A Peek at the Pals and The Twins

It’s time for a quick peek at my Pals Paper Arts inspiration card.  It’s a style that for lack of a better name, I will call “Sparkly Grunge”! I hope that you will join me Thursday for the reveal!  In the meantime, check out this week’s Pals Artist Picks!

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Waiting for Santa

The Twins love it when I sing to them. Sometimes Muffy will even join along.  I think she is an alto.  As we were cleaning house Tuesday afternoon, I was singing holiday songs, changing the words slightly to be more “puppy-friendly”.  There were no problems with “Bark the Herald Angels Sing”.  But the moment I broke into “Here comes Santa Dog! Here comes Santa Dog…”  off to the window they flew, expecting him to be coming right down Santa Dog Lane.  It took me several minutes to convince them that there really wasn’t anybody coming to visit.  Luckily I had my camera so that I could capture the moment. Arghh!  Puppies!!!  Until next time…


  1. WOW!!! Another stunner! Love all the elements you added to make this card Pop! ….and what a cute story about you pups!…They are too cute!


  2. Love your ‘twins’!!! Love your cards too, but as a dog lover also I really enjoy your dogs.

  3. These two are just adorable!

  4. I am so laughing and so relating to what you do with your sweet, beautiful babies!!!! OMGosh! I was just telling “the boys” this morning that it is almost time for “Santa Schnauzer” to come and bring them presents! LOL I too sing Christmas songs in “dog friendly” terms. “The first Schnauzer”, “I’m dreaming of a Schnauzer Christmas”, and the ever popular “Here Comes Schnauzer Dogs”. LOL I could go on and on. They too join in and sing along. God what would our lives be like without them? Thanks for making me feel I’m not so crazy after all! Hugs, Curt

  5. That story is SO FUNNY! Love the photo!

  6. Oh my stars – I major love this picture of the twins! We learned a long time ago not to say those little words as they elicit a lot of barking and a very excited doggie!

    Woof, woof – yippee – someone is here – 🙁 nobody is here. Back to sleep! 🙂

    Thanks for major blessing my day. 🙂

  7. Ha! I love the puppy friendly song idea! I’m going to be trying that one out on Petey!

  8. Your card peek looks very interesting today! Very sparkly!

    Love the photo of the twins. Precious!

  9. LOL! Your pups are so cute!!!

    Loving the thought and “peek” into sparkley gunge!!!! It’s looking fabby so far……..

  10. The story about the twins looking out the window looking for santa is hysterical. They look so adorable together. You captured a wonderful moment of the two of them together.I am looking forward to seeing your card tomorrow.


  11. Sparkly grunge? Love it and look forward to seeing the card tomorrow.

    Your pups are always so amusing but Muffy an alto? Good for her! I immediately had a great image of her on stage singing, er, howling an operatic piece…anyway it sure gave me a good chuckle.

    Your photo of the two of them peering out the window is adorable! Thanks for sharing the cute story and that sweet image.

  12. What a cute story Ann! I just love that pic of Muffy and Brody looking for Santa Dog! They are two smart pooches! I have a funny story about our new rescued Golden-the foster home she was in had a doorbell and when it rang she would run to the door and bark. A couple of days after she was here my cell phone gave a little chime to let me know I had a new email message and she thought it was the doorbell and ran to the door barking! They really keep us entertained, don’t they? lol

    Can’t wait to see the “sparkly grunge” tomorrow!

  13. Oh so cute! They obviously love visitors!

  14. LOL – love the view of Brody and Muffy looking eagerly for Santa! Now, they just have 25 more days to go…

    That sneak peek looks so tantalizing – can’t wait until the reveal tomorrow, Ann!

  15. I would have suggested “glittery grunge!” Is Brody bigger than Muffy now – or taller, sort of hard to tell by the photo. You could always sing “Fleas (Feliz) Navidad with them! “Bark the Herald Angels Sing” is a definite! Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Looking forward to the full reveal.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  16. That is a hilarious story! Great photo, too!

    This card promises to be elegant..and sparkly! How can you go wrong???

  17. Love that picture! How cute! Looking forward to seeing what that card looks like. The peek is very interesting.

  18. Oh you can sing too? My you are a very talented lady!! If I sing the “Girls” look like they are in pain and so does anyone that is in ear shot. lol
    Brody sure is a big boy! They look adorable.
    Your card has my attendtion! I can’t wait to see all of it.

  19. Ann LOVE your new “sparkly grunge” term and I can’t wait to see it. I can just ‘hear’ you singing your doggy tunes too… too funny. I just know I’m going to think of that when I’m singing tunes the end of next week with my grandkids!

  20. Hmmmmm can’t wait to see what’s up here! your two pups look like they see the SU courier person on delivery to your house!!!! TY for your comment. Ann, I clicked about me on your blog and didn’t get anything…not even Pearly Ann! lol Vintage here we come! Yipee. Spirited Love to you. Samara

  21. Ann, you make me smile with your stories about the twins. Love the determined focus they have in that photo. Can’t wait to see the big reveal of your card tomorow. It looks like it’s going to be fantastic! 🙂

  22. Wow–can’t wait for tomorrow!

    Glad you and the Twins can turn house cleaning into fun time.

  23. I just chuckle with you and the twins and the funny stories! LOL!
    AND as far as the sneak peek ,OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it’s going to be a beauty !
    Susan B.

  24. The picture and the story are so precious! And the card looks promising. I can’t wait to see it tomorrow.

  25. LOL I love it! You should write a book with the Twin stories. 🙂 Still chuckling over Santa Dog Lane. When I sing to the kitties, they look at me with pained expressions hoping that I’ll stop soon.

  26. I sing to my dogs too and read to them as well! Yep, I change the word to doggy words. Mine would have done the same thing. One time my husband came in the front door and announced, “the Bagels are here” and the dogs ran to the front door!
    If we say do you want to go to the doctor or go get a bath, they get soooo excited! If we say, do you want to go for a walk, they hide!!
    Love my pups too!

  27. U R so funny; I think all dog owners think alike!!

  28. They are too cute.

  29. I agree with Angie, your pups are a hoot! What an awesome photo and story Ann. Looking forward to seeing your card tomorrow. Have a great day.

  30. Those puppies are a hoot…and so very talented!
    I’m excited to see your card and can hopefully play with the PPA this week.

  31. Oh my gosh! The twins (and their Mommy) are just too funny. And the card snippet? Well I am anxiously awaiting the reveal tomorrow. I already see I am going to be completely enthralled in the details of this card.

  32. The twins must keep you in stitches. I can’t wait to see your full “reveal” of the card.

  33. The twins are so cute! That is so funny!

  34. Can’t wait to see the whole card! Those dogs are hilarious! Love the picture of them eagerly looking for “Santa Dog”!

  35. Is there anything cuter than little puppy faces waiting expectantly?? What a great picture. Looking forward to the new card as always.

  36. The twins are so funny, and SO SMART! I love reading about them almost as much as your projects!!

  37. Very interested to see what your “sparkly grunge” will look like. Hmmm, any pearls? Love the photo of the twins. My older son was a clarinet player through high school and our boxer always sang along with him. We always enjoy watching those videos and getting a big chuckle.

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