A Peek at The Players, Brady News, and The Winner Is…

It’s Saturday, and time for The Paper Players peek.  As you can see, tomorrow’s card has both dry and heat embossing,  plus pearls!  I hope that you join me for the reveal on Sunday!  Jaydee has prepared a fabulous challenge for us.  And don’t forget to stop by to see the talented stampers selected as our Headliner and Cuts Above!

And the Winner is…

I want to thank all of you for the comments you have left the past two days.  You will never know how much your kind comments mean to me.  However, there can only be one winner. The all-powerful random number generator has spoken.  This little cutie will be traveling to #65 Christyne!  Here is what Christyne had to say: 

I keep telling myself that I don’t need yet ANOTHER Christmas set, but every time I see something created with THIS set, I’m SO tempted!  Your card may be the one that puts me over the edge – LOL! Well done!

Christyne, just email your address to me and I will bundle up this little gal and send her to her new home!  And if you didn’t win this time around, don’t despair!  I am cooking up more candy for the near future!

Brady Wins!

Those of you who are regular followers of The Stampin’ Schach know that my son, Brady, is a trumpet performance major.  He does indeed toot a mean horn!  He texted me late Friday afternoon to let me know that he was a winner in Western Illinois University’s Concerto Competition.  Brady played Jolivet’s Concertino por Trompette.  Brady will be a featured soloist with the university’s orchestra next semester.  Brady celebrates his birthday today…and what a fabulous gift this was! 

But wait…there’s more! Brady advanced in the Music Teachers National Association Young Artists Competition.  He will represent the state of Illinois when he travels to Western Michigan University in January.  (And boy do we need to get some new pictures taken!)

That’s it for now! The Twins and I will be off to pick up Brady for Thanksgiving break.  He performs with the Quincy (IL) Symphony Orchestra this afternoon, so the Twins and I will be making a longer road trip than usual. Until next time…


  1. Oh my I know your heart is swelling with pride!!! Congratulations Brady “Bravo”
    Hey Ann can we hear some of his music(Please, Please, Please) My honey really likes the trumpet! Classical and Jazz

  2. Congrats to Brady (wonderful achivements and recognition!) and looking forward to seeing your card tomorrow!

  3. I’m looking forward to your card tomorrow. It looks quite elegant. I love the dry embosssing with the het embossing. What a beatiful combination.


  4. A huge congratulations to Brady. It sounds as though he is a very gifted musician. You must be so very proud of him.

    I love the photo of Brady. He is so handsome and I love the way he posed.

    I hope that you and your family all have a wonderful Thanksgiving day together.


  5. I enjoyed reading about your son’s accomplishments. I am sure you are one proud mama! D

  6. I am major excited for your family. Congratulations Brady and looking forward to hearing how you do in the next level of competition. I feel a symphony horn player comin’ on to go along with his fabulous stampin’ momma!

    Miss Daisy is jealous – she wants to go along too to pick up Brady for Thanksgiving.

    PS: Can’t wait to see that card tomorrow!

  7. Happy Birthday and Congratulations to Brady!

    Safe travels today.

  8. Kudos to Brady; I imagine he put in many, many hours of practice leading to these honors. Ddo his artistic and creative genes come from Mom? Your peek looks interesting as usual. Looking forward to it. Wow, and road trip with the twins – what fun!!

  9. Although I don’t always comment, Ann, your blog is the one I most anticipate each morning (and Jaydee’s each evening). I will always remember your quick and thorough response when I first started reading and had a newbie’s question.

    I get great inspiration from you, whether it’s a new twist on a layout, a novel use for a stamp, or your excellent instructions for techniques.

    Congratulations to your human kid today for his many accomplishments. I surely do with I were close enough to hear him play. Have a truly blessed Thanksgiving (as we in Manitoba settle down with our first major snowfall).

  10. How wonderfully proud you have to be (and Brady should be of himself)! Amazing accomplishments indeed! Looks like you have used one of my favorite sets for tomorrow’s card. Can’t wait to see it!

  11. Congratulations to Brady. You must be so proud of him Ann. I am sure that you will enjoy your time with him. Can’t wait to see what you have done with the embossing and pearls. Hugs

  12. Kuddos to Brady! He out trumps (trumpets) his furry siblings in news this weekend! Such a proud mom to be able to toot your own horn! Sorry, couldn’t resist! My comments are always way down so nobody hardly reads them anyway.

    Love the little peek – looks crisp and clean!

    Have a safe trip with the twins to pick up Brady. Have a great Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  13. Congrats and happy bday to Brady!

  14. What a wonderful thing to have so many “winners” in one household! Congratulations to Brady! Happy Thanksgiving to you, Ann. Thank you for what you give to all of us during the year! I know we are all grateful that you share your beautiful work with us!
    Congratulations, Christyne-you are a lucky gal to receive such a great card!
    Will look forward to the new card reveal.
    Diane G.

  15. Wow, big congrats to Brady!!

    Have a great weekend! 😀

  16. Congrats to Brady.
    Can’t wait to see your card tomorrow. TFS

  17. Congrats to Chrystine! You are one lucky lady!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Brady and Congratulations on your amazing accomplishments.
    Ann ~ Hope you get to take some time with you precious family to enjoy and celebrate Thanksgiving together even if that means we don’t hear from you for a day or so. You are a faithful poster and we are faithful followers. We can wait a day or so. 🙂 We have so very much to give Thanks and Praise for! Blessings.

  18. Wow! What a handsome and talented young man. He is so gifted, and you and your
    husband should be very proud. Congratulations to all of you.

  19. First of all Happy Birthday to Brady. Fabulous news. Congratulations to him. I can only imagine how proud you must be. Thanksgiving will be a big celebration day for your family. Enjoy!

    Looking forward to your reveal tomorrow.

  20. Congratulations to Brady! What an accomplishment and what an amazing birthday gift!

  21. Wow so much excitement for your holdiay celebration! Congratulations to Brady on ALL his accomplishments at such a young age. So exciting!
    congrats to Christyne for winning the cutest little card ever… a Schach Original as I call them.
    Can’t wait to see the reveal of the new one peeking out in the sneek peek……those pretty pearls are making me drool, Hugs.

  22. Congratulations Brady that is awesome news. Ann, you must be so very proud of him. We are very close to WMU and would love to hear to him play, please let me know the date and if it will be open to the public.
    The card looks wonderful – I can’t wait to see another great creation.
    Julie V

  23. Congratulations to Brady! I’m sure your family is very proud of him. And Happy Birthday to him……that really was a great birthday present!

    Can’t wait to see the rest of your card!

  24. Ann

    That is fabulous news about your trumpet player! Wish him a happy birthday and a congrats from a fellow trumpet player Mom!

  25. Congratulations Christyne on winning that beautiful card.

    Brady; Happy Birthday 2 U and CONGRATULATIONS.

    Ann, your sneak peek card looks lovely and I’m wondering, could it be another step card.
    I know, I know, gotta wait till tomorrow to find out, so I’ll be back to see the big reveal.

    Have a wonderful day and better day tomorrow.

  26. Congratulations Brady! What an awesome achievement! I know you worked very hard to win those honors!

    Looking forward to seeing the reveal tomorrow! Have a safe trip with the Twins to pick up Brady!

  27. Congrats to Chrystine!

    What an honor for Brady! You’ve gotta be in proud momma mode w/ a smile that just doesn’t come off! It takes a lot of dedication to do what he’s done….and it all starts at home with a great support base…..so kuddos to you too mom!! 🙂

  28. Congrats to Brady – what an honor! I can’t imagine how many hours of practice he has put in!

  29. What wonderful news about Brady! Lots of congrats to him.

    Can’t wait to see your card tomorrow!

  30. Congratulations Brady…what an outstanding accomplishment!!!!
    Let me know when in Jan.he is here in good ole Mi. As he will not be that far away from our home. I would love to hear him play!
    Oh yes….your card looks to be another one I am going to put in my filling cabnet for casing!

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