A PPA Peek and Free Paper

It’s time for a peek at this week’s Pals Paper Arts card.  It’s not vintage or rustic, but I did pull out the Color Spritzer Tool.  I hope you will join me for the reveal Thursday!

No Free Card This Week…Hmmm???  How About Some Paper???

This week’s challenge card is earmarked for Brady Schach.  No…it’s not super-masculine, but that’s OK.  Brady is used to getting all types of cards from me.  Why is Brady getting this one, you ask?  He nailed his auditions last week, and is principle trumpet in both the University Orchestra and the Symphonic Wind Ensemble

To celebrate his success, how about a chance to win 100 sheets of 6″ x  6″ retired Stampin’ Up! Designer Series Paper?  I will randomly select a winner from everyone who leaves comments on today’s and Thursday’s Post.  I can’t give you a reminder Thursday because of our Design Team rules…so don’t forget that your comments on Thursday do count!

Poor Brody

A tired Brody wishes that mom would put the camera down.

Brody the Boxer, one-half of the dynamic Boxer Twin duo, has had more complications from his surgery two weeks ago.  He has to be re-sutured.  With his first surgery, his vets stitched him up with what are called “hidden stitches” to minimize scarring.  These did not hold.  His incision was sealed, but has now broken open.  Dr. Brooke gave us the bad news today.  He goes in Wednesday morning to have some scar tissue loosened and new “heavy duty” sutures put in.  Arghh! I feel so badly for him.  He really is one sweet puppy…

Muffy tries to catch up on her beauty sleep.  Don’t you just love those Boxer jowls!


Holiday Mini Goes Live Thursday

I can’t wait to share my top picks from the Holiday Mini, which goes live Thursday! Any predictions on what I will list down as my favorites? Find out Wednesday afternoon.  And don’t forget, your comments on this post and Thursday’s post could win FREE PAPER!  Until next time…


  1. Ann, I’m so sorry Brody had to go through another round of suturing. Hopefully everything went well. Haven’t been able to keep up with everyone; Irene took out our electricity, phone & internet last Sunday. Fortunately the power came back on Sunday night, the phone 5 days later and the internet tonight. I had some minor internet withdrawal, but it’s nothing compared to what some people are facing here in NY. Amazing how much damage water can do.

  2. Ann, I’m new to blogging, not sure how or why I have two comments posted. Sorry!

  3. Ann, Your color choices for a new version of “falling leaves” are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your ideas with all of us, and for a chance to win “free paper”.

    Congratulations to Brady on his successful auditions. How exciting for you all! Our granddaughter is just starting middle school band (trumpet) and we are very excited as well!!

  4. Ann, Your color choices for a fresh look for “falling leaves” are beautiful. Thank you for a chance to win “free paper”; and thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas with us!

    Congratulations to Brady on his successful auditions; how very exciting for all of you! Our granddaughter is starting her first in middle school band (trumpet also)and we are all very excited as well!

  5. Your poor Brody! How sad that he has t go back and have new stitches put in. I sure hope he is back to being himslef very soon.


  6. Your poor Brody! How sad that he has t go back and have new stitches put in. I sure hope he is back to being himslef very soon.


  7. Ann Love the sneak peek… but I’m having computer issues AGAIN… so this is late, but wanted to come back say it looks fab…(even though I now see the reveal). I know your son Brady will love it.

    Also…I’m so sorry about Brody… poor thing. Must be so hard for a dog to not poke at stitches.. I’m waiting for stitches of own to come out (cyst at the lab and waiting results), so I can’t imagine how he deals with it. My itch to high heaven. Hugs

  8. Poor, poor puppy! I feel very badly for him. He even looks like, “Just let me be” in his photo. Congrats to your son, though, on his achievements!

  9. Kudos to Brady; wonderful news for all of you!! Hope Brody’s surgery went well this morning and that he will heal quickly without anymore stitch problems! TFS the cute pictures; they sure have beautiful sleek coats. Looking forward to the reveal in the a.m.; French Foliage is such a great leaf set. Hugs, Pauline

  10. Free paper? I’m in! lol. Poor puppy, that’s a shame those hidden stitches didn’t work but now I just hope he speeds through recovery.

  11. Excited to see your card tomorrow-the peek looks very interesting.

    Congratulations to your son; that is an awesome accomplishment!

    Hope Brody feels better soon. Sutures on young, active dogs are always a bummer.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Congrats to Brady–that is an awesome accomplishment. Poor Brody, I feel for him. Hopefully he is back in tip top shape real soon. Sorry I have not been able to leave a comment lately. As a 24-7 caregiver for my Mom, we have had some recent downs and she is just not feeling the best right now. The good news is that my son is here now and my dd and her dh and my grandson will be here tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing the reveal tomorrow and I am excited about the holiday mini.

  14. Congratulations to your son! Your peek looks like a fall card–can’t wait to see it. So sorry to hear about Brody.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. What a great way to celebrate this accomplishment! Sure, I would love to be entered for this paper. I’m new to your blog but have loved your worked these past couple of years. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Can’t wait to see your card tomorrow. Already loving the red, white & blue. Congrats to your son on his accomplishments. He should be very excited.

    Poor Brody. Hope the little guy’s new sutures heal & he feels back to his old self soon. I’m sure Muffy will help cheer him up.

  18. The peek is looking pretty nifty in my book – looking forward to the full reveal! I just love leaves.

    Congrats to Brady, the boy. Do we get to hear some more from him?

    Now Brody, the boxer, needs lots of reassurance and hugs to get him through another procedure. I am sure you are providing him with this but all the extra good wishes can’t hurt! Muffy is such a sweetie too – love her jowls. Does she have a show this weekend?

    Chris R. from Iowa

  19. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful cards and great ideas with us. You are very talented! I can’t wait to see the card tomorrow. Thanks for a chance to win!!


  20. It sounds like Brady is “going confidently in the direction of his dreams.” I know you are proud of him. I hope Brody gets through this setback like a trouper. The twins are very special.

  21. The peek is intriguing. Like the colors. Thanks for the chance to win

  22. Poor puppy! But CONGRATS to Brady!! Thanks for all your cool ideas.

    Shirley O

  23. Congratulation Brady! I have a daughter who plays trumpet and is in the 8th grade. She loves watching and listening to experienced trumpeters! I hope she is taking lots of notes!!! No pun intended! lol
    And on a boxer note, Boxers are absolutely wonderful. We have a 2 year old boxer named Odet. I hope Brody recovers soon and is back to himself again.

  24. Can’t wait to see the full reveal tomorrow, Ann!

    Major kudos to Brady on his accomplishment – that’s a big deal and I can only imagine your pride in him.

    And poor Brody – I hope this “suturing” takes so you both don’t have to go through the upheaval anymore. He’s a frequent flier at the vet, huh? Ms. Lexi is considered a frequent flier at our vet’s but there aren’t any perks. ๐Ÿ™‚ sending lots of good well wishes Brody’s way!

    Muffy looks so regal – love seeing her photos too. She’s a Sleeping Beauty, for sure!

  25. Can’t wait to see the rest of your creation!
    So sorry to hear about poor Brody – hugs to him!
    Congrats to your son – what a great accomplishment for him – be proud mom!!

  26. Poor puppy!

    Beautiful sneak peek!

  27. Will be checking out tomorrow’s post first thing in the a.m. as I’m curious about what you’ve done with that card! Sorry about Brody’s “bad luck”. Thanks for chance to win paper. Diane G.

  28. Ooohh, poor sweet Brody! Give him a big hug for me!

  29. Congrats to Brady. Poor Brody, I hope all goes well today & the healing process again. Your card looks awesome…can’t wait for the reveal. Love reading about the “twins” too. Jan

  30. Wow! Congrats to Brady! Thanks for the chance to win some sweet paper… you are so generous in blog candy & creativity, and I am thankful!!

  31. Yay for Brady! Bless his heart for Brody, poor baby, and love the sneak peek. Can’t wait to see the whole card.

  32. First of all congrats to Brady. What an accomplishment!

    Hugs to Brody. Poor baby. Hope he gets better real soon. Muffy is certainly getting her beauty rest which has to be good for Brody. Hugs to her too.

    Looking forward to your reveal. I know without a doubt I will love this one. I’ll be checking in tomorrow to see it.

    Lots going on in your household!

  33. Kudos to Brady! What an accomplishment!

    I love the stamp set and am looking forward to seeing the full reveal with a somewhat unusual fall colour scheme.

    Poor Brody–sure hope this is the end of his surgery troubles.

  34. Hmmm! looks like maybe you used the new Gently Falling stamp set, embossing, and looks like denim ribbon, intersting. Hope Brady feels himself real soon. Congrats. to parents and son, Brady for such an accomplishment.

  35. Poor Brody! I hope he gets well soon! Can’t wait to see the whole card…I really like the little bit you’ve revealed!

  36. Congrats to Brady. That is awesome. Love the sneak peek of your card.

  37. Awwwww…poor Brody! Give him LOTS of hugs and kisses from me!! Congrats Brady!! GREAT job!! I can’t wait to see your full card!!

  38. Enjoyed your post today re Brady and boxers. Thanks for chance at giveaway.

  39. Congrats to Brady!! My daughter is playing in the symphonic band for the first time this year! I KNOW that what he accomplished is quite a feat! Go Brady!!
    My guess is that you’re going to love that lodge stuff…looking forward to seeing what you do with the mini!
    Praying for Brody…Have a blessed day yourself!

  40. So excited for the full reveal! I can’t wait to see what you do with this set! *hugs* to Mr. Brody… he’ll be bouncing around in no time!

  41. can’t wait to see the entire card ~ I don’t have the Color Spritzer…hmmm…Congrats to Brady, that is wonderful and I hope your Brody feels better soon! Have a wonderful day ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. Can’t wait to see the card! I love it already! Poor Brody- I wish him the best and hope all goes well. And yes, I love the jowls- I call them chompies! AND congrats to Brady!

  43. Poor Brody. I feel so bad for him, he sure is having a hard time of it. I hope he feels better soon.
    100 6×6 sheets Wow!

  44. I hope Brody gets back to his old self real soon. I would love some DSP! I could buy many packs of it from each catalog.

  45. WOW! LOTS going on in your house! Congrats to Brady – what wonderful news!!

    (((HUGS))) to you and Brody the Boxer. Hope everything goes well.

    As to Muffy…well, she doesn’t need beauty sleep – she’s cute enough already!

  46. French Foliage….One if my favorite stamp sets…can’t wait to see the rest, Ann. Your creations are always exciting and worth the wait!

  47. You must be so proud of your son! I know he will love the card…and red is a masculine color, right?

    Hope poor Brody feels better soon.
    Thanks for the chance to win some awesome papers! You are the best!

  48. Poor Brody! I feel bad that he has to go through another procedure. Does he have to wear a cone to keep him from getting at his stitches?

    I’ll be back tomorrow to see your card!

  49. Wow, that’s awesome! Big congrats to Brady!

    Sending hugs to sweet sweet Brody! ๐Ÿ™‚

  50. I feel so bad for Brody. He and Muffy are such beautiful dogs.
    Love the colors on your card!

  51. Looking forward to Thursday’s card. I really enjoy all of your beautiful work.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

    Judy Wineland

  52. Oh my…I feel the pain, yours and Brody’s! Hope all is well soon for the both of you! Anxiously awaiting tomorrow’s reveal!

  53. Congratulations to Brady! That is awesome news and I know you are one proud Mom! Poor Brody, I feel so sorry for him. I hope everything goes well with the surgery and he will be on his way to complete healing. All my critters and I send lots of hugs and love!

    I cannot wait to see the reveal! This looks gorgeous (as always) just with the sneak peek! Love the colors and I’m sure Brady will love it!

  54. Can’t wait to see the ‘big reveal’ Did I see a peek of one of the new stamp sets that will be my new favorite? I hope Brody has a speedy recover from his “plastic surgery!”

  55. ahh..so sorry to hear about Brody. ๐Ÿ™ He looks so sad in those photos. I hope he’s doing better soon!


  56. Congratulations Brady!

    Poor Brody. I hope all goes well and pain-free. Muffy must miss their frolicking.

  57. Hi Ann, Hope Brody recovers well from his “plastic surgery”. Thanks for the paper giveaway! I love and read your blog daily.

  58. Congrats to Brady… You must be one proud Mama.. Our prayers are with Brody. Hoping for a speedy recorery. Can’t wait to see your reveal, it is looking pretty..
    I think a few of your favorite things from the new mini will be:
    The simply scoring tool
    Christmas lodge stamp set
    You are Loved stamp set
    Stiched Stockings stamp set the stocking builder punch..


  59. Ooh! A fall card! Just in time for all these fall-like mornings. Can’t wait to see the whole card.
    Congrats to your son. That is great news.
    And I hope poor Brody feels better soon.

  60. Wow, where to start!
    Congrats to your son on his fantastic accomplishment! You must be bursting with pride ๐Ÿ™‚
    Poor,Poor Brody! I really feel for all of you!
    Muffy, keep in that relaxed state, your Brother needs low-key right now.
    Ann, Fantastic peek at your latest card. LOVE Fall Foliage so I can’t wait to see the whole card tomorrow!
    Thanks for the chance to win some DP! Love DP!

  61. Congratulations Brady!
    Brody, hope you get better real quick like. Thoughts R with U.
    Ann, Thank U 4 this opportunity of winning some paper. Can Always use more paper.

  62. Congrats to Brady.He has had quite an accomplishment! WOohoo!
    Oh the card…I love the color combo I see. I know I am going to like this one but then again you always make the best cards ever.
    Poor Brady, he is never going to want to go to the vets! Furbabies over here sent lots of wags and good wishes his way.
    The pictures are so cute!!!!

  63. Kudos to Brady, what a fantastic achievement. And lots of hugs to Brody. I feel so bad for him and all he has gone through. Let’s hope this is it and he can now heal. I can’t wait to see this card. Just can’t imagine what it will look like, but I know it will be gorgeous. Saw your card on Mary’s blog. Nice going.

    I’ll take paper, That’s fine with me.


  64. I’m sorry your baby is hurting!!! Furbabies are babies too!

    Congrats to your son! Music is awesome!!!!

    Can’t wait to see your card…is that some French Foliage I spy???

    FREE PAPER?? I’m so in!!!!

  65. LOL I see Anne Marie already beat me to the color spritzer funny. Darn. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am excited to see this one as I can tell it is one of my FAVORITE sets! I’m a bit jealous of Brady, but it sounds like he more than deserves a great card to celebrate his accomplishments.

    Poor Brody. ๐Ÿ™ Lots of positive thoughts that he’ll get better from here on out.

  66. Poor Brody — I just love reading about your two boxers. My good friend and stampin’ buddy has the sweetest boxer named Lucy. I love that dog! Thanks for being an inspiration.

  67. What? You used the Color Spritzer? No way!! Lol!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Can’t wait to see the big reveal! Congrats to Brady on his auditions. What a great accomplishment!

    Hugs to Brody! I hope he heals up soon. Poor guy! Looks like Muffy is keeping up on her rest though. Oh Ann, you have a little diva on you hands!

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