A PPA Peek

Can you believe it is Wednesday already and time for a peek at this week’s Pals Paper Arts card?  I hope that you will join me for the reveal on Thursday. 

Would You Like This Card?

Simply leave me a comment if you would like this card.  A winner will be randomly selected from all comments left today and tomorrow.  How easy is that! And trust me…the card is much prettier in person. Arghh!  Like its creator, it is not veryphotogenic!

Parden the Short Post

I am currently working furiously preparing for Convention.  I will leave for Peoria, IL on Monday, and will fly out early Tuesday morning, arriving in Salt Lake City Tuesday afternoon.  Since I will not be returning home until the following Monday, I have several design team cards to prepare.  Since I will not be taking my laptop with me, I have posts to write and schedule.  Whew!  I am stressed just thinking about it!  However, the fun will be worth the pre-flight hecticness.

Twin Update

I have had quite a few people email me wondering about The Twins.  They are enjoying a wee break from showing.   Muffy needs her major points for her championship title.  For those not savvy about dog shows, majors are the larger shows.  To earn the right to be called “Champion”, a minimum of 6 points must be earned at major shows.  Of course, lots of other dogs need their major points, too.  So now the difficulty is doubled…you have to FIND the majors, and then you have to WIN.  
Little Brody, on the other hand, suffered an eye accident Memorial Day.  He has a corneal abrasion which is not healing.  We have had shots and three different types of eyedrops, yet he still has a spot.  So today they withdrew a large sample of his blood which will be processed into a special serum to be used for eyedrops.  These serum eyedrops will be administered every 3 to 4 hours.  We are praying that there is no permanent scarring.  He will need to return to the vet for another evaluation while I am at Convention.  My husband will be taking him.  At that point in time, the vet will determine if Brody needs to go to a specialist.
While the Twins are on their “vacation”, Muffy plans on writing a post for you.  She is excited to tell you all about her stamping escapades.  She has been such a huge help these past few days.  Well, in her mind, it was helping!  Until next time…


  1. That peak is tantalizing–such gorgeous blues!

    I, also, have been thinking about the twins. I’m really looking forward to hearing what Muffy has to tell us, but I’m really sorry to hear about Brody’s troubles. Sending him healing vibes.

  2. Sorry to hear about Brody. Hope recovery is soon. Yes, I want that card. That’s the new lace punch. I love it. Have fun at Convention (how can you not) Enjoy all the goodies you will receive. Don’t forget about us, your loyal followers wishing we were there with you.
    Glad the twins are doing well.
    Safe trip,

  3. Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear about Brody! I too have been wondering how the Twins were and what they’ve been up to. I hope he heals quickly and has a complete recovery! Poor little guy! Please give him a big kiss from me!

    Another interesting sneak peak, can’t wait to see the full card tomorrow!

    Have fun at convention!

  4. I would love to have this card. It looks very interesting, can’t wait to see all of it. I love the blues.

  5. The card looks so fun! Polka dots and stripes plus pearls, the new punch and spritzing – who could ask for anything more? Love the colors.

    Brody has had this since Memorial Day? Good lord, and we are just hearing about it? What kind of aunts (and uncles – sorry Mike and Curt!) do you think we are? We all need to send good vibes, prayers and much needed ear scratches to Brody! Maybe too many boat cards and he thought he would play pirate? I should hope not. Looking forward to Muffy’s post.

    Have a great time at the convention and have a safe trip.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  6. I would love to have this card! Your cards are so beautiful! I always look forward to the full reveal when you show a peek! Thanks for all your inspiration!!!

  7. I have always been a fan, and am now following your blog via Stampin Connections.


  8. Oh, dear…I’m afraid that Muffy’s “help” has added even more crunch to your time! Hope little Brody heals quickly! Can’t wait to hear all about your time at Convention. Looking forward, as always, to another beautiful reveal!

  9. I love the detailing with the pearls. The colors are so pretty together. Sure hope Brody makes out ok with his eye. Have fun at Convention… wish I was going..

  10. I spot those pearls–anxious to see the rest of the card. I know you will enjoy your trip, it’s just the getting ready that is always so hectic.

    Thanks for the updates on the twins, hope all works out for the very best.

  11. I sure hope Brody will be okay. I can’t wait to see what mischief Muffy will tell us about with stamping!! Looks like another beauty of a card coming up tomorrow!

  12. I was routed over to your page from Laycock Designs! Love your site and added it to my favorites! Have fun at Convention!

  13. I ALREADY love it and can’t wait for the full reveal! LOVING the colours!

  14. Oh no, I wasn’t aware of Brody’s injury. The poor little boy. I sure hope this new treatment helps. Harry and I send him lots of love.

    I’m sure Muffy has been a lot of help to you! Can’t wait to hear ‘her’ side of the story.

    Don’t get too stressed–you don’t want to take the fun out of your trip.

  15. Wish I could go to convention! I sure would love to win your card though.

  16. Sue Kempter-Miller

    I can only imagine how awesome this card looks. Love the aded touch of the flower and pearl on the punch!!

  17. Interesting card! Spritzing, pearls and blue, my favorite color. Can’t wait to see the full card. Hope Brady’s eye will heal soon.

  18. I had wondered why we hadn’t heard much about the twins during the past posts. Hope Brody’s eye is getting better day by day. Thanks for the chance to win and have a great time at convention

  19. So sorry for Brody! I hope he doesn’t have any more troubles!!!

    I am getting ready for Convention also. I don’t have nearly the amount of prep work you do.

    The card is intriguing. I see you used the color spritzer and pearls. Can’t wait to see what the full reveal is!!!

  20. I am sure that card is just as amazing as all your previous ones have been! Can’t wait to see it in full and would be honored to receive it 🙂

    So sorry to hear about Brody’s eye! Not only does this pull him out of the ring but, he’s your baby and I’m sure you are worried about him. Please keep us posted on his condition and I’ll be praying for a speedy and full recovery.

    Have FUN at convention!
    Mary B

  21. I would love any of your cards! They are always terrific!

  22. Poor Brody! I hope he feels better soon. Thanks for the sneak peek, I love the blue brown combination.

  23. Poor Brody! I am sending positive thoughts that his eye will heal perfectly! Looking forward to Muffy’s post. I can just imagine all the help you are getting!

    I know I am going to love this card. I can tell already. Looking forward to the reveal tomorrow.

    I am stressed about convention too. Can’t believe I will be there next week. I just keep plugging away. I am bringing my computer so if you need to check something, let me know.

  24. Your card peek looks interesting. Can’t wait to see it.

    Hope Brody makes a complete recovery and soon.

    Will be waiting to ready Muffy’s post!

    Wish I were going to convention with you! Have a great time!

  25. Ann, I’m so sorry to hear about Brody’s eye. Poor puppy! And I can feel your stress about ‘getting it all done’ before Convention. Take deep breaths, do one thing at a time (I tell myself this at CHristmastime, but it doesn’t help LOL), and have a wonderful time there!

  26. I can’t wait to see this card! Looks nice already.
    Busy all thetime…and they call this retirement?
    Can’t wait to hear what Muffy has to say! Poor Brody I pray for a good outcome for his eye. If the “Girls” were there, they would lick him to make him all better!

  27. Your card looks very interesting and can’t wait to see the rest.

    Was just thinking about the twins the other day. So sorry to hear about Brody’s eye.
    You mean to tell me that he hasn’t wanted to become a pirate and wear an eye patch?
    Seriously tho; I do hope it isn’t too serious and that it gets better real quick like.
    Brody, you take care and Muffy, no picking on Brody.
    May you have a wonderful and safe trip.

  28. So sorry to hear about Brody! I hope he’s fully recovered soon!!!

    I’m so jealous that you get to go to Convention!! Have fun for me too, OK??

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