Holiday Message and Buried Treasure

As I was walking the Twins in the hours shortly after midnight, I was invigorated by the cold, crisp Iowa air.  My gaze turned upward to a sky in which the stars were shining and brightly visible.  The night sky reminded me of my childhood growing up on the farm, where it seemed that you could always clearly see the stars in their celestial glory.  Although we may have been poor in terms of material goods, we were rich in those things which are truly valuable…family and friends.  

Christmases past were not about the presents or the tree…they were about family.  Grandmas and grandpas… aunts and uncles and cousins…my mother, my father and sister and brothers…would all join together during the holidays, sharing in a fellowship of love.

Although times have changed and many of those who shared these memories with me live on only in my heart, I realize that I am still blessed with a wonderful family…my blogging family.  We share…we care.  We form alliances and relationships.  We inspire…we encourage.  We  “lol” together…we cry together.  And so from my family to your family, we wish you a blessed holiday season and the happiest of New Years! May all your wishes come true!

I did not create a new card for today, but instead I wanted to share one from the archives which reflects the beauty of the season.  Until next time…


  1. I love your post and the beautiful card. Can you share with us what stamps and supplies you used? Thank you for sharing all your wonderful talents with us.

  2. Ann…thanks for your welcome to Pretty Pals…Your cards are gorgeous and I love the personalization on your blog…so much fun! Susan

  3. Ann this was beautifully said and the meaning of the message is so very true. hugs

  4. Wishing you and your family a wonderful and Blessed Holiday! Full of joy, rejoicing, and love.
    Paw hugs to the Twins from the girls and hope Santa Paws was good to the Twins.
    Thank you so much for your beautiful post and wonderful story of Christmas past.

  5. Merry Christmas Ann…I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. 🙂


  6. Blogger won’t let me view the card but your message painted a lovely picture for my heart to see. Merry Christmas Miss Ann to you and all those you share your home and heart with.

    Wicket and I had a quiet snuggly day of fellowship together. I waited up for midnight to see if she would talk…she foiled me again and only whispered in her sleep… {grin}

    Hugs and blessings.

  7. Hi Ann!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family! I hope you had a joyful day. What a peaceful card this is. Gorgeous! You are such a blessing. Wishing you much happiness in the new year.

  8. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  9. We are blessed by you! Thank you for just being you. 🙂

  10. Beautiful message and card. Nice to know that there are others that share my view about Christmas and family. Spent last evening with our son and wife and three sons at Christmas Eve services and today with them also. We are blessed with a wonderful family. Blessings to you and yours.

  11. Thank you for the beautiful Christmas message. It brought back memories for me also. I am so happy to be a part of your blog family. Please be careful walking so late at night, and be sure to get enough rest. Sounds like you are staying up late.

  12. Beautiful Ann. You inspire me with your art. You inspire me with your words, and you inspire me with your heart!

  13. Ann, you should be a writer. Your Christmas message is beautiful and reminded me a little of “The Waltons”. 🙂 Our Christmases at home were much simpler too. We had a wonderful day yesterday with our mothers, children and grandchildren. I feel very blessed to have a family with so much love and the friendship of the crafters here on the Internet!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  14. A beautiful card and a beautiful post Ann!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family! Wishing you LOTS of wonderful things in the new year…especially a FABULOUS time at Leadership!

  15. You said it all my friend!

    Be careful walking that late at night. We don’t want the kids getting picked up for violating curfew in West Burlington….trust me it happens! I was with a bunch of kids helping pass out political panphlets for Gov Ray at the time. The West Burlington cops hauled us off to the police station (it was like 8:00) and called our parents! I think we were standing by Hagerla’s grocery and they didn’t care that we were doing that. I guess we were just too close to the police station and they saw us. Man, that was a long time ago, but I will always remember it.

    Anyway, hope you are having a good Christmas Day and are munching on your slice and bake cookies and all that good stuff! Happy holidays to you and your family.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  16. Beautiful card, beautiful message, beautiful friend…Merry Christmas Ann! ((hugs))

  17. Dear Anne,
    You are a true artist! in your words and in your designs.

    Bless you

  18. This card has always been one of my favorites. Thanks for re-visiting it.

    What a beautiful and special post. I’m sure many of us are thinking of times and loved ones past. Thank you for being part of the present.

    From my family and home to yours–Merry Christmas!

  19. Thanks, Ann, that is so lovely. Hope you have a happy Christmas and all the best in 2012.

  20. Sending Merry Christmas greetings from PA, Ann. We celebrated with my husbands family last night and today our son and his family will come for our family celebration. I just love Christmastime .

  21. Merry Christmas Ann and Family. May your Christmas be one of new fond memories. Blessing for the New Year.

  22. That is one of the nicest posts I have ever read, Ann. At this time of year when we are reflecting on the good things and loved ones in our life, I want you to know how grateful I am for the joy that your blog has given me all year long. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Kathy in AZ

  23. Ann, you have such a beautiful soul. I wish you and your family happiness and joy and your Christmas bright. I celebrated with my family last night, Great Grandma and Papa, my brother and his family, and my children, their spouses and of course my wonderful grandchildren. This morning, it’s brunch and gift opening and then a day relaxation. Take care.

  24. A Blessed Christmas and Holiday to you, as well!!!

  25. Such a wonderful post! I grew up in Maine and we could always see the stars too. I have some wonderful memories of Christmas past. I wish you and your family a blessed day and a New Year filled with peace and happiness.

  26. Merry Christmas Ann~ So glad I found your blog and all the inspiration you create! Looking forward 2012~

  27. Ann, that is the most beautiful message. So well put, touching and vulnerably honest. It was a kind message to give out. I’m sure many people have no one today and your message will be their “someone!” God bless you! And I loved your card then as I do now. May your heart continue to be full with those wonderful memories. Let them dance around your tree this morning as surely those people who live on are dancing around you and with each other! xox

  28. Thank you Ann for a beautiful message that says everything about what Christmas really is. We will spend the day with family and I will miss those who are no longer with us but they will be there in my heart. I wish you and your family a most wonderful and Blessed Christmas and look forward to hearing more about the Twins and Brady and seeing all your beautiful creations in the New Year. Love and Hugs!

  29. Lovely and meaningful post!

  30. You expressed so beautifully what a special place Christmas has in most of our lives. The memories of family and friends, both here and those who have passed on, are what keeps it alive the older you get. May you and your family enjoy a blessed holiday and a new year filled with love and peace.

  31. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Ann. Please give the twins a big Christmas hug for me.

  32. Amen!!! Merry Christmas dear Ann!! I hope you all have a wonderful, love filled day…which lasts for a whole year! Bloggy hugs!

  33. Thank you for such beautiful words Ann ~ your card is absolutely stunning ~ and i wish you a Very Merry Christmas and blessings in the New Year!

  34. Beautiful post – brings back many memories. Quiet day for Hubby and I too. Church then home for a quiet lunch. Our Family celebration is over and now the Kids are celebrating with their families and grand children. Merry Christmas.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. What a beautiful post! Wishing you a very Blessed Christmas, too! Today will be a quiet one for Bob and I. Our family has all been here and now it is just us two again. But it was a wonderful time. Going to Mass here soon and then relax today. Merry Christmas!

  37. Beautiful – the card, the message, your serene soul! Merry Christmas.

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