Brody News

Hey…did you see that?  That was me doing the “Happy Dance”.  I had so many of you emailing to ask how Brody is doing that I am going to write a very short post to let you know that he is home and is sleeping. The bump on his lip is no more!  After looking at it up close and personal, both of his vets feel that all will be fine! We will know for certain early next week. 

In this picture you can’t even tell where the bump was located because his upper jowls are covering over it.  But doesn’t he look like one loopy puppy!  Until next time…


  1. Bless his sweet heart. Shotsy has a growth (size of a small pea and jet black) on his upper lip. He’s had it for about 4 years. My vet says it is just a benign growth and no need to do anything about it. He said that where it is located, if surgery was performed, he would constantly lick it and infection would be more of a concern. So we just call it his beauty mark. I’m glad Brody’s was nothing to worry about. He is so gorgeous. . .Hugs, Curt

  2. sounds good! But, keep us posted! Love your cards and your dogs!

  3. I am so happy for all of you. Our dogs are truly part of the family. I have a service dog that has saved my life twice due to diabetes. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for her. Give Brody a big hug from me.

  4. Ann – Thanks for the update. Glad to hear it sounds like great news!! Happy New Year to the entire family!!!

  5. Glad to hear it! Have an 11 yr old Boxer boy, and have been there. Hugs to you all!

  6. Oh Ann, I am soooo glad things went well with the surgery. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I know this is weighing heavily on your heart!

  7. Sorry I have been absent for so long. Christmas time has been a whirlwind both good and not so good as I see it has been the same for you. I just got caught up on reading all your posts about the Twins. Glad to read Brody is doing good. My kids arrived from Houston and Boston. My 3-yr old grandson sure has tons of energy, can be stubborn or very loving, and constantly talking and asking questions. On Christmas night took Mom to the ER. She has now been admitted to a nursing home as she needs more care than I can give. After living here the past 4 years the house is so quiet tonight as kids have all returned home. I might have more stamping time now, but have to wait till the “mood” strikes. Dar

  8. With all of us doing the “Happy Dance” Mother Nature became a bit confused and we just had a big rain shower! Not that I am complaining since it is a lot better than a ton of snow and not cold enough to freeze – but it is a bit strange.

    Hugs to all and a Happy New Year!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  9. So glad to hear you had good news about Brody!!! That has to be a great belated Christmas present!!! Brody looks like he is about as relaxed as they come. 🙂

  10. I’m always happy to hear good news like this, Ann. Thanks so much for sharing! And I *thought* I heard tap dancing…;)

  11. WHOOFHOOFDEEDOO! I’m so excited I could run up and down the hallway 80 times – but then I would get too excited and sneeze inside out and “they” (and you know who I mean Brody) would not like it!

    My turn Miss Daisy (you go rest and take care so you don’t get David up 8 times tonight like last night)! Oh Ann I am so excited and happy about this news. If I were you right now I would be stamping up a storm with every card having smiles on them everywhere! Take care you two (actually you five) Happy New Year and thanks for blessing my day. :))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  12. Phew, such a relief. Hopefully you can sleep a little easier now and enjoy the New Year. So pleased for you.

  13. That is great news!

  14. Hallelujah, Ann!!! So happy for you and for Brody. Hope you are doing well and getting some much needed rest. (Hugs to you!)

  15. Great news Ann. I thought about you all day yesterday, wondering how you and Brody were doing. A late Christmas present!
    Happy New Year, Karen

  16. Ann what great news! I’m sure that will take a LOAD off your back, mind and anything else. hugs.

  17. Ann, I am so happy for you, on many accounts. This is great news…you must be so relieved…not only because of his being a show dog, but moreso because I know your babies are like your real babies! How could they not be the way you treat them, and “especially” the way they talk to you, with such “attitude”. You have to love them for that!!!! Phew. Love and a Big Hug. Samara

  18. WOOT! Oh my friend, I am SO happy for you!!! And Brody too!

  19. So happy for you, Ann! I am sure that you will continue that dance next week as well. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that we are truly blessed!
    Happy New Year!

  20. Oh Ann, I am so happy for all of you. What a wonderful way to start the new year!!!

  21. Hi Ann Happy dance is going on over here with the Girls and I!!!! Such wonderful news for the Schach household!!!
    Extra hugs and paw hugs to all!!!
    Brody looks so cute in the pic.!

    (my first reply to the post didn’t print sorry)

  22. SUPER news! What a great way to end 2011! Thanks so much for the update.

  23. I know this is going to make your New Year much happier. Thanks for sharing the good news and that sweet pic.

  24. Ann that’s fantastic news – hugs and happy dance here in Michigan too. Have a wonderful happy new year.
    Julie V

  25. That’s great news, Ann!

  26. Praise the Lord!!!

  27. Woo! Hoo! What wonderful news Ann! The Goldens and I are doing the Happy Dance for you too! I know you are so relieved! My mind was on both of you all day yesterday and your blog was the first thing I went to this morning to see how Brody was. Now you can enjoy the rest of the holiday and not have to worry! Hugs to all of you!

  28. Yeah!!! I knew everything would turn out fine, I just had a feeling. I know you are soooo relieved. Hugs to Brody and Muffy.

  29. What a blessing and what a picture! I’d spend all day kissing that big face instead of making cards. He is so handsome! Happy dance here too Ann.

  30. So glad you received promising news! I was worried there for a moment! Congrats!

  31. So happy for all of you! I’ll dance with you too!

  32. That is wonderful news.
    Happy for all of you.
    Now Brody, you get plenty of rest so that you can celebrate come New Years Eve and ring in the New Year

  33. Hallo Ann,

    wonderful news.
    I wish you and your family a Happy New Year.
    hugs and smiles Conny
    P.S. hugs to Brody

  34. Ann, this is wonderful news for you and Brody. Woohoo! Hugs all around.

  35. Christmas miracles happen to Brody too. 🙂


  36. Woohoo! Happy dance all around! ((hugs))

  37. Fabulous news, Ann! I’m doing the happy dance too with the Whippets! Have a great evening!

  38. That’s wonderful news, Ann! Big hugs to you and Brody!

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