Holding You Close

My niece unexpectedly lost her husband a month ago.  When I made this card for her this week, I selected the sentiment “Holding you close in my heart” for a specific reason.  I wanted her to know that as she traveled down the pathway of grief, she is not alone.…

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You’re In My Thoughts

“You’re in my thoughts.” These four words can truly show someone how much you care about them. It’s Sunday and time to play with The Paper Players. This week the sweet and talented Jaydee is hosting our monthly color challenge. What a gorgeous collection of colors she has selected for…

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Clean and Simple Friendship Card

I love making friendship cards. I think the world would be a better place if we reached out more often to let our friends know how much we appreciate them. It’s Sunday and time to play with The Paper Players. It’s Clean and Simple week at The Paper Players and…

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