As many of you know, Muffy Lin is at “Puppy Boot Camp”…at least that is what Michelle the Handler is calling it. It means that our sweet little Diva Dog is staying two weeks with Michelle and is working on her ring manners…like standing STILL! Imagine our surprise when the phone rang and it was none other than Muffy!
Mom: Muffy, how did you dial the phone? Does Michelle know you are calling?
Muffy: She left her special purple phone on the table, Mom. I think she wanted me to use it. It’s really cool. There are no buttons to push. You just touch the screen. I used my nose!
Mom: Muffy…is that her NEW phone? You better not ruin it.
Brody: Is that Muffy? I wanna speak with Muffy. Muffy is that you? Are you in the phone? How did you get in the phone?
Muffy: Hi, Brody. It’s me. I had to stay with Michelle after my last show. She loves me sooo much she wanted to spend extra time with me. I’m special.
Brody: That’s not what Mom told me. She said you were so bad in the ring that you needed extra work. I don’t have to do it because I am a good boy! I stand really still for the judd and I don’t try to eat food that other handlers have left behind.
Muffy: But I did really well at the last show I was at. I was the Winners Female both days.
Brody: But you were really bad at the BIG show. It was ‘barrassing, Muffy. I didn’t want anyone to know we were Twins. Mom didn’t even claim you.
Muffy: That’s not true. Moms always love their kids. Whatever. You are embarrassing. And no one would ever guess we are Twins. You are BIG and UGLY with a Frankenstein scar!
Brody: I’m not ugly. I have a gorgeous head. And I don’t have Frank Stein’s car! I don’t even know Frank Stein. Mom takes me everywhere with her now that you are gone. We went to the Post Office to mail a card to Tall Jean in Ostraylia. Then we went to Mick Donald’s and I got an egg. Oh, then we went to the place that sells dog food, and I got some new chew toyz. Mom gave me rawhide chews because I don’t swallow them like you. And then Mom and Dad went out for lunch and I got to …
Muffy: We’ll see who Mom loves best when I get my champion title first!
Mom: TWINS! Muffy Lin…I have you on speakerphone!
Muffy: Oh, no! Here comes Michelle…gotta run!!!
It is quiet without Muffy here. And Brody is right…I have been doing a lot with him so that he does not feel as lonely. However, he returns to the show ring this weekend for the first time since his surgery, and will be reunited with his sister Friday. I am sure stubby little tails will wag and Boxer butts will wiggle. Until next time…
Fun to read another story from “the Twins”. 🙂
Ann, I absolutely love boxers and your tales (no pun intended) are preciously funny. And..HERE! HERE! for the “pirate booty”. It seems like no sooner do the new stamp sets come out they’re obsolete a week later with the exception of a few. I love ALL my stamps and would love to see more old with new. Thanks for the reminder.
WHOO HOO – your sister is away and I could come over and keep you company – right? WRONG!!!!!!! Those people I live with are so mean. They won’t buy me an airline ticket, the don’t let me eat anything I want outside, they don’t let me steal stuff out of Gordon’s suitcase and the worst of it, Brody, is that they don’t particularly like it when I bark my demands! Humph – I’m catching the next train and I’m outta here.
Wait a minute – who would feed me and cuddle me and tell me I am the cutest dog in the world. I think I better stay here for now!
Hope you outshine Muffy this weekend boyfriend!
Woof, woof, sigh, wiggle, wag – Miss Daisy
PS: Hi Muffy (barked sweetly), Don’t tell Brody but I hope you blow them out of the water this weekend! Have fun. :)))))
I bet Brody is really missing his sister. I bet he loves all the extra attention though. Hope Muffy does well at her boot camp & learns to stand still in the ring.
Super cute “conversation”. It would be hell for me to be separated from my boys. I just realized that I have never been away from them (not even one night except for when Shotsy had his leg surgeries and stayed in the hospital for one night) in 10 years! Sounds like Brody is getting spoiled! And they so deserve it. Best, Curt
I am still chuckling! Gee, I wonder if Frank is related to the Steins who lived on North Hill when I was growing up!?! I hope you told Michelle to wipe off her phone – might have a little drool on it or wet nose smudge! What a riot. I bet everyone loved him at the drive through. Hugs to you all and good wishes for a great showing.
Chris R. from Iowa
So cute, thanks for the update on the twins, I bet you all sure do miss Muffy and cannot wait to get her back!
Sounds like both twins are have a fun week. I laughed out loud at the tail wags and butt shakes. I can see then as if they were in front of me. One of my favorite things about boxers.
Aww, Ann!! Sounds like Brody’s getting quite a bit of quality time with you! And Muffy Lin’s getting quite a bit of quality time with Michelle. Best of luck to both of them in their upcoming shows! And I totally agree, you should make an anthology of your posts with their stories. It’d be a bestseller!
Ann, it sounds like Mom may miss Muffy as much as Brody does. Although it also sounds like Brody is enjoying the extra attention. Take care and have a great day.
Ann this is so cute! I really think you should go back and capture all your tales and compile into ONE album in MDS… then write the text on the pages and have it printed in a BOOK!
I loved every word of this precious conversation, especially the part about of eating food left behind.
I’ve missed the Twin Talk. Sounds like both twins are happy and enjoying themselves.
How sweet! I’m sure everyone misses Muffy and I hope she and Brody do well at the next show!
So cute!! Best of luck to them both at their next show. 😀
Oh this is too cute! I can just see those Boxer butts wiggling now! Good luck to both of them this weekend!
So cute! Wish them both the best this weekend.
This is so funny! And guess what? My Stampin Up! demonstrator here in England breeds Cairn Terriers! What is it with SU and dogs?! Have a great day…
I don’t know about Brody missing his Muffy… I’m sure mummy does too, so I’m sending uberhugs to you all.
Lots of love xx