It’s time for this week’s peek at my Pals Paper Arts Design Team card. I will tell you that I am in my element this week. Hmmm…what could that be? Let me know what you think it is, in today’s comment! Join me for tomorrow’s reveal to see if you guessed correctly! In the meantime, why not stop by to see who are this week’s Pals Artist Picks!
With Thanksgiving just a day away here in the States, I find myself reflecting upon so many things for which I am thankful. I am blessed with a wonderful husband who is supportive of all of my endeavors. I am blessed to have a talented son who makes me proud in so many ways. I am blessed to have the Twins, who never fail to entertain me with their crazy antics.
And I am blessed to have the most wonderful group of stamping friends. In my “previous life” as a teacher, I loved my interactions with my students. I loved helping them reach their potential. I loved introducing them to a new realm of knowledge. I loved serving as an inspiration to them. In my retirement, you have allowed me to continue doing what I love to do…teaching, inspiring and “challenging” individuals to step outside of their comfort zone and grow. With your kind comments and sweet words, you lift my spirits day after day. For this, I will forever be grateful…
In closing on this Thanksgiving Eve, I would like to share Brady’s winning Concerto Competition performance with you. But I warn you…if you are looking for a melodic and lyrical piece, this is not the selection for you. It is modern and discordant. This composition was selected for it’s level of technical difficulty and to showcase his skill. Until next time…
Don’t forget the Online Extravaganza going on now! Click HERE to see a list of everything on sale. Ready to make your purchase? Click HERE to order SU! 27/7!
Wow you sure are lucky to have such a talented son! My cat is on love With brady! She rubed her cute face against my iPhone the whole Time!
Catching up on some blog surfing today. Wow, wow, wow – Brady certainly plays a mean horn. I’m very impressed with his talent; it’s obvious why he won the competition. You have every reason to be proud. Congrats to him. He deserved a standing “O”.
Just had the opportunity to listen to your son’s performance. Wow, what talent! Brady certainly should do well in the future and his accompanist as well. They are such a great duo. Thanks for sharing!
Diane G.
Amazing peek!
Even though I have been told I am full of hot air – I couldn’t even play one note! I know Brady the Boy has had eons of practice but this is just beyond amazing! Wish we could have seen the facial features too. The guy playing the piano is pretty amazing too! Great job and thanks for sharing this piece with us!
Have a happy and safe holiday.
Chris R. from Iowa
Ann, Brady truly delivered a fantastic performance! WOW! Thanks for sharing the video. Congratulations to him!
Your card looks fabulous, as ever! Can’t wait for the reveal. Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving with your family tomorrow! Big hugs! 🙂
Wow – what an amazing performer Brady is! Congratulations to him on all of his accomplishments (as well to you and your husband for nourishing and guiding him to this point).
Can’t wait to see your reveal tomorrow – it will be top notch, as always! Happy Thanksgiving, Ann!
Your son truly has a lot of talent. Congrats to him!
Can’t wait to see the rest of this interesting peek. Will look for it tomorrow!
Wow! That Brady is quite a performer! Thanks for sharing that; I love the sound of the trumpet (well, as long as I’m not the one trying to play it…that can be scary!). Love the sneak peak; I can’t figure out if it is regular embossing or emboss resist. Can’t wait to see it as it looks like Day of Gratitude might be involved. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving my friend! Hugs!
The music gave in goosebumps (in a good way). It was such an awesome performance. I really admire his talent and know that talent requires lots of long hours of practice and study.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. May we all remember all our many blessings and to always give thanks. D
Wow! What a talent! He is so impressive and, that was a dificult piece. I am thankful for you and your blog. It really brightens my days to see your creations and to hear from you. I am guessing that coloring pearls and distressing are your “element” in stamping.
Thank you for blessing my life and gracing our home with your beautiful art. As I put out the Christmas decorations, your snowman card with be which I was privileged to win (woohoo) will be displayed for all to see.
Woof, woof – me too! Now if that card falls on the floor – it is fair game, right?! Oops – just heard a very loud NO!
Thanksgiving blessings to you and your family!
I didn’t know that a trumpet could make so many wonderful sounds. He is amazing Ann! You have every right to be a proud Mama!
Ann, can’t wait to see the full reveal on your card.
I listened to your son’s performance. He is one talented young man!!!
I think I can safely say that all of us are very thankful for you. You are great inspiration to all of us who follow you whether we are new to making cards or have been doing it for a length of time.
I am thinking we will see some distressing and use of the color spritzer on this card! I already love what I see, especially the red pearls, I can only imagine how stunning this is!
Brady’s performance was awesome, what a talented young man you have there! Very much like his Mom!
Ann, thank you so much for giving so much of yourself and sharing your wonderful talent and creativity with us! You truly do make us feel right at home and I think of you as a very dear friend, although we’ve never met! I so enjoy all the wonderful glimpses into your family life and am truly thankful that I found your blog! I can’t imagine not coming here everyday now! I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings!
I think your card will be vintagy.
Congrats to Brady on his win.
Thank you for all you share with us. Love your style.
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.
so much talent in this home; thanks for sharing it & congrats to you son.
Congratulations to Brady. That was a wonderful performance.
Looks like we will be seeing a very beautiful card tomorrow. I’m thinking there will be some distressing going on.
Thank you for sharing your never-ending talent and glimses into your everyday life.
Ann — I am thankful for YOU and your willingness to share your amazing talent. I find your blog posts to be extremely interesting. Your style is much different from mine, which is probably why I learn so much from you! For example, you are the reason I own the Color Spritzer. I love it! Thank you for sharing your son’s talent, and the twins exploits! Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Anne, is he playing the trumpet or piano? Because they are both wonderful.
Love white embossed on kraft. Always a winner. Just like you, Ann…such a talented, gracious and generous woman. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
I’m thinking…vintage? Just a hunch! I already LOVE what I see so can’t wait for the full reveal!
Brady the boy did a WONDERFUL job! You must be SO proud!
Wow! Brady the boy has all of your talent! Thanks for sharing his accomplishments, as well as inspiring me with your amazing paper-crafting accomplishments. I can hardly wait for the big reveal.
Forgot to mention that I really enjoyed the video of your son. Very talented young man.
Thank U 4 sharing that with us.
WOW! Them red gems really caught my eye and I do believe I know what it is cause I have had my eye on it since I first seen it……. Day of Gratitude :}.
Now I can’t wait till I C the whole card
Ann I only say from what I see that you ARE in your element! Emboss resist, PEARLS! colored PEARLS — and are they ever beautiful! LOVE the color! Can’t wait to see the reveal.
I am sooooooo imspired by YOU and your talent and I am blessed to have gotten to know you in cyber space over the last two years. I hope you and your family have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving. (I so wish my little ones were here in MI). I will listen to Brady’s music at home as I like to turn up the volume and I can’t do that at work. Happy Thanksgiving! Hugs.
I imagine we will see some spritzing
and of course we already see the pearls. I am sure I am going to love it and I am guessing it will truly be vintage.
Your son is very talented. It was an amazing piece he played.
Really enjoyed your post today. I am thankful for the sharing of so many very talented people such as yourself.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I listened to the whole pc. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing your son’s talent and skill. You have much to be proud and thankful for.
I’m guessing your creation is of the vintage/shabby type…just sayin’! Looking forward to seeing the new challenge on Thursday.
I listened to the entire piece your son played and was so very impressed with his technique and sound quality, which was very beautiful throughout the piece. What an amazing composition he chose to play and, despite what may be viewed as discordant, was a really a very complex and interesting piece to listen to. Congratulations to your son on his perfect performance. And the accompanist was top notch as well.
And finally, Ann, thank you for all that your share – your obvious talent and your unabated enthusiasm for paper crafting. You never fail to inspire and teach me each week!