A Peek at The Paper Players, Muffy and Brady the Boy!

It’s time for a peek at this week’s The Paper Players challenge card.  Join me for the reveal on Sunday…and be prepared for a fun challenge!

Muffy at the Show

Here is a shot Muffy taken at last week’s dog show.  Although she was not the big winner, she did place!

She did a great job and we were very proud of her.  However, she still looks like a baby next to the older girls!  She is off again to show this Sunday…and then it will be Brody’s turn to go out and strut his stuff at a couple of shows.

Congrats to Brady the Boy

A few weeks ago I posted that I was accompanying Brady to Columbia, Missouri where he was interviewing for a graduate assistantship at the University of Missouri School of Music.  After a busy day of auditions and interviews,  we returned home to await word.  Well…the call came!  Brady was offered the position.  His official duties will be playing trumpet in the faculty brass quintet and giving lessons to trumpet students. He is thrilled at the opportunity that he has been given…and he thanks all of  “Mom’s Stamping Friends” who wished him luck!  

Emboss Resist Question

For those of you who had a question about emboss resist after viewing my latest video,  I ink the stamp with VersaMark ink and stamp onto Naturals Ivory card stock.  Next, I heat emboss using White Stampin’ Emboss.  At this point, I apply the Crumb Cake ink using a Stamping Sponge, as shown in the video. I hope this helps.  If not, remember I am only an email away!  Until next time…


  1. Congrats to Muffy, and to Brady!! I am so behind on your posts…but looking forward to catching up!

  2. Big, big congratulations to Brady! What a fabulous position to attain so early in his career – of course it helps that he is amazingly talented!

    Nicely done to Miss Muffy as well. She looks every inch a girly princess dog in that photo!

  3. Ann after a LONG week on the road I can’t wait to see the reveal. I think it’s going to be FUN and I see a fire hydrant? Doggie card?
    So exciting about your son… Congrats Brady!
    Now I’m off to catch up in blog land! hugs.

  4. Congratulations to Brady & Muffy! And, best of luck to Brody tomorrow.

  5. Wow how darn cool is that!! Go Brady! I know the University is lucky to have him on their staff! And as for Miss Muffy… That is one stunning looking puppy As for those “Big Girls” watch out Miss Muffy Lynn will be nipping at your heals very, very soon. Eat Dust will be here moto! lolol

  6. Congrats to Brady and Muffy. Such exciting time for Brady. I hope he LOVES his new job. I know you are a proud mom.

  7. Major congratulations to Brady on his wonderful achievement.

    Way to go girlfriend. Even though you didn’t place, (Brody would have I’m sure – swoon), you look so pretty. Woof, woof Brody – swoon! :)))))

  8. Wow, Muffy looks fantastic. One day she will be the winner!! What great news for Brady. I wish him much success in his new position. You should be very proud of both of them. Oh, yes, I am also looking forward to the card reveal.

  9. Congrats all the way around! Just great news!

    Tomorrow’s reveal will be interesting – is that a fire hydrant? So, possibly canine related? Love that plaid and that textures.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  10. Congratulations to Brady and the Schach Family! How exciting for him as he moves on to the next adventurous phase of his life! AND to be closer to home! Congrats also to Muffy; best wishes for Muffy and Brody on their upcoming events.

    Looking forward to seeing if a pearl bedecked canine accompanies the fire hydrant!! Have a great day, Ann!

  11. Ann, I can only imagine how proud you are of both Muffy (your furry child) and Brady (your human child). Congratulations to both….especially to Brady for getting such a great position!!!

  12. Maybe it is time to say…
    Well done to Brady the Man 🙂
    So happy for the entire Schach family.

  13. Hi Ann – Congratulations to Brady -what a fantastic opportunity.

  14. what an honor and an opportunity for Brady-I know you are one proud Mom-and look at Muffy struttin’ her stuff

  15. You are so funny! I went to Mizzou- University of MO in Columbia! Congrats to your pups!

  16. Congratulations, Brady!

  17. Wow! What fantastic news ,on all counts! Congratulations to all of your family, of course, including four-footed members. That sounds like such an exciting opportunity for Brady. I know you are a happy and proud Mom.

  18. Congrats to your son and his proud mama! I look forward to seeing your latest creation.

  19. Congratulations to Brady…..what an honourable position, for a start into his chosen career. Ann, you must be so proud!

  20. congrats Brady! Ann you must be so proud and pleased, what a wonderful opportunity and accomplishment! Enjoy your day:-) oh…and Muffy…congrats to you as well!!!!

  21. WOW! Congrats to Brady the Boy! What an AWESOME opportunity!!!

    Can’t wait to see the full reveal tomorrow…I spy…a fire hydrant!

  22. Hi, Ann! Congrats to Brady! He is very talented! I am not sure how close he will be to you but hope that you will be close enough to visit often. Muffy should also be very happy with her wonderful accomplishments. It sounds like your days of schlepping kids to activities won’t be ending for a long time… Lol

  23. Ah, lots of happy celebrations going on in the Schach household! Congrats to all!

  24. Congratulations to Brady, that is awesome! I know you are one proud mom and I kinda feel like a proud aunt! Congratulations to Miss Muffy too, she is so beautiful! I can’t wait to see your reveal tomorrow, by the looks of it, it looks to be doggie related!

  25. Absolutely fabulous news about Brady! What a wonderful opportunity for him – and such an honor! You must be so proud of him! I am proud of him and I don’t even know him 🙂

  26. Congrats to Brady … what an honor and very well deserved! Muffy has such a beautiful stance … gorgeous girl! Have a great weekend!

  27. Lot of congrats to Brady on his fine accomplishment! Congrats to Muffy, too! And good luck to Brody! I’ll check back tomorrow for card reveal.

  28. Congratulations to both Muffy and Brady. It is such wonderful news that Brady got the position. I am very happy for him.

  29. I am so thrilled for Brady! He has worked so hard for this opportunity and has come through as a shining star! Kudos for a job well done!

  30. Congrats to both your son and four legged baby Ann! You must be so proud of both and your son must be thrilled!

  31. Muffy is just such a stunning BEAUTY! Congratulations on her placing! And congratulations to Brady as well! Lots of great news coming from your part of the world!

  32. Big congrats to Brady! That’s quite an accomplishment.

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