I Made a Difference Today…a Non-Stamping Post

I want to give give you a heads-up…this is a not a card related post.  There are no fancy pictures, but instead just narrative.  I am hoping by draining the words from my body, I will also drain the emotion from my soul.  I made a difference today in the life of a poor, abused Boxer puppy…

Depositphotos_6435001_xsI received a call from my vet yesterday asking if I knew of any Boxer rescues. A five month old puppy had been brought in with a broken hip.  This was not the type of break that occurs from playing, but rather the type that occurs from abuse.  My vet could not find it within her heart to put the puppy to sleep, like the owner had requested.  Instead, she had the puppy signed over to the clinic, and then she called me.  Would I be able to use my contacts in the Boxer world to get the special help this puppy girl needed? You bet I could!!!


I immediately contacted my friends associated with boxer rescue.  In less than an hour, X-rays had been faxed to an orthopedic specialist; arrangements had been made for her surgery Wednesday morning in Omaha; and a foster family was lined up for her post-surgery rehabilitation and training.  One obstacle remained…get her to Omaha.  I volunteered to take this puppy on the first leg of her journey to a new life…

Depositphotos_6435001_xsThe moment I laid eyes on her, I fell in love.  She hobbled over on three legs to greet me.  With the exuberance of an adorable Boxer puppy, this malnourished little girl tried her best with a broken hip to wiggle that Boxer butt.   As I carefully lifted her frail little body into the crate in the back of my van, I vowed to her that from this day forward, life would be different for her.  Gentle touches and caresses would replace harsh and heavy hands.  Soft words would replace angry shouts. She would know the love of a family, not the violence of an ugly heart.  She would never again feel the pangs of an empty tummy, or the icy cold of a winter’s night.  She would learn to play with toys.  She would learn to run on three legs. (Yes, there is probably bone death, and an amputation is probably necessary.)  She would learn people can be trusted.  And I prayed she would forget the abuses she had endured…

Depositphotos_6435001_xs“I will call you Faith,” I told her.  And we proceeded on our trip.  I cried when I left Faith behind.  I cried on the long drive home.  I cried for the loss of sweet puppy innocence.  I cried because of all she had endured.  I cried because at the end of our journey, she blessed me with a lick under my chin…a thank you from a grateful girl.   And I cried because many years ago, on February 11th, 2000, I saved another brindle Boxer girl from a life of abuse, one who looked so much like Faith.  Missy the Boxer, went on to live with us for 10 years, leaving us on February 4, 2010.  So many memories came flooding back.

Depositphotos_6435001_xsFaith will go on to live a wonderful life.  She will be loved and spoiled, and she will have a forever family of her own who will adore her…the boxer rescue group will make sure of it.  On the way home, I saw a road sign that said, “New Life”.  Faith, here is to your “new life”! I am so happy I was able to help make it possible…

Love and Faith Stones.


  1. Such and awesome thing you have done! Thank you for sharing.
    We need more people like you in this world. Praying for Faith’s speedy recovery and happiness with her new family. You are a wonderful kind and caring person.

  2. The world is a better place because of people like you – what a kind, generous and selfless thing to do. God bless you Anne!

  3. Ann…… the world has a way of putting us in the right place at the right time and Faith somehow knew that you would come to her rescue. I am so glad that she blessed you with a thank you kiss and I am SO pleased that she is on her way to health and happiness. Bless you, my friend.

  4. God bless you for being so special in Faith’s life.

  5. Tears with you my friend. So glad you were there.

  6. I’m just “Thankful” that there are people in this world with big hearts like you that open up to puppies or people and share their Love. Our world is missing this Ann and God blesses you for sharing your Love.

  7. I love boxers. My Rocky passed away 2 years ago and I miss him everyday. You are a wonderful person. Thank you!

  8. Wow Ann, tears are flowing. I can’t imagine. Oh how your heart must have been breaking for her. But you did it, you saved her! What a great feeling knowing that she will be better because you made a few calls and drove her to a place to restore her broken body and give her new hope. I applaud you Ann. Prayers for Faith for healing in her body and her soul. Bless you my friend!!

  9. a BIG HUG and sloppy basset kiss to you and Rita, the vet! You did a wonderful job with the puppy and telling us about it! Well done my friend!

  10. I may be crying but my heart is bursting with happiness for the future of puppy Faith. Ann, you are an angel on earth. Thank you for caring to go the extra mile to help this precious pup. Please let us know how she is doing.

  11. Oh Ann, what a touching story, so sad but with a happy ending. I just can’t stand people who are abusing and uncaring to animals, so it’s a great thing your vet rescued this little puppy. She will have a family who will love her no matter what, it’s to bad they will need to amputate her leg but, she will recover and live a long and happy life thanks to you and your vet.

  12. Such a sweet story and my eyes are leaking. Thanks for your heart and finding a home and driving Faith to the first leg of her new home. Bless you Ann!

  13. Oh Ann, I’m so touched by your story. Thank you so much for all you did to help rescue that poor little baby, you are amazing.

  14. God bless you! There is a special place waiting in heaven for people like you!

  15. Ann, now you have all of us in tears and feeling similar thoughts to what you must have had. God Bless you for rescuing “Faith”. She is a very lucky puppy to have people who care so much. TFS

  16. Tears of happiness are flooding my cheeks over the amazing kindness you have demonstrated to this young fur baby. Thank you for following your heart and doing the right thing. I will share this story with my friend who. along with his departed wife, have taken in MANY boxers. (In fact, there are two who still reside with my friend, making his loss somewhat easier.) May Faith come to know only the good in humans from this time forward

  17. I am so glad you are on this earth. We all need to know we can step up and go the extra distance to do the right thing as you so unconditionally did for Faith. I know she will live a long and happy life because of what you help set in motion. She has begun to see that not all humans are hateful and crule. That there is real love out there and our loving father in heaven does love us all even our furry friends. From special cercumstances (her cruality and the possibility of the loss of her leg) to a special life to come from a fur ever home (lots of love, good food, scratches, and toys and a soft bed) Faith will be a constant reminder to us all, that out of sadness and torment can come love and compassion. You are and example to us all Ann in many more ways than your amazing creativity, your love of family and friends that we should take more of an interest in the world around us. We all can make a difference if we just try. Thank you for being the loving, caring woman you are.

  18. Bless you! What a difference you have made to Faith! Tears streamed as I read your story…. I just don’t understand the cruelty to children or animals! An inspiration to us! Thank you!

  19. Awwwwwwwwwww poor little thing. The vet knew he could count on you. You are such a loving person. Happy years to Faith. May her journey now begin like it should have in the beginning. You are so amazing Ann. Your Fur children are so lucky to have you!!!!

  20. Thank you for helping rescue Faith. You made a difference in the life of that sweet furry gal. Hope she can recover and know the love of a real caring family. Anne, you are amazing! Thanks for sharing with us.

  21. Tears are running down my face. People who abuse any living thing just cannot be human. My heart aches for this precious puppy and all others that are being abused as I type this. I pray they too will be rescued and someday soon the people who do this will be severely punished for their actions. Thank you for helping little Faith. May she heal quickly and find a loving family as well.

  22. You are truly an angel in disguise!! God bless you Ann!! Thanks for sharing a beautiful story! Hope you will give us updates on Faith and perhaps a photo?

  23. Better than a card! God bless you, Faith, the vet and everyone involved!! I’m crying tears of joy!

  24. I feel the same about my cats. None of them are pedigreed but my husband and i rescued them from a miserable life on the streets and an early death. These beautiful creatures (meaning all domesticated “pets”) ask for so little from us but give so much to us. You are a loving soul, Ann…thank you for caring.

  25. Oh Ann! Thank you. We rescued our puppy from an ugly “rescue” shelter two hours from our home purely based on her photo on the internet. She was 6 weeks old and barely 6 pounds. She will be one year old next week, is 35 pounds, and is really thriving after the horrible start in life she had. Our wonderful vet saved her from a terrible case of parvovirus and she is just about grown out of her leg bone problem. She’s some kind of blonde chow-retriever mix and what the vet said would be her full grown size. Aren’t happy endings great? What a great Valentine present you gave us all! (Better than a card!) Nancy B

  26. What a great post today. My ‘special’ dog breed is Yorkshire Terrier, but a dog is a dog and if you favor one breed you also have a place in your heart for all dogs regardless of their breed. We have one Yorkie and had one before him, both with special needs and health issues so I feel like I rescued both b/c we were willing to put the time and money into them to give them a pampered life showered with love and attention. They are worth it and more! Thank you Ann for saving a precious puppy.

  27. Thank you for sharing your heart with us, Ann! This made me cry; I cannot stand it when I hear of the pain and suffering these “creatures” who call themselves humans inflict on other humans and animals! It is so incomprehensible! God bless you for being such a compassionate, warmhearted, caring person. Prayers for Faith for a speedy recovery from the wonderful medical care she will receive. Hugs!

    • Too bad there aren’t more people in this crappy uncaring world like you who takes the time just to show compassion to animals. They are being abused a lot but so are human babies. Such a sad uncaring world we live in.

  28. Beautiful! Are you sure you might not be her forever home? Sounds to me like you fell in love with her at first sight! Keep us updated on how this sweet pup is doing, please!

  29. Ann,
    I can’t stop crying — tears of sadness, but mostly tears of joy that there are people like you, with hearts of unconditional love and compassion for God’s creatures. People LIKE YOU are the reason I have hope for animals in abusive situations. I, too, grieve for each and every one of them, every day. For the ones I’ve encountered and helped. And for the ones I will encounter and help. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Just when I start to think I can never do enough to make a difference — I read an account like yours. And my hope and faith are restored. Love to you and your beautiful Boxer family — past, present and future.

  30. Bless you Ann. You are a special person and you made a difference today for Faith and for all of us who receive you blog post. Your story reminds us that there is good in the world, that people care and can make a difference. Thank you for sharing with us your beautiful, touching story.

  31. Blessings to you Ann .. . those of us who dearly love ALL furry babies, are crushed with all the bad things this world holds for many of them. You have given Faith a new life … and she will not forget you. If not on this earth, you will see her again in a perfect new world! Hugs! (through my tears!)

  32. The best post of the day. I’m glad faith called upon you. You have named her so.
    Thank you for sharing.

  33. I never cease to be amazed at the horrors in this world and how cruel can be. But, thankfully, there are people like you who keep me even more overwhelmed with the kindness and beauty it holds. I won’t even try to say thank you for what you did for sweet Faith. Your thanks from her was greater than any other you could receive. So I will say, God bless you, sweet Ann. Thank you for sharing this story.

  34. God bless you. St. Antony prays for you, and for Faith. I sit with tears in my eyes as I remember our little Pansy, a toy golden Manchester, who was attacked by a large neighbor dog, and how I rode with my teenage brother driving as we rushed her to the vet. I tried to comfort her, but she wanted to be by my brother. As he tried to comfort her, we cried all the way there. She had to be put to sleep, and we never saw her again. Faith saw the love in your eyes, she knew your kindness, and she will have a happy life as a result of it. I can’t stop crying as I think of that poor dog. Thank you.

  35. what a blessed soul you have!!! your journey brought me tears …hope miss faith has a good life …

  36. You’re a good person to take care of Faith! I know she’s going to get the love and support she needs…thanks to you!

  37. Hugs to you, Ann! My husband and I rescued a dog from the humane society last April. It was months before Hank would even utter a bark and more months before he learned to play with a toy. Almost a year later, Hank is a healthy, happy well loved dog. Many thanks for what you did.

  38. Thank you for doing that. We have a rescue that was most likely abused too.
    He is the sweetest guy in the world. Just cannot comprehend it at all 🙁

  39. What a precious story! I pray that you are blessed tenfold for your generous and loving spirit. Thanks so much for sharing this with us today!

  40. Awww that is such a sweet thing you did!!!! Thank you for sharing that!!!! 🙂 you have another creative lovable partner 🙂

  41. Ann…with tears in my eyes…what an amazing story….I just can’t imagine handling an abused puppy…so precious! Thanks for sharing this wonderful story of a very fortunate puppy and thanks for being who you are …so kind and compassionate.

  42. Thank God for bringing her into your life even if for only a little while, Ann. I cannot believe that there are people in this world who could even imagine inflicting that kind of pain on anything, much less a little defenseless puppy. For one evil person there are so many more who are good. Little Faith will now have a happy life and you were part of that. What joy that should bring to you and everyone responsible. My prayers are with you all!

  43. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you Ann for all that you did today for Faith. May God bless you and Faith, and may he keep her safe and loved unconditionally the rest of her life. TFS.

  44. How anyone can abuse an animal, is beyond me. Your vet certainly called the right person. Thank you for sharing your story with us. And God bless your kind, caring soul.

  45. Oh Ann. Thank you for what you did today and thank you for sharing with us.
    I hope Faith has a long, love-filled life.

  46. Beautiful story and thank you so much for caring so much and helping this wee pup off to a better start. I have a hard time with people abusing pets, kids, spouses
    etc. and hard a harder time even comprehending the people who do the abusing. So glad you were able to save this wee one! Jennifer, Calgary, ALberta, Canada

  47. What a touching story!! I can not understand how people can be so cruel to hurt pets and children. You chose a perfect name for her and I’m sure she will be placed in a home that will love her. Thanks for sharing your emotions and keep us posted on her journey.

  48. Bless you, Ann! You have a huge heart.

  49. Beautiful story…..thank you for sharing. You have a beautiful and giving heart and this little girl will have an amazing life because of you. Thank you for caring so much!

  50. What a wonderful thing you did for FAITH….. How incredible.

  51. What a wonderful story and what a wonderful thing there are people like YOU in this world. Thank you for helping this little pup!

  52. Cyber hugs friend…job well done!…B

  53. I can’t quit crying Ann! So glad you were here to be Faith’s angel.

  54. So happy you shared this post. I am an animal lover and can’t stand for any abuse. You and all of the people involved have made a difference and that warms my heart. Please update us on Faith’s journey and know we are all praying for her to enjoy life for a very long time.

  55. such a touching story Anne-you are one awesome woman to go out of your way to help

  56. You definitely made a difference! Thank you so much for ALL you did to help Faith!!!

  57. Ann, I know that Faith and her new family will be forever grateful for everything you did to help save this little girl’s life. You are an ANGEL!

  58. Thank you for being there for Faith. What a beautiful story of love.

  59. Oh Anne….as I wipe the happy tears from my eyes…I send you a GIGANTIC HUG and a BIG thank you for your very special heart – I so love her name and hope her new family will keep it for her….I also have tears for all she has endured but happy tears for her new and loving family and may she have at least 10 wonderful years with her new people! Thank you for sharing this fabulous story with us!

  60. Patricia Huber (SU)

    Ann, I am crying as I finish reading your story. What a wonderful thing you did for Faith. I know you must have thought about keeping her, but you have your hands full with all of your other fur babies. I know I sometimes see a little one that needs to be rescued but 2 cats and a dog is quite enough. Take care and thank you for having a loving heart. Patricia

  61. God bless you for caring for the boxer on her first “leg” of the trip to start a new life! I’m sure she will get a good home and will have a happy future because of people like you! “Congratulations”! How great a life you provided for “Missy” as well. My son and daughter-in-law adopted a rescue abused dog. They have given her a good home and she is a “happy camper”. She has gained weight and loves to play and go on walks. She brings them great happiness. “Frankie” still remains somewhat “spooky” but she is much better than before. It takes her awhile to get used to other people and other dogs but she will get better at that as she becomes more secure.

  62. There are many stars in your crown for this selfless act.

  63. There is a special place reserved in hell for those who abuse animals. I am so positive of it. Thankfully Faith was lucky enough to cross paths with all who saved her body and soul today. Big hugs for being a part of her truly wonderful rescue team and giving her a new life.

  64. You broke my heart and then filled it with love. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” You are a blessing. XOXO

  65. I know what your heart is enduring right now. The mixture of sadness, for what Faith had been through, and joy, for the life she will now have. The emotions will never be drained completely from your soul. How can they? This experience changes a person for life.YOU helped save a precious life today! Rejoice in the knowledge that you were able to do this. Thank you for taking the time to be a caring and compassionate person for those who have no voice to protect themselves. From a another artisan and 20+ year rescuer.

  66. Bless you and thank you Ann for giving Faith a chance for a better life. I pray the most wonderful, loving family will give her the forever home she deserves.

  67. this was beautifully written and am writing this with huge tears in my eyes! we are put on this earth to help other people (and animals) I am a HUGE animal lover and just can not understand someone who wants to abuse these precious animals. Thank you for what you do and continue to do. God Bless You!!!

  68. Sitting here crying my eyes out. God bless you! May she only know love for the rest of her life!

  69. Through my flood of tears, I thank you on Faith’s behalf. You definitely MADE A DIFFERENCE!!!

  70. Thank You for sharing this story. You did a beautiful thing.

  71. Blessings! On this day God had you just where you needed to be. Sending Faith puppy prayers and prayers for your tender heart.

  72. With Faith all things are possible……..:)

  73. Caring for those in the dawn or twilight of life, and those who are vulnerable is the most important work we can do.

  74. You are a wonderful lady, Ann.

  75. Oh Ann, such a sad and happy post. How can anyone hurt an animal? I am so glad you touched Faith’s life with your kindness. I wish her a lifetime of love with her new family. I hope the two of you will get to see each other again. Hugs, Lisa

  76. My heart is warmed. May God bless Faith and her new life.

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