15% off bundles and weekly deals. But wait…there’s more!
- The kit ships for FREE, a savings of 10%.
- Earn a minimum 20% off discount.
- Participate in preorders.
- AND it’s risk free! There is no penalty to drop. No pressure to sell or hold parties. If you sell or purchase $300 of product during each quarter, your demonstrator perks renew.
SO…if you are thinking about placing a $75 order or more…consider purchasing the Ultimate Bundle…the Starter Kit…and maximize your value! READ MORE and SHARE in the FUN!
Boxer Fun
The last three times Jackie has been in the ring, he has been named Reserve Winners Dog. His time is coming! Let’s hope it’s this weekend at the Greater St. Louis Boxer Club Specialty in Gray Summit, MO! Enjoy these pictures of Anscha-Happy Tail’s You Don’t Know Jack.
Of course, show dogs must be in tip-top physical shape. Here is Jackie working out on the treadmill.
Jackie knows that cuddle time is important to one’s mental well-being…especially when it’s with a beloved family member like Uncle Brody.
One should never forget the importance of being in harmony with nature. Jackie takes the time to watch birds at the window every day.
Play time is also good for one’s soul. How about a little hide and seek, Jackie style! “I’m hiding, now find me!”
And the end result of such a balanced life is a handsome young man!
As always, I would love to be your “go-to” Stampin’ Up! gal! If you have any questions about Stampin’ Up! and our products, don’t hesitate to contact me. Until next time…
Ann, whether it’s a pearl, rhinestone, or sequin…you create the most beautiful cards. One day, I wish to have just a tad of your talent. =)
Jack is so handsome and precious. Thanks for sharing, Ann.
Love, love, love your boxers. Always been a long-haired dog lover (German Shepherds, Shelties and now a Husky) but the bond between you and your boxers are just so awe-inspiring. Of course I love all your cards too and I really get a kick out of your posts. Good luck this weekend at the show. I do miss those days.
Beautiful bowsers!
So beautiful pictures. Love the hide and seek – lol. Wishing lots this weekend at the Greater St. Louis Boxer Club Specialty in Gray Summit, MO. Keep the pictures coming this way. Thank you so much for sharing the love on this family.
Jack is so precious. Thanks for sharing the darling photos. I especially like the one with Uncle Brody. So sweet.
I always look forward to seeing pictures of the kids……they make me feel soooo good and happy and find my self smiling! Thank you for sharing with us and your wonderful creations as well! Have a great rest of the week!
Hugs and Pat’s shared equally amongst all of you!
Oh Ann that grown up Muffin sure is great looking. Unbelievable he is already old enough to show (I don’t know much about it except what you have said. Good luck to Jack and enjoy all your growing babies
Diana from WI
Wow Jack is so handsome! May he get his win this weekend when you are in Mo.. He is looking like a winner.to me!