Jackie the Boxer…WINS!

The last few weeks have found the Schach Family still pinching ourselves after Jackie’s wins at the American Boxer Club’s National Specialty in Indianapolis and at the Indianhead Kennel Club show in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.  Jackie won First Place in the Bred By Exhibitor Brindle Dog class at the national show.  He is pictured above with judge Shelli Sinclair-Woods and of course, Amy the Handler.  (Many of you will remember Amy from when she showed Muffy.)


The American Boxer Club National Specialty, which is abbreviated as ABC, is a week long show featuring the top boxers from the United States, as well as entries from Canada and Mexico.  The only reason we were able to attend was because of my Stampin’ Up! customers! While many of my fellow Stampin’ Up! demonstrators are cruising the Mediterranean Sea this week on the incentive trip they earned, I made the decision to forego the trip in lieu of cash.  Although the money I received from Stampin’ Up! is only a fraction of the value of the trip, it made it possible for me to pay off most of the expenses for ABC.  There are those who will say I was crazy, and I will admit I am a little jealous when I see the photos posted by those who are cruising, but there are also those who can understand what it is like to see a puppy I brought into this world…a puppy who lives with me, eats with me, and sleeps with me…walk away a national class winner.  There will be time for other cruises, but this year it was Jackie’s time.



After we left ABC on Friday, we embarked on the over 8 hour journey to Eau Claire, Wisconsin so Jackie could show there before heading home.  Nothing can compare to driving through downtown Chicago during the noon rush hour! And what are the chances the song Freeway Jam would be playing on the radio?


Of course, every time I see it, Sears Tower takes my breath away!  Sorry Willis…it will always be Sears Tower to me!


However, Jackie was not impressed with either the traffic or the tower, and snored his way into Wisconsin.

Eau Claire, Wisconsin was definitely colder than Indianapolis.  We had brought NO winter clothes with us, so Kim made a trip to the mall to find us a coat.  We settled for sweatshirts, which we layered.  This was Jackie’s first outdoor show and I am sure it left a cold impression on him.  It spit a few snowflakes on him Saturday morning. To stop his shivering,  I removed one of my sweatshirts and wrapped it around him as he stood ringside.  The things we do for our furkids!


When all was said and done Saturday, Jackie was awarded Best of Breed, Best Bred By Exhibitor, Working Group 4th place and Bred By Working Group 1st place. We watched our baby compete for Best Bred By In Show.


Sunday was a different judge, with no Bred By Competition.  However, Jackie won Best of Breed again and competed in the Group Ring against other breeds.

05-15-16_J297-10Our wild show week was over, but it will definitely live on in my memory for years to come.  And for making it possible, I thank all of my sweet customers…


I leave you with the very first picture ever posted of Baby Jackie.  Until next time…

First Picture of Jack


  1. Ann, I would have made the same decision – had I been lucky enough to be in that position! What an awesome win. To win a Bred By class is extra special. Love that photo of puppy Jackie – and oh, how handsome he is as grown-up Jackie.

  2. Congrats to all!! What a wonderful show trip. Jackie is such a handsome boy! And what a wonderful husband you have to help out as he did! 🙂

  3. Congratulations Ann for your beautiful Jackie. Showing dogs was one of my first loves so I am with you on foregoing a cruise for the excitement of Nationals. Your boxers are absolutely gorgeous and I am so glad you had a very successful trip. They were always wonderful family trips for us. I am sure Jackie will continue to bless you in so many ways down the road.

  4. Thank you for sharing Jack with us! I have kept up with his life since birth and enjoy all the “bring us up to date” posts. He is absolutely gorgeous! Georgia

  5. Wow, Jack is absolutely gorgeous, congratulations!

  6. Westminster here “we” come? Congratulations!

  7. ColleenB.~Texas


  8. I totally agree with everyone else. Your priorities were definitely in the right place. 🙂 Your dog is absolutely gorgeous….and you must be so proud of him and his accomplishments!!! There will be other cruises and incentive trips. Congratulations!!!!!

  9. First of all, Congratulations to you and Jackie! Love, love brindle boxers..well, all boxers. Secondly, I UNDERSTAND giving up the cruise rJackie. I would have done the same. What if you had missed all his wins? WELL worth the sacrifice!

  10. Jackie is one handsome Boxer! Ann, I’m so happy for you and your team! The other Boxers are going to be fearful of competing with yours in the future! So fun to see him as a new puppy again in that last picture. Hugs!

  11. Wow, that is wonderful! Way to go Jackie

  12. Congratulations on the win of your beautiful boxer. He is incredibly handsome!

  13. Congratulations to both you and Jackie! He is a beautiful dog!

  14. Ann, what an exciting time that you must have had with “Jackie” and to win all the awards. I would have done the same as you–there will be more SU events and cruises to come. Congratulations to Jackie for the accomplishments.

  15. Congratulations Ann. Fun and exciting times!

  16. Congratulations Ann! I’m so happy for you and the handsome Jackie. What a special time to just enjoy his journey, and happily, his wins. Thank you for sharing the thrill of these special moment!!

  17. Congratulations, Ann! I can see why you’re so proud of Jackie. He’s a beauty! Having a fur-baby myself, I can certainly understand your priorities. Those special memories will last a lifetime.

  18. Congratulations to all of you who have worked so hard and taken such good care of Jackie, Ann! I know you are ecstatically happy and over the moon with Jackie’s success! Will he continue to show; what is next in his future? Hugs!

  19. A huge Congratulations! I’ve enjoyed the boxer kids saga the last few years….So happy for you….good decision!

  20. Congratulations to Jack and the whole Schach family. Quite an accomplishment. I am impressed that you didn’t go on that luxurious cruise and instead chose to spend the money showing Jack.
    What a lucky dog to have someone care for him that much.
    My furrbabies mean that much to me too so I can totally relate.
    Congratulations again!!

  21. Chris R. from Iowa

    I knew he had won and you held back the photos – but they were worth the wait. He is so handsome. I am so glad Amy has made such a great recovery since the accident so she could show him. They are naturals! In the one photo it looks like the judge is showing Jackie his winnings and that he is indeed checking them out! You definitely have a wonderful family! I agree that you made the right choice re: the trip. You are going to have to build a wing onto your house to hold all the winnings from all your kiddos including Brady’s!

  22. So extremely happy for you all. Ann. Jackie is very handsome! I know you are very proud and should be, dear. Following him and siblings from day one has been a real joy. Thank you for sharing them with us. He will be winning for sometime and i will be watching. : )

  23. how exciting to have him win all these awards Ann-he is really a good looking dog-congrats and sorry you had to miss the incentive trip

  24. What a beautiful, handsome Jackie. Congratulations to him on all his accomplishments, to Amy the Handler, and of course to his proud parents!

  25. Carol Carriveau

    Sooooo excited for Jackie, you and your family! He is fabulous and a tiny little bug to start out!!! A lot of traveling for you all but your pups always seem to make the time away from well worth the trips! Give Jackie some congratulation Pat’s and hugs!

  26. Jackie is one gorgeous guy! Congratulations all around. Personally I think you had the better time being with your boy!

  27. creatingincolors

    What awesome news! Jackie has done so well. You have loved him and cared for him since before he was even born! There’s no question that you would be there for him to support and celebrate his accomplishments. Congratulations to you, your family, and Amy the Handler.

  28. Peggy Mullenaux

    Congratulations to all. Jackie was such a cute pup and now has grown into a handsome dog. I wish I knew how to say, “seize the moment” in Latin. 🙂

  29. The cruise may be “wonderful”, but seeing one of you “babies’ win ribbons is better!!!

  30. Congratulations Anne and Jack! How very exciting for you and this regal fellow. You can cruise next year, this is the time to celebrate with your boy. Enjoy!

  31. Congratulations all around!

  32. Congrats on all the Ribbons! So happy for you all.

  33. I loved the little bits of pink on him from the beginning! He is a mighty handsome guy! Congrats!

  34. Barbara Riefner

    How wonderful for you and Jackie Ann. You must be thrilled, excited and proud all at once. I am sure there are many more ribbons in store for Jackie and Mama will have many more thrilling shows.

  35. Tears of happiness run down my checks Ann as I have heard your love for all your boxer for many years now. I feel like I am part of the family some how watching them all grow in their own ways
    . Anyway I know what it feels like to be so proud of your furkids but not like this!!!!!!. Congratulations to all of you. A pat on the back for all the effort and sacrifices you have made for the love of your furkids.
    Cookie says “Way to go Jackie. You look totally amazing in the picture with all those ribbons and other stuff. I knew you had it in you! I hope you got so special treats.”

  36. Congratulations!!! Jack sure is a handsome young man and he comes from a fine family! I am so happy for the entire Schach family.

  37. Ann, that is so AWESOME! Congrats…and I don’t think you crazy, I think you are a very compassionate, caring animal lover. Well done all!!!

  38. I’m just so happy for you all!! Way to go Jackie!! Ann made the right choice as there will always be another chance for a cruise to some where! I’m sure these competitions with Jackie were so much more important to everyone involved! Thank you so much for sharing ALL the WINS on Jackie’s behalf! WOW!!! He is certainly a winner and certainly a very HANDSOME Boxer! He melts my heart! Congrats to Jackie! <3

  39. Congratulations! Jackie is a beautiful dog. I’m sure that there are many more awards in his future.

  40. I am delighted for you! I’ve so enjoyed your pup pictures along with your gorgeous cards, and sweet writing!

  41. Yay for Jackie!!! The Brindle colour is my absolute favourite and he is so handsome!! I totally understand why you chose showing Jackie rather than going on the cruise! But I know nothing about showing dogs!! Enjoy your and Jackie’s success. 🙂

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