Happy Birthday, Twins

I know! I know! This is supposed to be a card blog where I speak of all things Stampin’ Up! However, I know that I am not alone in that there are many of you who are just like me, and adore your furbabies!  It is a special day for the Schachs because the Twins turn one year old today! 

They are such a part of my life, as well as Kim the Husband’s and Brady the Boy’s, that I would be remiss if I did not celebrate their birthday with you.  As I look back on the last year, I wonder how I survived raising not just one, but two, bouncing Boxer babies.  Was I crazy?  Well, maybe it was just a moment of temporary insanity.   Indeed, what was I thinking when I agreed to have the breeder deliver “What Were You Thinking” (Brody) the day after she brought Muffy to live with us? 

Yet I survived double the housebreaking woes, double the vet bills,  buying double the food and double the toys, and paying for double the show expenses…in exchange for quadruple the unconditional love.

The Twins fill my days, now that I am retired.  They are my constant companions…my adoring fans…who never care if I have any make-up on or if my closet still contains the same clothes it contained five years ago.  They do not care if the bed is unmade or the dishes unwashed.  They do not judge me, but love me regardless.  Like Missy the Boxer before them, they are now content to lay at my feet as I create.
They are the stuff of which childhood dreams, now the dreams of an old woman, are made.  And even though they may never be the champions of which I have always dreamed of owning, they are champions in their own right. 

From them, I have learned many lessons.

That not only should you take time to stop and smell the flowers…

it is OK to eat them, too…

and laugh about it afterwards!

I have learned that if you bury your head in the bushes…

you will come out covered with cobwebs…

and you will sneeze!

And that even though the judge may complain that your legs are not straight…you still have four perfectly good feet on which to run and jump and play.

That even though your head may not be perfect, your eyes can still see…

your ears can still hear…

and your nose can still sniff.

That although your chest may be too thin…your big butt is still capable of greeting all those you spy with the wiggles and jiggles like only a Boxer can do.

You are still the Queen of your yard…

and the King of all you survey.

Here’s to many more fun-filled years, Cimarron’s Do You Know the Muffin Man and Cimarron’s What Were You Thinking! Until next time…


  1. What a fantastic post! I love the pics. The ones of the twins on stage…WOW are they gorgeous and perfectly stoic! The ones of them playing are just adorable, and of course a beautiful one of you…and I am feeling that is Missy. Am I correct? You look very peaceful. Yes, when you have as many friends as you do Ann…this blog of your is for exactly what you have done…given us a moment of sharing your job with US! That is God’s work and friend, you are great at it! Hugs, Samara

  2. What a wonderful tribute to the twins, Ann, I enjoyed reading every word! Happy Birthday kisses from Josie and hugs from me.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWINS! Wow have Your babies have grown up! Until I watched the little clip You had I didn’t realize how much they had grown. They are both very beautiful dogs, well Brody is handsome! I’m not a pet person, but like I told You at Convention I really look forward to hearing about and seeing pictures of them and their Dog Shows along with their antics! They are just the sweetest dogs!

  4. Happy Woof-day to those cutie-pie twins! Your post made me smile! The pups completely put it in perspective…enjoy the simple things in life everyday! 🙂

  5. Beautifully written. Boxer Zen. Happy Birthday Twins!

  6. What an awesome post, I smiled the whole way thru!!! Hug those twins for me! Hugs, C

  7. What a terrific post, Ann! YOu are such a good writer. 🙂 ANd I wanted to add, you have clothes in your closet from ONLY 5 years ago?? I think I have you beat by a decade! LOL (it’s reaaaallly time to get some new things put in there – ha ha)

  8. Wow!!! has it already been a year? Happy Birthday to the twins. I have enjoyed all their stories over the last year. I love the video of Muffy when she was just a baby. She sure grew in such a short time. Can’t wait to see what the next year brings.

  9. Happy, Happy Birthday Twins!! 🙂

  10. So, is there a barkday cake for the twins or a party? I can just see them with birthday hats on too! Of course Muffy would have a crown and then she would probably make fun of Brody with a regular party hat being a dunce cap and all those “Mom, Muffy is making fun of me!” Or, she had a bigger piece of cake than I did, etc.!!! Hope it was pawsitivly the best! Happy Day to the whole Schach family and many more!


    Chris R. from Iowa

  11. Oh Ann, what a wonderful post. You have nailed it when you describe the unconditional love that the pups give. I have wondered myself how boring my days would be without my girls. Happy Birthday to the twins! BTW, are they waiting for the UPS guy in the first picture? Sure does look like it! LOL!

  12. Give ur beautiful twins a great big slobbery kiss for me. Happy birthday Muffy & Brody. Give those angels a dog bone or treat from me. They do give so much more in return. Unconditional love!

  13. Awwwww – I LOVE the posts about the Twins. When you go a while without posting about them I wonder how they are doing. HAPPY Birthday Muffy and
    Brody! You both are so beautiful / handsome. I’m glad that you are a family and can bring joy to each others lives. 🙂

  14. What a wonderful post! Happy Birthday to your babies! My 1st baby Tex (yellow lab) turned 11 in June. 11!!!!! 😉

  15. Happy Birthday to Muffy and Brody. Gosh they are beautiful!I can’t believe that a year has gone by already. Ann, I loved looking at all of your beautiful photos and reading the story that you had for each of them. What a wonderful post this is. Oh and I loved watching the video and hearing your voice. 🙂


  16. Happy Birthday Muffy and Brody. Ann I loved your dedication to the twins. It is awesome to have the unconditional love that comes with our furbabies. Enjoy all your days with them. Terri

  17. I love reading about your twins. What sweet puppies! Happy birthday!

  18. Happy Birthday to the Twins! I’m sure you’ll all celebrate in style!

  19. I have to tell you I read this post through tears. . .I loved this post so much. I understand the love you feel for them and you said it all so well. All the pics are wonderful, but I adore the first one. As I type this comment, I am listening to my old, sweet Shotsy snoring contentedly while napping next to me, and my beautiful Gunther behind me on the floor always on the look out for anyone who might try to harm is Daddy. They are certainly the joys of our lives, and I’m so glad that you have them in yours. . . thanks for sharing this wonderfully written post, and happy birthday to those wonderful young beauties. . .Best, Curt

  20. Happy Birthday to the twins! Love those furry family members! They are adorable and bring you much joy. I love it when you post about the doggies! Best Wishes to the Twins!

  21. Ann in 1985 on Feb 9 Stormy, our doberman, died peacefully in my husbands arms of a stroke at home on the carpet in our den. I could not breathe as it was happening. The vet had been there just hours before and told us maybe one more day but not much longer. He was my best friend He got me thru the death of my father and so much more. He was a world champion. Son of Marks Tey Shawn and father of Ebony another champion. He held over 2000 ribbons and trophies I bought him for $2000 dollars at a time that was a fortune in 1978. SO I know champions…I now own to unregisted 6.5 year old beagles named Toby and Shiloh. We got them as bouncy pups of 7 weeks. THey cannot do all the tric ks Stormy could and they are not “show Quality to this world’s standards” but they are great companions for an old woman who can no longer handle a bigger dog in size. They snuggle with me on the sofa and got me thru 5 broken legs over the last five years and a broken arm and dislocated shoulder. They are champions of my heart and God Himself sent them to me and that is judge a plenty for me

  22. I love your narrative. I think you should write a book about the twins and their experiences. The “unconditional love” says it all.

  23. Happy birthday to the twins!

  24. Happy Birthday to the twins! It has been a great year of pictures and stories and fun. Eating the bling and wearing the bling has been my fav. lol.

  25. I LOVE your blog post, your “kids” and you humorous (yet oh so true) outlook on life. Give the “kids” a big bithday hug from me and my “kid” Dixie.

  26. Happy Birthday to Brody and Muffy! A whole year has passed. Wow that went fast. I love hearing about them. I miss having a boxer and this post makes me want to go out and get another one. I am not sure my furbabies would like that! So for now I will continue getting my boxer fix through you.

    They do offer unconditional love which is hard to beat! Enjoy them and no more talking about old ladies! They will keep you young and by the way, they are already Champions! (They chose you didn’t they!)

  27. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY PRECIOUS GODPUPPIES!! Auntie loves you very much, and will be sending birthday treats soon. Big loves to both of you and to Mama!! XOXO

  28. Happy Birthday Muffy and Brody! The pics are too stinkin’ cute! Can’t wait to see what they get into next! Did they get birthday cake?

  29. What a fun post! Happy Birthday to the Twins!

  30. Such a wonderful post. We all have had pet/family that we love and they love us back…what a wonderful feeling it brings…Happy Birthday and I will always remember because today is my and my hubby’s anniversary…so we celebrate together!

  31. Happy Birthday twins! I have enjoyed sharing the first year of your lives and wish you many health happy years together. I especially love Muffy’s posts and Brody’s take on the dog shows. They crack me up with stories of ” The Judds”, etc. Ann I know your heart was broken when you lost Missy ( I cried all the way to work the day you posted that news) but I know that these two treasures have helped heal your pain. Enjoy them every minute and give them a big birthday kiss from me.

  32. Happy Birthday to the Twins! This post didn’t come to my email until this morning so I’m so sorry I’m a day late with my wishes! What a wonderful tribute to them Ann! You are such a wonderful mommy to them and I know they bring so much joy and love to your home! Loved the video of Muffy, what a cutie! I look forward to hearing about more of their adventures in the coming year! Hugs to all of you! Oh, and don’t even go there with the “old woman” stuff! LOL

  33. Happy Birthday, Muffy and Brody!

    Yes, our pets do mean so much to us and I love your post today. As my friends could tell you, I go on and on about my cats. In fact I just brought another one into the mix. We are a 3 cat family now.

    Go give your twins some extra special lovin’ today.

  34. HaPpY BiRtHdAy Muffy & Brody!!! You have enriched all of our lives in the past year via your Mom! I have laughed until the tears came, and I have been sad too, for all the emergency trips to the vets you have taken. I have smiled about your winnings and been so proud. Loved looking at your pictures and laughing at “your” post. Have a great day! May the year to come bring you many fun and happy adventures!
    Bow (happy) Wow wow(birthday) from the furbabies they are sending tailwags to you!

  35. Happy Birthday to the beautiful Twins. I love it when you guys write the blog for your Mom. Brody, you are so funny and Muffy, you’re so cute. So have fun on your day. And Mom, you’re pretty special too.

    Youie, the orange tabby
    Stormy, the gray tabby
    Babe, the Mom

  36. An absolutely beautiful post, Ann.

    Happy birthday Muffy!
    Happy birthday Brody!

    The time has gone so quickly hasn’t it? I can’t believe that my Holly is now 4, and it doesn’t seem two minutes since she was a little dot.

    They look really grown up and sooo pretty and handsome! Well done mummy and daddy for giving them the love they need, they’ve turned out absolute stunners!

    Jo xx

  37. Happy birthday to the kiddos! I know how much they have enriched your life, and in some small way they have enriched the lives of all who read your blog through your generosity in sharing. For that we thank you!

  38. Happy Birthday to the Twins, Ann. I love how you have shared them and their antics with all of us over the year. The many funny thing and the not so funny things. They do certainly give you unconditional love and here’s hoping that you will continue to share them with us.

  39. Happy birthday to those gorgeous twins! You wrote a wonderful post today honoring Muffy and Brody! I loved all the pictures you included too! Thanks for sharing their special day with us!

  40. Happy birthday twins! You sure are lucky to have one amazing mama!

  41. Happy 1! Looking forward to seeing you grow this next year.

  42. Happy Birthday to those Bouncing Boxer Babies – who have grown up way too fast! Now if we were neighbors we could train my Abby Girl (all 8 pounds of her) to ride bareback – or should I say Boxer back 🙂

  43. Ann what a GREAT story as only you can tell. You picked just the right photo to tell it visually too. Just like your cards! Excellent! I can’t even believe they are ONE YEAR already. Seems like months ago and they were new little furbabies..now so elegant looking and YOU look fabulous too. How nice you can enjoy them every day now and I know they have to love that! Happy Birthday to the twin and so happy you are enjoying retirement.

  44. Happy Bark-day, Muffy! Happy Bark-day, Brody! Roo, roo!!!!! (that’s Ms. Lexi conveying her heartiest birthday wishes to Muffy and Brody as she wishes them a wonderful day).

    What a great tribute to your Twins, Ann! They truly are a blessing and a way to keep you on your toes. 🙂

  45. Sorry, Ann. My fat fingers typed an extra “a”

  46. Happy Birthday, Brody and Muffy. Love you both.

    Anna, you’re a good mom.

  47. Happy Birthday Muffy & Brody! I’ve so enjoyed watching you grow, hearing of your antics, and being proud of your show accomplishments.

    Ann, thanks for sharing today’s photos. And, let’s not hear any more of that ‘old woman’ talk.

    Please give The Twins birthday kisses from Harry & me.

  48. oh Happy Happy birthday!!! They are the sweetest!!! Our lives are made so complete by our little furry buddies!!! My westie, Chansey will be 13 in October and he is my perfect little buddy!!

  49. A special happy birthday wish to the twins! Two is double the trouble, but double the fun, aren’t they? Our 2 special little shih tzus Pixie & Lucy will soon be turning 4. Where has the time went? Seems like we just went to meet Pixie for the first time & were asked if we’d be interested in Lucy since they were the only two left in the litter & so bonded. We jumped at the chance for 2 sisters for my very special Bailey. Unfortunately, they didn’t get to have brother Bailey very long, but I think he knew they’d be there to take care of us now. And boy do they. So sweet & loving! And loads of fun for all.

  50. Oh Ann, just what I was hoping for. What a wonderful tribute to the twins on their birthday. I can tell how proud mom is of them. Love the photos and the narrative; it brings tears to my eyes because I know what a special dog the boxer is. I hope they had a special treat today. Happy birthday Muffy & Brody.

  51. Hallo Ann,
    happy birthday to the twins. Thank you for the beautiful and cute photos. Your twins are so strong and majestic.
    Have lots of fun with both of them.
    hugs and smiles

  52. Happy Birthday Muffy and Brody. I love to see your pictures and read about your adventures. I wish you a great birthday and congrats to mom for all the hard work.
    Claudia Lapos

  53. Aw, happy birthday to them both, and kudos for “mom” for always being there for them! All of you sure look happy!

  54. Oh happy, happy birthday Brody and Muffy, you sweet little babies! I know how you feel about them, we are the same way. Now that the kids are older, hubby and I call the Doxies our little babies now. I loved the pics! And the show pics with ribbons, they look so big and proud, awesome!

  55. Happy Birthday to the Twins! We have 1 rescue and 2 strays on the farm. Skylar the rot/shepherd came from the pound and is so very loving. Mom’s great-grandkids could ride him like a pony when there were little. KoKo the brown lab showed up with gunshot wounds and was taken to the vet by mom and nursed back to health. He is such a sweetie too and just loves to be petted. Noodles the cat also just came to the farm. I am sure she was someone’s pet, but maybe they could no longer keep her. Anyway we love them all and they sure do provide lots of laughs and love. Dar

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