A Peek at the PPA

How about a peek at this week’s Pals Paper Arts card?  It features two new products from the Holiday Mini.  This card is rustic and distressed.  Will you join me for the reveal Thursday?  And don’t forget to stop by to see this week’s Pals Artist Picks

This Card Can Be Yours

I will randomly select one person to receive this card from all comments left on today’s and Thursday’s post.  I LOVE to share my cards with you!

Brody Update

The histiopathology report is back.  Brody wanted to tell you about it himself.

Brody:  My favorite vet called my Mom Tuesday and said that I was “be nine”.  I don’t really know what Dr. Rita meant by that because I only be one.  But Muffy told me that is a good thing.
Muffy: Did you tell Mom’s stamping friends about me?
Brody:  Did you have an opurration, too?
Muffy:  No, silly! I won another point toward my Champion title in Indiana.  The judge said I was very nice.
Brody:  If the judd said that he doesn’t know you very well.
Muffy:  Why…if you weren’t recuperating I would bite you for that remark!
Me:  Muffy Lin Schach! Did I hear you say you were going to bite your brother?  You head to your crate right this minute. We don’t bite!
Muffy: But Mom…
Me: No “But Moms” this time! Get that Boxer butt moving!
Muffy:  You just wait, Brody! You’ll get yours!
Brody:  I’ll get mine?  Did you bring me something from Indy-Anna?  Did you bring me a toy???  I LOVE you Muffy!

Unfortunately, after Brody and Muffy wrote their part of the post Tuesday evening, poor Brody did something to cause his incision to begin bleeding again.  I applied pressure to stop the bleeding, and we have limited his movement.  I called the vet. He goes in to see Dr. Rita first thing in morning, before he has anything to eat or drink…just in case they need to anesthesize.  Arghhh! But the good news is that the tumor was not cancerous and yes….little Muffy continues her march to her title.  I am sure they will both keep you posted.  Until next time…

Coming Soon:  Farewell to the Summer Mini; My Holiday Mini Top Ten; Pals Paper Arts Challenge


  1. Glad to hear that the tumor was benign. (sp?) Sorry to hear the incision opened up. I hope he doesn’t have to be put under again! Get well soon Brody! Congrats to Muffy! Hugs to all.

  2. The card is most beautiful and this is my first time to your blog! I’m a huge dog lover so when I read you had just experienced a terrible scare with Brody I was heartsick for you! But the good news in the same post saved me tons of worry for you. Congratulations to you Brody and Muffy for her accomplishments too!

  3. Love the sneak peek, Ann. It looks to be just my type of card. I can hardly wait for the full reveal. I have Brody in my thoughts and prayers for a speed recovery and congrats to Muffy as well. Kathy in AZ

  4. I’m so happy to hear that Brody’s tumor wasn’t cancerous. That is such wonderful news! Hope his visit to the vet tomorrow fixes that suture right up. And congratulations to Muffy as well! Can’t wait to see your card tomorrow. Looking good so far with the preview.

  5. Hope all is o.k. with the incision now. Like someone else said – I can just see her dragging her paws having to go to the crate for time out and looking back over her shoulder at you or Brody! Congrats Miss Muffy on your big win! The card looks like some of the frostwood paper (is that the name of it?) plus your favorite watermarks. Christmasy – we can hope! Looks rich in color and distressing. Until tomorrow. Great news Brody – now continue to be a good patient and heal soon so you can heel!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  6. I love linen thread stitching on cards!

  7. Looks like it is going to be an interesting card!

  8. Glad to hear the good news from both of the twins!

    Love the peek! Can’t wait to see the whole thing tomorrow. Sure it will be a beauty! Thanks!

  9. I know that I will love the card, as I love all of the cards you make! I am so happy to hear that Brody is
    “be-nine”! Love the twin talk. Also, congratulations to Muffy! I am a boxer mom too. Not sure who keeps me busier the 3 kids or the 3 year old boxer!

  10. I don’t want to wait till tomorrow to see the whole card {pout, pout} But the twins’ dialogue was so adorable I’ll pretend to be grown-up!

  11. Loving this card already! Can’t WAIT for the full reveal! Continued thoughts for Brody the Boxer as he recovers – GREAT news on the be-nine tumour. 🙂

  12. Ann, I am looking forward to seeing your whole card. I am happy for Brody in that the tumor was not cancerous, sorry that he had to head back to the vet. Congrats to Muffy. You are certainly a busy lady.

  13. Looks like another awesome vintage Christmas creation! Can’t wait!

  14. Wonderful! love the card peek, and love that Brody is Be-9!! Congrats to Muffy. I am sure the vet can repair Brody’s issue…keeping him still is the hard part!

  15. I was just telling a friend that you are the queen of colour spritzing, and I see you’ve done it again!

    I’m so glad Brody is be-nine, ’cause he’s truly a ten. Good luck with the ‘keeping him quiet’ thing. 🙂

  16. I am sorry that Brody opened his incision, but I have had thsi to happen with my cats after surgery. It is frustrating. I hope all of you have a better day.

  17. POOR BRODY! 🙁
    As for the card….looks like another set I’m going to have to get! Looks great!!!

  18. I’m crackin up envisioning Muffy marching to her crate for doggy time out. And poor Brody…at least the tumor was benign. Those two just make my day and I know they keep you entertained!

    Your card is lovely and I look forward to the reveal tomorrow. Have a great day!

  19. Awww! Such cute banter. Hope that incision heals faster!

  20. Glad to hear that Brody is be-nine! but so sorry he is having problems with his stitches. Hopefully all will be well today. Congrats to Muffy. She is doing just great. Can’t wait for the reveal tomorrow. I know it will be another great card!

  21. Brody, I know you are only one, but I am so happy you are be nine! That is very good news. Be careful with that incision until it fully heals.

    Muffy, congrats on your latest win!

    Ann, hope you get a minute to relax.

  22. Love the twin talk! And I’m sure your card is going to be super fantastic when you reveal it in all its glory! Can’t wait to see it.

  23. So glad to hear Brody is “be nine.” Great news.

  24. I know I am already going to love this card! Can’t wait to see the reveal tomorrow! So glad to hear that Brody is “be-nine”, that’s wonderful news! Sorry his incision is giving him problems, I hope he doesn’t have to go back under anesthesia again. And congrats to Ms. Muffy Lynn on her latest point!

  25. Yeah for “be-nine”!!! So thrilled to hear that, Ann (and Brody!). Although I’m sorry to hear that Brody is limited until he can get in to see the vet after his incision opened up. Hopefully Dr Rita can fix him up ASAP and get him on the road to recovery soon. And yay for Ms. Muffy as she continues on her march!

    Love that sneak peek, I see speckles and watermarks… the beginnings of another great card, as always!

  26. I am loving your sneek peek… There is so much detail… Glad about Brody & Muffy’s news. Hope Brody’s stitches don’t give him any more problems.

  27. Another nice teaser 🙂
    Love the threading! What a great touch!
    We are very happy to hear that Brody is A-OK. It can be very, very scary to be a pet-parent!
    Muffy is doing very nicely out on the circuit! Yay Muffy!
    Mary and her Fur-Kids, Lucy and Midge

  28. I can’t really figure out much from the peek, but I love what I see.
    So much for being retired..hehehe. You sure are busy and the Twins make sure of that
    Poor Brody, I hope he heals fast so his wound doesn’t open up again!The pictures of him are so cute.
    YAY for Muffy in getting another point!!You go girl!!!

  29. I think I’m going to love this card. So what else is new? I love all your cards. So glad to hear about Brodys good news. Sorry he has to go back to the vet so soon. Are you sure Muffy didn’t have anything to do with that???? Take care, Mom.


  30. Oh, I am loving this card already, looks like a real Christmas treat! Sorry Brody is having stitch issues but so glad he is “Be 9!” Congrats to Muffy Lynn on a successful weekend. You certainly have your hands full, Ann!! Hugs, Pauline

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