The Twins have been bugging me to let them talk about their birthday and their latest shows. Who am I to argue with two puppies on a mission? Boxers are so determined. Here they are!
Muffy: I love birthdays! We got birthday cookies with frosting. Mine had pink frosting and Brody’s had blue frosting. And…
Brody: Muffy, I want to talk about my own burfday cookie!
Muffy: Oh, all right you whiner!
Brody: Mine had blue frosting.
Muffy: Anything else you want to say about your cookie?
Brody: No.
Muffy: What a waste of time, Brody! I already told Mom’s stampin’ friends that your’s had blue frosting.
Brody: But I wanted to tell them. It was my cookie!
Mom: Twins! Either get on with the post, or I am going to write it myself! And Muffy, let your brother be the alpha dog for a change.
Muffy: Yes, Mom. See what you caused Brody! Anyway, we got our birthday cookies. They were made especially for us. They were shaped like little birthday cakes. We also get to eat “big dog” food now, because we are…big dogs.
Brody: Yeah…and you have greenie beanies mixed in with yours ’cause I heard Mom say you were fat!
Muffy: I am not fat Brody! I am muscular! At least I don’t have to have yogurt mixed in with mine like you do!
Brody: The yogurt has stuff that’s good for my digesteratory system.
Muffy: You mean digestive system.
Brody: That’s what I said…digesteracation system. I want to talk about all of the pretty ribbons I won this weekend in Mishy-gan.
Muffy: Michigan
Brody: Yep…Mishy-gan. I won my classes and got blue ribbons. Lots of people saw me and the Judd said I had a pretty head.
Muffy: Once again Brody, I don’t think Naomi and Wynonna were there.
Brody: Who are they, Muffy? Do they live in Mishy-gan?
Muffy: Let’s talk about MY ribbon, Brody! I won the biggest ribbon ever! It is sooo pretty! It has pink and purple, my two favorite colors, in it. I know they made it just for me! Read what it says, Brody. Let me spell it out for you. B-E-S-T I-N S-H-O-W! Do you know what that means, Brody? Hmm???
Brody: No, I don’t Muffy, but I am sure you are going to tell me.
Muffy: Of course I am. What would you do without me? It means that I won Best of Breed, then I won the Group, and then I was selected the top dog out of all the dogs. It means I am so much prettier than you.
Mom: Muffy Lin! Stop it right now. First of all, yes, you were Best in Show and you got a fabulous ribbon. But Muffy, this was a small show and it was different from the other shows you have been in.
Muffy: How was it different, Mom? There were judges and other dogs and I ran in the ring and I stood still and looked pretty. I do that part really well.
Mom: This was a United Kennel Club show, not an American Kennel Club show. All of your other shows have been AKC shows. This small show was perfect for your brother since he isn’t quite as mature as other boy Boxers his age.
Muffy: You can say that again, Mom!
Yes…The Twins are now eating adult dog food. Like her Mom, Muffy has a slight weight problem, so she does get a few low-cal veggies to help fill her up. Brody needs to gain a few pounds, so we mix yogurt in with his kibble to encourage him to eat. As for the show…Brody had a fabulous Saturday and on Sunday Muffy did indeed win the biggest ribbon of them all! Oops! I have to go break up a puppy fight! Until next time…
Well, I’m way overdue on my congrats to both Brody and Muffy on their Mishygan accomplishments! Please pass along my congrats to Muffy on her Best In Show award and to Brody on his achievements as well! Love the photos of the two of them staring down over the green chewy toy. ๐
OMG, BIS… How wonderful! Brody will soon get his wins. It takes males longer to develop. Showing boxers must be tough. I’ve seen how many entries there are for that breed when we use to go to shows with our mastiffs. I just love their banter. It sounds just like my kids.
Congratulations on the win.
Well CONGRATS!!!!! I love the picture of those pearly whites that look like they are going to eat anyone that comes along!!!! WOW are those teeth white…does she use white strips? You must be very pleased with this show…VERY pretty ribbon too, gorgeous colors. Hmmmm a card! Nice embellishments too! Maybe a Winner’s Card for the Pups!!!! haha They are SO fun and just as funny in their babble talk! BOOK BOOK!
Haha! The twins have me laughing out loud. Congratulations to both on their wins. I’m glad to read that they are doing so well.
Love the puppy commentary. Our girls have full conversations also. They’re so smart. Congrats on Best in Show! Those darn boys do mature just a bit slower than the girls. He’ll catch up soon. Glad to hear they had a fun birthday.
How fun! Fun story – love reading about them and seeing their photos. The stare off is so funny. Muffy is so gorgeous in her stance and with her ribbon and all. So glad Brody did well too. Hey, Brody – I love yogurt and have it every day for breakfast. You will just have to tell Muffy – you eat something she doesn’t and tease her about how good it is – makes your new dog food nice and creamy! Also Brody – I love that grin on your face when looking up at Muffy! Priceless!
Chris R. from Iowa
Congratulations Twins!
Muffy, that is a beautiful ribbon and those are my favorite colors too.
Brody, sounds like you had a great show in Mishy-gan.
Oh my, the twins had a wonderful weekend. Love the stare down in the one photo; facing off for the toy? As usual, I got a wonderful chuckle from their posting. Congratulate them for me and tell them I’ll be waiting for their next report.
Congrats to Muffy on winning Best of Show!!!
Ann, what beautiful dogs!! Love the pictures and the twin talk. It’s always fun to read. I especially loved the pictures of them head to head. Congrats on best of show for Muffy. Both are gorgegous.
Ann, the twins story is so funny and I love the pictures that go along with it. Congratulations to the twins on their ribbons, you must be very proud of them.
Ann, these pups have to keep you on your toes, for sure! This post made me laugh ot loud! Sounds like they had a great show. I am loving Ms. Muffy’s pretty pink and purple ribbon, too. Fit for a puppy princess. Guess I can’t call them puppies anymore though, huh? ๐
Congrats!!! on the ribbons. I love that the twins are back… they are so much fun. Their pictures are so cute.
I love this post! Congrats to all!
Congrats to the puppies! I love hearing them tell their story. Those pictures are great!
Wonderful news, Pups! Congratulations! I enjoy seeing your pictures and hearing about your bday and your great show.
I always love Twin Talk! Congratulations to both on their wins. Love the ribbon. I keep saying you need to write a book! (of course finding the spare time could be a problem) Hugs to both Muffy and Brody.
Your pictures are terrific! Perfect for the story – and I can so identify with Muffy Lin and those extra pounds ๐
Ann this is too funny. The photos just make the story so real and too cute. Hey… so glad you got to Michigan too! Hugs.
Sounds like the perfect birthday for the twins! Congratulations to you all. Love getting caught up on their antics!
Wow, what beautiful dogs. Congratulations, you must be so proud!
Oh, I love it when they get to take over your blog. They are both so funny.
Congrats to both of them for their great show.
I just love it when the Twins take over your blog for the day! LOL They are just so cute! Congratulations to both of them for a great show! Love seeing the latest pics, I can tell they keep you entertained! Muffy sounds just like a typical big sister! Give both of them a big hug and kiss from me!
Congrats to the Twins!!!!Boy did that year go fast.They both did so well in Michigan (Mishygan). Such beautiful dogs they are! Love the story and all the pics of them. It was a great way to start my morning with a big grin on my face. Ok day I am ready for you!
This is great! Love it when the twins do the “talking”. Congrats to them for a great show.
you are too funny!! Your twins are quite the entertaining pair!! Love that ribbon! May have to make one out of paper!
That is so funny. I love the picture of Brody looking up at Muffy… like he is laughing. lol
Oh my gosh Ann this post is just hilarious! Congrats to the twins on their big wins. I love reading about them just as much as I love seeing you beautiful creations ๐