Week Eight Ends and the Final Week Begins: The Muffy Chronicles

It’s Muffy here, ready to fill you in on my activities during  Week 8 of my journey into motherhood.  I do think it was my roughest week yet.  My tummy has been upset, and I have not wanted to eat.  I just stare at my food.  Mom has added all of my favorite things to it to entice me to eat.  She even put it in the microwave to heat it up.  “Muffy, it smells so yummy,” she’ll say while she pretends to eat it. To make her happy, I’ll take a small bite, and spit out the kibble.  “Muffy, you have to eat the kibble!”  she says, as she hands me a bite. I’ll  politely take it, but then I just as politely spit it out.  Thank goodness Brody is there to happily clean up my mess.

IMG_0631Food just doesn’t appeal to me very much right now.  Mom even bought rabbit.  “Every dog loves rabbit!” she said as she mixed it in with my kibble.  But me…not so much.

I am no longer allowed to sleep in the big bed with the rest of the family.  It’s really tall, and Mom doesn’t want me jumping on and off it.  So Mom and I moved downstairs.  She slept with me in the whelping box the first couple of nights. Dad snapped this picture of us one morning when he was leaving for work.  It’s really dark because most of the lights were off.  I thought it was really cozy, but Mom didn’t feel the same way.

IMG_0548Now she sleeps on the floor beside the box while I sleep in it.  She says it’s more comfortable for her.  But I don’t like to be by myself in it.  In fact, I don’t like to be away from my Mom at all.  However,  did I spend some time in it yesterday, because she made me.

IMG_0632Mom has collected all sorts of things for when the babies are born.

IMG_0637She was raised on a farm, so you would think she would know something about whelping puppies.  But I heard her tell Dad, “I don’t know nothin‘ ‘bout birthinno puppies”.  Although she has helped with cows, horses, and pigs, that doesn’t help me much.  We’ve been watching You Tube videos about whelping.  I know she is scared, but I don’t know why she is worried.  I think I understand my role in this process…I have to do all the work.

It’s said pregnant women glow, and have a beauty about them.  But I don’t know about dogs.  I once was pretty…

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but now I just feel ugly.

IMG_0635I see Dr. Rita Monday to have an X-ray taken to see how many mini-Muffins are baking, how developed they are, and how they are lining up.   I’m so tired.  I just want to meet my babies…

As my Mom says, “Until next time…”

schachmuffysiggyOh…I almost forgot…Mom wants me to tell you that only 5 spots remain in the March Lesson of the Month.  Click HERE for the details.


  1. I’m a little late replying Muffy but I just want to say you are still beautiful. Motherhood is agreeing with you so far. Sorry you had no appetite but that will come back I’m sure. I’m praying for a save & swift delivery.

  2. Oh Muffy, you sure are pretty. I wish you (and your Mom) all the best this coming week.

  3. We are keeping you in our prayers as the time is drawing need my sweet Muffy.

  4. Dear Muffy, LOVE reading your weekly updates and the countdown to the mini muffins tiem to debut. All will go fine, you just show Ann she has nothing to worry about. I am looking forward to seeing pics of your beautiful little muffins very soon now.

  5. Awww, Ann! I can’t believe you slept in the whelping box. Muffy is in good hands. 🙂

  6. Friends of ours just had puppies. He was saying the vet said the Mommy will stop eating just before they birth. Also like humans, there can be early or late births. Looks like Muffy is about ready to deliver! Best to all of you! BTW my friends xray showed 5 puppies…she had NINE!

  7. Muffy, you are sweet and wonderful and will be the best mommy. I feel for you in all this misery, but it’ll be so worth it. Can’t wait to see your babies! You and Mom hang in there–it won’t be long now!

  8. Dear Muffy and Mom, everything will be fine, just let mother nature take her course and welcome the mini-muffins with joy:)

  9. Dear Muffy, I just know you are going to be a “champion” at becoming and being a mother. I was so happy to read your update. gengle hugs & pats

  10. Ooooooooo, Muffy, I’m so sad for you , your going to be ok soon , mom is doing so good , she’ll Mame sure you recover well and get that body you had, but for now you need to eat and stay healthy for your baby’s okay, take care , and we’re praying that all goes well, we love you and we can’t wait to see your baby muffins ,
    Love and hugs to you and mommy,
    Hugs antie Frenchie ,

  11. You are such a good mommy to Muffy and Muffy is a good mommy to her mini muffins. I’m sure everything will go well. Looks like you have everything to help her along. Good luck and my prayers are with you both.

  12. Love how Muffy looks, ripe with babies! I remember being so tired that last month or so! Hope she transitions well into eating a bit more and has an easy delivery! Try not to worry, am sure everything will be fine…anxious to learn how many pups she is carrying! Everyone take good care!

  13. So excited for you Muffy! Can’t wait to see the puppies! Ann, you are such a great momma to Muffy and the other dogs!

  14. Love your “Gone With the Wind” type comment about not knowing anything about birthin’ no puppies!!! That made me laugh! Ann, you are certainly a devoted “parent” to Muffy – actually trying to sleep in HER bed with her! Muffy is lucky to have such good parents. Can’t wait to see how many baby muffins you get.

  15. Muffy, you are still beautiful! I know your Mom will do just fine helping you deliver your sweet little muffins! That is so sweet that she is staying right by your side and sleeping with you! We are anxiously counting down the days now when we will be able to meet all your new babies! You just take it easy and eat when you can but make sure to drink lots of water!

  16. Micki… I too bred shelties (25 years)! Now we can live vicariously through Ann and Muffy! Love that you’re sharing this with us Ann. Thank you. The first time is scary, but I’m sure you have some good people to fall back on (and we’re here for you [wink]). Not eating is often par for the course. Muffy knows best and the pups will be fine. So excited to go on this journey with you!

  17. Patricia Huber (SU)

    You don’t have to eat if you are uncomfortable. I hope your Muffins come soon. Thinking of you and Ann.

  18. Oh, this brings back so many memories of when I used to raise my beautiful Shelties. How I miss them. Good luck to you Ann and Muffy, and may everything go smooth and easy. Can’t wait to see all the new little ones.

  19. You have us folks right into the whole act. So cute!

  20. What an exciting time! I remember those days so well. Enjoy every minute.

  21. Oh, Muffy, you are going to be such a wonderful mama! Pregnancy is one of the most miraculous experiences you will ever have! Pretty soon those adorable babies will be here for you to love and you will be part of the best role that this life has to offer. Your mom is telling you all of the right things so please listen to her! In the meantime, I hope you both get plenty of rest! We are all excited for you and can’t wait to meet the family!!

  22. Poor Muffy! You can tell the time is near since she has loss her appetite and how miserable she is. I hope you will post how many furbabies is in this fur-momma-to be. I would love to know. Wishing Muffy the best ….it is almost over.
    Mom will probably still sleep by you Muffy even after the puppies are born. Isn’t she the best Mom?

  23. Have you sprinkled that parmesan cheese that comes in the pasta aisle without refrigeration on her food? Most dogs go for that. Maybe her tummy is just too squished. Poor girl. And poor you. And, Prissy, birthin puppies will come as naturally to you as it will to Muffy.

  24. Sweet baby girl! Miss Muffy….mom worries about you just like you’ll worry about the mini muffins. And you are glowing by the way. We think you are beautiful!! Ann, you are the best!!

  25. Dear Muffy, thank you so much for sharing your personal experience in this Journey to Motherhood, it’s just so very sweet and endearing. I do have to say that YOU DO NOT LOOK UGLY!!!!! You look simply gorgeous and there is definitely a glow about you. Don’t worry, after your little babies are born, you will recover the trim figure you remember.
    Your mom’s worries are natural, she just wants you to be ok, I think it’s just so sweet that she is sleeping with you to keep you company.
    I can’t wait to meet your little ones Muffy, in the mean time, rest and I hope you eat, at least a little through the day, you are going to need your strength.

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