Brody and the entire Schach family want to thank all of you who have left comments and who have sent emails. I have spent a lot of time these past couple of days in tears…First, because of what his “bump” could hold for us, and secondly because of everyone’s overwhelming kindness. I really cannot put into words how your comments have given our family strength, and how they have helped us put things into perspective…how through your actions, you have shown the true spirit of the season. And yes…
- My cards still are not sent and at this late date will arrive after Christmas. But won’t it be fun to receive Christmas cards the week after? And for my dear sweet friend, whose birthday I thought was the day after Christmas instead of the 20th, I know she will enjoy her belated card.
- The cookies are still unbaked and candy unmade. But Brady the Boy went to the store Thursday afternoon and purchased practically every type of refrigerated cookie dough they make! We will have cookies! And with much less hassle and clean-up than usual! What is important is that we will be making them together Friday!
- Stocking stuffers will go by the wayside. At this late date, it will be fun hitting the stores for those after-Christmas sales! The Twins must not believe in stockings anyway, since they would not allow any of them to be hung by the chimney with care in hopes that Santa-Dog soon would be there.
- Unanswered emails are slowly being answered and blogs are being visited. I have so many talented blogging friends! And please know that even though I may not have thanked you for your comments personally, I have read them and truly appreciate them.
- And my mojo is returning! I can’t wait to ink up more of my Occasions Mini stamps!
Brody will visit the vet again next Wednesday to have his bump removed. And we are hopeful that everything will be fine and benign. And for those of you who have asked, Brody is not in any pain or discomfort. He is his normal, happy puppy self! In fact, he has made a thank-you card for all of you, which he stamped and distressed himself!
I still need to add the bow, since he lacks opposable thumbs, but I will get that done tomorrow. In the meantime, Muffy has been begging me to write a post, so here she is with…
Muffy: Many of you probably wonder how I stay looking so healthy and gorgeous! Well, I am here to share some of my beauty tips.
Mom: Muffy….you are so egotistical!
Brody: Yeah, Muffy! You are eggs and sticksical!
Muffy: Just stay out of this Brody. This is my post. Mom let you make a card that you get to talk about tomorrow. I am here to talk about beauty!
Brody: I am beautiful, too! I won Reserve Winners Dog in Wheaton, Illinois two weeks ago!
Muffy: Whatever! It’s my turn to post, so just take your 70 pound Boxer butt and go distress some cards or something. Let me talk about what I know best!
Brody: MOM! Muffy won’t let me talk!
Mom: Brody…go play with Brady the Boy. Your sister has been wanting to write this post for weeks, so let her talk.
Muffy: OK. Like I was saying, staying beautiful like me is a full-time job. First of all, oral hygiene is very important to overall health!
Brody: Who’s Jean? Can I say “Hi”, too?
Mom: Brody….didn’t I tell you to go play with your brother? Go ahead, Muffy.
Muffy: I prefer to brush my teeth with the Sonicare.
It is so important to brush on the left side.
And in the middle.
And on the right hand side. My Mom wants me to make certain that I tell you that I use Pro-Pet Canine Toothpaste, and not the people kind. And my brush head is really soft…because it is Brady the Boy’s old one.
And we all know the importance of walking to stay fit. When it’s snowy or rainy, what could be better than a romp on the treadmill. I like to give it a good sniff first.
Then I start out slowly to warm up. This is VERY important. For safety, the “clippy” thing is attached to my leash. In case I would happen to collapse, the treadmill would stop. However, my Mom never lets me use the treadmill unattended.
Then to really burn those calories, I have Mom increase the speed.
Muffy: So I hope that you enjoyed my tips on staying fit and beautiful. I can’t wait until tomorrow to share my tips on decorating for the holidays, Boxer style!
Brody: And I can’t wait to share my card. I distressed it really good all by myself.
Mom: And hopefully the Twins will allow me to get a card made! Until next time…
Great job Muffy! And Brody…here’s a hi from Jean!
Miss Ann – thanks for the update – Christmas will be Christmas with or without cards and treats and your little love muffin pooches are probably all the doggy santa needed. Your warm heart will make up all the rest I’m sure. May you have a blessed Christmas with lots of paw prints on your heart.
I am hoping the best for you.
Well Muffy, you may be beautiful – but Brody (swoon, sigh, tale wagging slowly) is SO handsome it makes me tear up just to see him!
I am in stress waiting for the news about his lumpy. I have one too but mine is just making me fat – at least that’s what I think Shari said!
It’s my turn now Miss Daisy! It is so good to see your latest posts. You have such a wonderful family and viewing and email family. I love reading everyone’s comments.
You all have a very wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year.
Woof, woof – me too!
Oh my goodness this is too cute and I could use a lesson or two myself from Muffy to actually get ON a treadmill! Hugs
Ann, these tales about Brody and Muffy are wonderful to read! I will join the others in praying for a great outcome for Brody (and strength for “Mom”). Thanks again for sharing your talent and life with all of us:-)
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas celebrating with your family- God Bless!
Oh Ann, I didn’t see your old posts. We had a flood last week and I have not been on my blog or made cards or sent cards or baked or anything. Been packing, packing packing my entire craft room up and the 1st floor of our house so they can renovate. Needless to say, no swapping for me during Leadership.
I went back and read about Brody! I hope he is ok. I have had a bump on my lip for over a year, I guess I better get it checked out.
Hoping it is nothing to worry about and that you get good news soon. Have a very Merry Christmas.
Love the twin talk!
Tell Brody I’ll be thinking of him. I know what’s its like. Just had surgery to get some skin cancer removed on my head! I’ve got 2 stitches and three staples in my head! Hang in there Brody! I hope you get good news!! Happy Howlidays to the twins….and the Schach family too!
Ann – like you, my Christmas cards will be late as real life took over. But it will be something nice for all of the recipients to look forward to after Christmas.
Wow, love Muffy’s beauty tips! Ms. Lexi hates to get her teeth brushed but tolerates it. However, we have an electronic one for her that we haven’t even used yet because she won’t let us. Thankfully, the good old’ manual brush does the job, for now. And Muffy uses the treadmill too? I could learn from her example! 🙂
Still thinking of you and Brody. Sending good thoughts and wishes for next week! In the meantime, enjoy cookie baking today, Brady and your beautiful Twins!
I am still giggling thinking about the post and reading the bomments.
Hugs to all and a Merry Christmas!
Chris R. from Iowa
Ann. Good luck with the diagnosis. I hope everything will be well. In the meantime, Christmas is about all kinds of things, but family being the first…and you are going just that…so you are right on target! xox
Because Brody and Muffy share the stories along with you, we all have a “vested interest” in them, too. So naturally we will be praying for good results for Brody next Wednesday.
I can’t believe Muffy allows you to use a Sonicare toothbrush. I had a hard time getting anywhere near either of our dog’s mouths.
It’s good that you are making the time for making cookies to keep some normalcy in your Christmas traditions. And I sense that you haven’t lost your sense of humor either. 🙂 MERRY CHRISTMAS to Brody, Muffy and your entire family, Ann!!!!
I LOVE that Muffy walks on the treadmill! I’ve never heard of that. Of course we can walk any day in Southern California. Petey is out on a walk with my son right now while I’m browsing blogs! Thanks for the updates, Ann! Merry Christmas!
Hi Ann, thanks for the post. I know that you have been going through a terrible time so keeping all of up to date is very thoughtful. I can hardly wait to see Brody’s distressed card. The picture looks like he is spending a lot of time on it. As for Muffy, she certainly is a diva with all the primping and fitness. Have a very Merry Christmas and my thoughts are with you and your family Hugs Karen
I am thinking of all of you and your family, two and four legged. I hope everything turns out for the best.
Muffy, thanks for sharing your beauty tips. Most divas wouldn’t be so generous!
Brody, I so look forward to seeing your card.
Ann, enjoy the family cookie baking day.
Merry Christmas to the entire Schach family!
Thinking about you and Brody, Ann. Sorry that you have this going on and hoping for the best. Wishing you a safe and happy Christmas — and good news! Love to you and tons of hugs. XOXO
Still sending hugs and prayers to Brody. Merry Christmas 🙂
Ann, my heartiest wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, blessed new year. 🙂
Ann – It was wonderful to hear about (and SEE!) Muffy’s health and beauty tips. What a good girl! Thank you for the sneak peak on Brody’s card. It looks like he put his best efforts into it. Don’t stress about things not done. Enjoy time with the whole family and love each other. That’s the spirit with which Christmas should be enjoyed. Prayers go up for Brody, the family and the vet staff in charge of his care. Sending positive thoughts your way! MERRY CHRISTMAS. Thanks for sharing everything.
Oh Ann, you are in my thoughts at this worrying time. Hoping it will be good news. And Muffy certainly is beautiful (but you may not want to tell her, in case she knows already!)
My dog saw Muffy getting her teeth brushed and ran and hid. He said he prefers to naw on his bone. Brody and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. I know the waiting is hard but I hope you find some joy in the season and don’t worry until you have something to worry about. I feel that Brody will be just fine. Merry Christmas!
Man you are the Dog Whisperer! I can’t even get a toothbrush near my dog – and I could never get one even in the room with her that made noise and moved! And a treadmill? Fabulous! And don’t worry – you are not alone – I have more cards to do today and yesterday I ordered a tray of cookies from the bakery! Crossing my fingers for Brody……
Tell Muffy she IS the Princess! Wish I could have gotten my dogs to let me brush their teeth. Never thought about a sonicare. Both your fur babies are beautiful. Can’t wait to see Brody’s card. Still have you all in my thoughts and prayers. Merry Christmas! Kathy
Ann, Please tell Muffy I enjoyed her tips. Loved the pictures of her getting her teeth brushed! I need to get on that treadmill.
Looking forward to Brody’s card! I could see he was working hard to get it just right.
Have fun making cookies today. I don’t think it is problem at all getting cards late. It just makes the occasion last longer!
My prayers are with all of you and especially with Brody. Give him a hug for me.
Enjoy your Christmas and don’t worry about anything. Worrying never changes the outcome! Enjoy today, tomorrow isn’t here yet.
I just love these twin tales. So cute and original. Thanks for sharing your beauty tips, Muffy. I need to join you on the treadmill! Praying for good news for Brody and can’t wait to see his card.
I can’t wait to see Brody’s card tomorrow! I’m sure it will be just as beautiful as Mom’s! And I love Muffy’s health and beauty tips, please tell her thanks so much for sharing with us! Have fun today baking with Brady and the Twins, those refrigerated dough cookies really aren’t bad! I’m not even going to get any of those made this year, much less homemade ones! As my friend says, Christmas is not about what’s under the tree, it’s all about who’s around the tree! Prayers continue for Brody and for you too for strength to get through these next few days. Sending hugs and love to all of you.
Sending you LOTS of love my friend and some (((HUGS))) too. Everything will be alright.
Hi Ann! It’s good to hear an update from you. My cards are going out late today or tomorrow too and cookies are not done. That is on the list though. Things get in the way and I think most people are very understanding. At least I hope so! Your twins are gorgeous, so shiny. Love all their pics and stories. Will have lots of prayers your way and especially on Wednesday next week. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and blessed holiday.
Too cute Ann!…Love what Brody and Muffy had to say. I can understand being late on cards and cookies with those 2 characters around! 😛
Ann, you have warmed our hearts with your sharing of the Twins antics! Enjoy your baking day with the family gathered close. Wishing you a continued blessed Christmas season…..
Ann, I am sending Muffy a tiara for Christmas. Although it wil be late…you are not the only one who didn’t get those cards out on time, my friend. She is a diva…and I mean that in the best way possible. I love that she tolerates the toothbrush. I have to pay people to brush the Schnauzer and the Terrier’s teeth. Sheesh!
Hugs to Brody! You are in my thoughts and prayers, Ann! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas. Big, HUGE hugs sent your way! 🙂
Wow – (don’t tell Brody) but I really do think Muffy got the looks in the family. All that white! I grew up showing horses and we called that “chrome.” (I’m not sure if they use that term in dogs as well). I keep praying for Brody, too. Have a lovely holiday!