Run Free, Sweet Muffy

Run Free Muffy

GCH CH Cimarron’s Do You Know the Muffin Man
August 9, 2010 – November 24, 2021

My heart is breaking.  We said goodbye to Muffy yesterday.  It was a warm day for November in Iowa, bright and full of sunshine.  We took our final walk down the same block we had traveled for the past eleven years.  We soaked in the sounds.  We soaked in the smells. We soaked in the sun.  But, she was tired. Tired of being unable to stand. Tired of being unable to move.  Tired of having to be lifted up.  I told her that it was okay, that I would hold her up to eat.  That I would move her with her lifter. That I would lift her up when she fell.  But, she was tired.  She was ready to say goodbye.  And sadly, I was not.

Muffy was my best friend. She was my confidante. She was the one I could tell all of my secrets to, and I never feared that she would tell a soul.

She was my rock. She was always there to lift my spirits.  Even as we sat on the floor at the vet’s office, her head on the pink baby blanket she brought with her when she arrived at my house all those years ago, she made sure to lick away my tears.

I’ll never forget the day she arrived. She left her breeder, ran to my side, and never looked backed.  And that’s the way it was for the rest of our life together.  Even when she could longer sleep in my bed, by my side, I slept on the floor by her side.  It’s what old friends do for each other.

Muffy was the first of so many things. My first show dog. My first champion. My first grand champion. My first breed winner. My first group winner. My first multiple group placing girl. She sparkled in the ring.  She was bold and confident, with beautiful movement.  She was probably never the best, but she always ASKED for the win.  She was a delight to travel with, and never missed a meal.

Muffy also produced my first litter.

And sadly, she was my first dog with Degenerative Myelopathy (DM).

Muffy fought the good fight, with that indomitable Boxer spirit and dignity.  But with DM, there is no cure.  I steeled myself for the inevitable.  They say that helping your best friend transition across the Rainbow Bridge is the greatest act of love you can express.  That may be so, but it is also the most difficult.

Over the past months, on our “walks”, Muffy and I would watch for feathers as a sign that her guardian angel was near. Every walk, we would find one, until a few weeks ago, when we stopped seeing them. Yesterday, on our final walk, we found one, small and perfect. A comforting sign. And then late last night, as I let the dogs out for one last time before bed, I noticed movement in the screened-in porch (the door was blocked open.) I stepped out, and there was a brown bird. Usually when birds invade the porch, it’s in the light of day, and the dogs go berserk. But in the still of the midnight hour, they stood silently watching. The little bird fluttered and circled above my head, and then flew back out through the door. A final sign that Muffy was at peace… 

Muffy enjoyed the times she wrote my posts.  She enjoyed getting to know so many of you.  So it is with sadness, that I post her signature line one last time.   Please hug your babies and keep them close…


  1. Ann, sorry this is so late, I am just catching up on blogs. I am so sorry to hear about Muffy. Sending hugs and prayers. I remember your posts when you first brought her home and have followed your story. It is so hard to lose our furry companions. I know we will find out someday, why they can’t stay with as long as we wish. We lost our dog that we had for 14 years in April. It was so hard. Take care.

  2. So sorry for your loss. I feel your pain after losing many furbabies over the years. Your tribute was beautiful.

  3. Such a touching tribute to your best friend. It is never easy when it’s time to let go. May your memories stay with you as strong as your bond.

  4. Beautiful tribute for your beautiful girl. We had to let our sweet Gizmo go 2 years ago, and I still look at his picture I keep next to his ashes, and have to wipe tears away. Our 4 legged babies are our family, and it hurts so much letting them go.
    I understand what you feel, and I wish you healing.
    Sorry for your loss.

  5. Christine E Vidourek

    So sorry for your loss. I too have traveled the Rainbow Bridge several times and it is never easy.

  6. My heart breaks upon finding out the news of Muffy’s passing. Sending Hugs-N-Prayers!

  7. Ann, I know how difficult that was, I sit here crying with you. I am so sorry.

  8. I always enjoyed your stories of your dogs. I loved hearing of your compassionate caring and could feel the comfort that you bring to them, even sleeping on the floor. I can’t believe that Muffy is already gone. How blessed she was to have you.

  9. Beautiful tribute for your beautiful girl. We had to let our sweet Gizmo go 2 years ago, and I still look at his picture I keep next to his ashes, and have to wipe tears away. Our 4 legged babies are our family, and it hurts so much letting them go.
    I understand what you feel, and I wish you healing.

  10. What a beautiful tribute to your Muffy, Ann. Her beauty was admired everytime I saw her on your posts, even from this non-dog owner but lover of dogs and feline creatures. May Muffy continue to find those feathers. My thoughts are with you!

  11. As I read your email, the tears are falling. I am so very sorry on Muffy’s passing. Not only loyal, but so very beautiful in every way your Muffy will be so missed. Sending warm hugs and love during this very sad time, but keep those oh so beautiful memories in your heart.

  12. Muffy was an ever so special pup. She lit up your life for all the years you shared and will always have a place in your heart. So sorry for the loss you are experiencing of that beautiful girl. 💔

  13. My heart like so many others here goes out to you. Sincere condolences to you. Muffy was a wonderful dog. I do understand your grief as my foster dog is getting near the end. Take good care.

  14. Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss! I just had my first cataract surgery, but I cried for you anyway. Losing a best friend is so very hard. I’ve been with your blog since before you got your “twins” so I have lived their “adventures” in life and am grateful to be in on their lives. Our sympathies. She will always remain in your heart! With love and empathy, Nancy B

  15. Ann: So, so sorry for the lost of your friend, Muffy. I do not have a pet, but I can imagine how you feel. Just think that she is not suffering anymore. Love and courage!!

  16. sending prayers of comfort Ann

  17. So very sorry for your loss. I also own a boxer. She was a rescue. I don’t know her exact age but it’s somewhere between 9 – 11 years old. I know every day is a gift with boxer, a remarkable breed. Sending you hugs….

  18. I’m so sorry for Your loss!! I have been following You and Your other dogs thru their careers! I didn’t have to see You in person to know how much you lived All Your Beautiful dogs. Muddy is in heaven and will be there waiting. Hugs for You and Muffy!!

  19. I am so very sorry, Ann. It is so hard to finally make that final decision to help them cross and the void that is left behind. I also had to make that decision with my last cat/friend on Sunday. Nothing quite prepares for the loss. My gentle thoughts are with you.

  20. I’m so sorry to read this post. My heart is breaking for you as I know the love and the loss of a fur family member. You’ll see you sweet Muffy again. Prayers for comfort for you and your family.

  21. I remember when you first got Muffy and followed her throughout the years. She brought such joy to you and know you have such wonderful memories. Thank you and Muffy for keeping us updated. Muffy, you will be missed by all whose paths you touched. You have written such a tribute to Muffy and my tears won’t stop. We all love our fur babies so much.

  22. Oh no, not Muffy! I always check your posts for news on Brody, I didn’t expect this. I’m so very sorry. Sending prayers and hugs as you grieve your sweet girls loss.

  23. I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you l& your family. Sometimes we have to do what’s best for our dear pets, not what’s best for us. Cherish her memory. Prayer & hugs💕

  24. So so sorry for your loss! Beautiful tribute to your beautiful girl!

  25. Ann, I am so sad for you. Great you have all the beautiful Muffy memories. Sending lots of sympathy.

  26. With tears in my eyes I am sincerely sorry for your loss. What is wonderful are the years of precious memories you
    have. Thank you for always sharing Muffy’s life with us.
    Her “posts” were always fun. HUGS.

  27. So so sorry to read your post about your Muffy….had a cat named Muffy, love the name. Your Muffy was a beautiful furbaby and I always enjoyed seeing your dogs’ pictures and reading your posts about them. Have 2 furbabies that are 12 years old and not looking forward to when they leave us…but know our furbabies will be waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge….hugs. Mary N in Mesa, AZ

  28. our fur babies are so smart & provide us with 110% comfort & joy
    At times it felt like Muffy was very close by to my home. Our animals know when we aren’t feeling well, they know when they’re “in the dog house”, they know, no matter what they come first & always have our love & undivided attention, no matter what is going on at the time of need. Sending love, hugs & prayers to you & your family, Ann

  29. Oh Ann, my heart goes out to you. Our pets are a huge part of our families. I’m sure you will treasure all the wonderful things you did together. Hugs and prayers for you and your family.

  30. I’m not quoting this correctly but “our pets break our hearts only when they leave us”. True and faithful friends to the end (Muffy comforting you at the vet’s with her loving licks), they leave us as better humans because of their love and loyalty. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you, Ann.

  31. RIP, Sweet Muffy!

  32. So very sorry!
    RIP, sweet Muffy!

  33. Blessings and hugs for sharing your most precious moments with Muffy. Keeping you in my prayers.

  34. This is heartbreaking and I have tears in my eyes. It was more than difficult for you, but you did what had to be done.
    RIP, sweet Muffy!

  35. I am so very sorry! It is heartbreaking and I have tears in my eyes. It was more than difficult for you, but you did what had to be done.
    RIP, sweet Muffy!

  36. Ann, I’m crying my eyes out for you as I read your post. My heart is just breaking for you. I’m so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Muffy. Sending virtual hugs across the miles….

  37. Oh, Ann, my heart is hurting for you. I’m so sorry!

  38. We are going through much the same thing in watching and waiting for our dear Cassie she is 9 years old and the vet told my brother and
    sister-in-law that she would only last a couple of months as she had a growth. She is still with us and is getting slower and sleeping a lot. So I know how you must feel my heart aches for yu. Reading your comments made me so sad but I am sure Muffy is running in the fields with all the other animals in heaven. God Bless

  39. As the tears are streaming down my face, I think of the losses you have had recently for your fur babies, whether to them crossing the Rainbow Bridge or being adopted. You have written such a beautiful tribute to Muffy. My heart aches for you. Losing a beloved pet is just as difficult as losing a beloved person, I think . We expect both but we never know when and it hits so hard when it happens.

  40. Dear Ann,
    Writing this thru tears your heart is broken and you have expressed your love and Muffy’s love that you both shared. God gave us these wonderful dogs to make our lives complete. We learn so much love from our fur babies they enrich our lives. We are never ready for them to leave us but they never do they will always live in our hearts I have lost many of my fur babies and it has always been very hard. I wish for you peace in knowing you will meet Muffy again and may all your memories make your loss less painful
    Take care.

  41. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know your heart is breaking.

  42. I’m so sorry for your loss. Letting our furry companions go is one of the hardest things to do. My heart breaks for you as I’m sitting here in tears thinking of the pain we’ve been through too. Hugs to you and I pray you are at peace soon.❤❤

  43. I am so incredibly sorry for your great loss. Please take some small amount of comfort in knowing that she had a wonderful, loving life with you. She couldn’t ask for a better mom. You have my heartfelt sympathy.

  44. Sheryl Huber Roberts

    So very sorry for your loss. Prayers for peace & comfort.

  45. What a full and happy life you gave her.

  46. I wish you comfort having known a true friend.

  47. We get so attached to our animals as they get to be part of the family. In this way it becomes so difficult when we have to part with them but knowing the love and devotion they give us knows no bounds. Though you are suffering the loss of Muffy, memories will always be a comfort to you.

  48. We are never ready to say goodbye. It is one of the hardest things we have to do is say goodbye. I miss my Honey girl still everyday. I shed tears and do things we used to do and it’s been over a year. I am lost but it was hard on her. My heart breaks fir you. Hugs

  49. I’m heartbroken for you, Ann, in your loss of Muffy, such a beautiful precious fur baby and best friend. (((Hugs))$

  50. Dear Ann
    I am writing this between tears as I have followed you for so long and I remember your journey together. I used to start reading by going to the bottom to see what notes, if any, were there about all your loving pets. Your Muffy is now romping with my beloved Millie. I am sending you much love. Jan

    • It wasn’t that long ago that you were grieving the other boxer. I noticed this dog is a Grand Champion. Impressive credentials. So sorry about your loss. The bond between dog and human is precious and forever. She will always be in your heart, the best place to bury a dog. So sorry you didn’t have more time.

  51. My heart is breaking with you As a retired RVT–my boss’s wife raised Boxers—-i have seen many with DM—-it is just heartbreaking to see. Know she now waits for you at the Rainbow Bridge—-i too wait for all my fur babies and me to be together again.

  52. I am so sorry. Hugs.

  53. Virginia (Ginger) Toivonen

    So very sorry for your loss. Muffs was a wonderful pal and family member. Hugs to all of you.

  54. Oh, Ann! I am so sorry for you! We lost our 13 yr-old dachshund in July, and we still walk into the house expecting to see him. Praying for peace and comfort for you, friend.

  55. What a lovely tribute to your sweet girl. She was so lucky to find the perfect home with you and she knew it. My heart breaks to read posts like this. Our fur babies mean the world to us. We are on our third dog and every time we lose one I say I can’t do it again. And then we do. Life just isn’t the same without them. May your heart heal as you remember all the good times you had together.

  56. So very sorry for your loss, Ann. Condolences to you and your family.

  57. So very sorry for your loss.

  58. I have truly loved watching Muffy grow and shine over the years. I remember all the pictures you’ve shared and fell in love with her, too. You gave her an amazing life and I know how much love she gave in return. My heart breaks for you, my friend and I’m sending a big hug and lots of love.

  59. So sorry for the loss of your girl. She will be waiting for you! Sending hugs and love to you.

  60. Comfort and prayers to you. Muffins was lucky she was yours.

  61. There are no words….

  62. Oh, Ann, my heart is breaking for you. My deepest sympathy to you and your family as you grieve this terrible loss.

  63. So sorry for the lost of your sweet girl! Hugs for you and your family.

  64. I am so sorry for you. Your post brought me to tears. As the owner of an older dog, I know my time is coming soon too. It is so hard to lose them. I suppose we need to focus on the joy that they brought us through the years. I like to think they are always still with us, we just can’t see them. I am sure Muffy knew she was loved and appreciated the wonderful life you gave her with your love and care. My prayers are with you. I am brushing away tears as I write this.

  65. What a beautiful tribute to your special girl. We lost our precious 14 year old Standard Poodle to DM last April. Such a cruel disease. Sending deepest condolences, Ann. These loving creatures are never with us long enough.

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