It’s hard to believe that it is already Wednesday and time to take a peek at this week’s Pals Paper Arts card. It’s a pretty big peek, but hopefully you will still be a little surprised when you join me for the reveal on Thursday! It does include something that I have never done before. Hmmm….what could that be? You will just have to check in and see! So until next…
What…Muffy quit pawing at my arm. I am almost done with today’s post and then…
Muffy: But Mom, I want to type on the ‘puter. I haven’t got to type on the ‘puter for a long time.
Mom: What do you want to say, Muffy?
Muffy: I want to show people the pretty pictures of me.
Brody: I want to show people pretty pictures of ME!
Muffy: That would be impossible Brody because you aren’t pretty!
Brody: MOM…
Mom: Brody, you are just going to have to learn to stand up for your own rights.
Brody: But I can’t, Mom. Muffy is the alpha dog.
Mom: Well, Brody, you do have a good point. Muffy definitely is the alpha dog between you two.
Muffy: Yeah, I’m the alpha. Just like Mom is the alpha over Dad. Girls are always the alphas, aren’t they Mom?
Mom: That may be the case in our household, Muffy, but I let Dad think he is the alpha. It just makes life easier.
Brody: I’m gonna tell! I’m gonna tell Dad that he isn’t really the alpha and that you are just make believin’!
Mom and Muffy: NO YOU WILL NOT!!!
Brody: OK…OK…I was joking.
Muffy: Oh just grow up, Brody.
Brody: I’m trying, Muffy. But I don’t have any control over that. I already weigh over 65 pounds. But I don’t have a chest yet. My butt is getting bigger, but it is not as big as yours, “Muffy Big-Butt”.
Muffy: I meant don’t be so immature!
Brody: That is so gross, Muffy. I am not “in manure”. That is just about as gross as when you had the yukky dead squirrel tail in your mouth and Mom rinsed your mouth out with the special mouth-cleaner juice for our teeth. She was mad at you. I told you not to bring it in the house.
Muffy: Yeah…well I told you not to tear up Mom’s address book that she left on the table.
Brody: She would never have missed it if you wouldn’t have brought her torn up pieces of it.
Muffy: Yes she would have, Brody. Do you think Mom is an idiot?
Brody: Huh??? Do I think that Mom is a what?
Muffy: Don’t you ever listen? I said, “Do you think Mom is an idiot?”
Brody: I’m sorry Muffy. I can’t hear you. What was that last part?
Mom: Muffy Lin…I heard that! It’s straight to the crate for you!
Brody: Now who’s in manure, Muffy! And now I can type on the ‘puter!
Muffy: Try it, Big Foot! You can’t hit the right keys.
Brody: ifrrauyr wbcpt owun’ pfdsj kgriu oqwk
(This is a beautiful picture of me on the day I earned my United Kennel Club “Champion” title. The judd thought I looked so handsome. She is smiling at me.)
Brody: doqwrenjvdfpoqwubgdf-[goihwerugq=
(This is a picture of ugly Muffy when she won her “Champion” title the day before. I am sure that the judd felt sorry for her. He looks like he is in shock because she is so ugly.)
Brody: 592wkvoin4n’dfjvbn’qw[fmnweoq[/
(This is a picture of both of us. I am the beautiful one. Muffy is the ugly one. I am with Michelle the Handler and Muffy is with my good friend, Marie. She is Michelle’s helper. Michelle has a big smile on her face because she gets to hold my leash. I think Marie looks unhappy because she has to hold ugly Muffy.)
Brody: ri0409eivnwloe0595y2hnwllovi-02
(Mom says I have to get off the ‘puter now. See you next time.)
Oh my goodness, aren’t they ever gorgeous! Congrats to both of the babies!
Your card is gorgeous! Love the simple elegance and a touch of vintage charm. I had to stare at it a few minutes, LOVE it! Love the lacey bow. I’ve never tried a step card before, it’s on my to do list. 🙂
I’m still chuckling at those two and their antics! Ann, how in the world do you keep up with them? I have a tough time with my 2 boys and they are 1/3 their size. They are both so beautiful. Hide the Color Spritzer…you font want it to get the same punishment that the address book received. Ha Ha!
I’ve missed hearing from the twins. Oh, they are beautiful dogs. And congratulations to both for their Championship wins. It’s good to see Brody “manuring”; he’s getting good at holding his own with Muffy.
Ann, your peek shows, pearls, lace ribbon and a tree. I am sure that the whole card will be stunning. I love to hear from Brody and Muffy. Their stories are so personable and make me laugh out loud. They are doing super at their Championships
Congratulations Twins!
Brody, you sure are handsome and Michelle must have felt very honored to hold your leash.
Muffy, you look prettier every time I see a new picture.
Ann, can’t wait to see the full card and find out what you never tried before!
Wow that Brody is a big guy ! They are both beautiful!
Congrats to both Muffy and Brody! Love the doggy conversation.
I really can’t wait to see this card tomorrow! Looks like a wonderful one!
Wow, Ann – hmm, what technique have you not tried yet? I’ve learned and tried so many new things because of you so I’m really curious now!!! LOL
Love the Twin Talk – it’s been ages since I’ve heard their news and love Brody’s interpretation of it all. And it’s amazing to see the difference between the two of them when you see them side by side – wow!
I’m so behind on your blog. My Google Reader feed somehow wasn’t giving me your blog in my subscription for the last week (along with others) so I’m in the weeds right now. I don’t know if I’ll ever catch up at this point! Hope all is well with you guys!
Ann your puppies are absolutely gorgeous! What I couldn’t miss was how their back paws were JUST on the edge of the stand, and how much confidence that must take for them to do that each time! I love the pic of the two of them…it really shows their individuality, even though their twin-ship is the truth of them. And of course, each chapter of your book gets better and better! Waiting… The handler, Michelle, wow, what a moment(s) of pride for someone of her profession to see her accomplishments right in front of her. There must be nothing better! You can see the pure joy on her face! She looks SO natural with them…and they with her. They sound like such whipper snappers at home but so majestic “when in public!” Oh, aren’t we all!!! haha I shall await this card with your ‘never tried this before.’ Now that will be exciting to see! Divine Love, Samara
I can’tfigure out what you haven’t done before either so I will definitely be checking in tomorrow to see! It sure looks interesting as well as pretty!
Congrats to the twins – what beauties! Muffy and the dead squirrel – I bet Brody told on her as well as she told on Brody and the address book! Definitely sibling rivalry at it’s best!
Thanks for giving me a giggle for the day!
Chris R. from Iowa
Thanks for the twin update. Very cute, and oh so accurate! LOL
Trying to figure out what you HAVEN’T DONE! I’m sure it will be interesting.
Surely get a kick out of your “Dog Tails”…that would be a good title for your clever stories you could record in a book. Congrats to the twins.
Diane G.
Love reading posts from Brody and Muffy. The pictures are great. Congrats to both of them. Can’t help but laugh when you read their posts.
The peek looks great. Can’t wait to find out what you did for the first time!
Love the conversation and the pictures! They are truly beautiful dogs! It seems with my cats too, that the female is dominant. They tend to have stronger personalities.
Ann I love the peek so far… color/tree/lace/???
I can’t even imagine that there is something you haven’t done! Will be so excited to see what it could be.
The twins look handsome/beautiful with their awards… I always enjoy these stories and their chats back and forth. So fun – except the part about tearing up an address book.. aawww bummer.
Ann, have you ever considered writing children books? Your gentle wit needs a greater audience! The twin stories are always so amusing. Great pictures; congrats on the wins.
Now, what have you not done before! I can hardly wait… 🙂
love the beautiful sneak peak! So pretty. Congrats to the twins!
Thanks for the smile this morning after reading your creative writing. I’m sure if the dogs could really talk, that’s what they would be saying. Lace bow and looks like a red colored pearl on the tree–looking forward to the reveal tomorrow.
Hi Ann! Can’t wait to see what you have never tried before with the card. Love your twins and their beautiful pics!
Congrats to the twins! I can’t wait to see them over Thanksgiving. The reveal will tell all – I can hardly wait! Your sneak peeks just keep me coming back!
Love to read the hilarious antics of you puppies. And I love your cards. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Your Boxer babies crack me up. In manure? Too funny! Your card looks lovely, can’t wait to see the reveal.
this is just too funny Ann-the twins are both beautiful dogs
Love the pics of the twins. They are both beautiful dogs. Congrats on their Championship status! Can’t wait to see the card!
Pearls, and speckles, and crocheted trim! OH! MY! Looking forward to the reveal, Ann!
Your furbabies are beautiful and their tales are always a joy to read. Have a blessed day!
I am loving the peek and can’t wait to see what it is that you’ve not done before!
I am sitting here laughing hysterically at the Twins! They are so funny! Congratulations to both of them on their Championship wins! Brody definitely is a big boy! They are both beautiful!
Oh I love seeing the pictures of the Twins. Brody is a big boy!!! To see them side by side you can really see the difference.
Congrats to both of the Twins..the furbabies over here will have a treat in their honor. They also send tail wags to the Champs!
I love the peek and can hardly wait for the reveal! It is a good thing I am busy today so I won’t get too anxious.