Twins Win and Amy, Too

Muffy’s Ribbons
Monday is typically the day when the Twins share their show results from the weekend.  However, “Mom” has felt “under the weather” for the past few days.  Of course, this has put me way behind in my emails, blogging and in my card making.  Yikes!  Since the Twins still have not learned how to type, they had to wait for me to recuperate!
If you have followed my blog for awhile, you will know that the Twins are first and foremost the Schach’s furbabies…two happy and joyous Boxer puppies.  They equally love helping Mom stamp AND strutting their stuff in the show ring.  Here are the Twins to give you their perspective on the weekend.
Brody’s Ribbons
Muffy:  I can’t believe my weekend! Pinch me, someone…I must be dreaming!
Brody:  I don’t have posable thumbs. Can I just bite you instead?
Muffy:  Oh, Brody! You are so immature. They’re “opposable” thumbs anyway.  You could take a lesson or two from me.  Just look at ALL of my beautiful ribbons.  I have blue ones for winning my 6 Month to Under 9 Month Puppy Class.  And purple ones for being selected Winners Female.  And then I got one for being Best of Winners, and two more for being Best of Opposite Sex.
Brody:  What is Best of Opposite Sex?
Muffy:  I don’t know, but its a good thing.
Me:  Best of Opposite Sex means that when the judge picked the Best of Breed it was a boy dog. So then she picked the best girl dog, which is the “opposite sex”  and that was you, Muffy.
Muffy and Brody:  Oh.
Muffy:  And Michelle the Handler was really excited, because she said I got my first points.
Brody:  What are “points”?
Me:  When you are selected as a “Winners Dog” or a “Winners Female”,  you are awarded points towards your championship.  When you get 15 points, you can be called a “champion”, like your dad and uncle and grandparents.  You have lots of champions in your family tree.
Brody:  I have a family tree?  Is it in our yard?
Me:  It’s not that type of tree, Brody.  A family tree would be all of your ancestors.
Brody:   I have an “ant sister”?  But I’m a dog.  How can an ant be my sister? Muffy’s my sister.  Are you sad ’cause I didn’t get any points, Mom?
Me:  Of course not, Brody.  You are doing a fabulous job.  You moved so nicely around the ring and stood very, very still when the judge checked all of your parts.  But you are a little boy, and it is just going to take you longer than Muffy to get all of your muscles.
Brody:  And I think that the judd liked it when I touched her hand with my nose.
Me:  I think she did, too.  I was so proud of both you and Muffy.  Where’s Muffy? Brody, where is your sister?
Brody:  She’s chewing on her new toy.
Me:  New toy?  What new toy, Brody?
Brody:  She got it off the table where you were doing your stamping stuff, Mom.
Me: There wasn’t a toy there.
Brody:  Yes there was.  It was the one that has a squeezy part and a pointy part.  Air squishes out and you put a writer thing in it.  You play with it all the time to make speckly dots.
Me:  Not my Color Spritzer Tool!!!  Muffy Lin…
As the Twins shared, they did a fabulous job.  As for me, I was able to retrieve my Color Spritzer Tool before it suffered the wrath of puppy teeth!  Now it’s time to play “Catch Up”!  Being down for the count for a couple of days set me back a week.  But I will still have my Pals Peek and Reveal to share with you, plus Buried Treasure. 
Amy Wins
Congrats to #43 Amy Papale for winning the “Bite of Blog Candy”!
Amy Papale said…
What a beautiful card! I love the way you watercolored and popped up some of the flowers. It really comes to life! Very fresh!
Amy, just email your address to me, and I will drop your Basic Pearls in the mail to you!
 How would you love to receive 30 percent off a wide selection of scrapbooking products including:
  • Select stamp sets
  • Select professional print products for My Digital Studio
  • Special digital download bundles for My Digital Studio

CLICK HERE to see all of the details!

Off to answer emails! Until next time…


  1. Muffy’s taking after you, Ann, loving that color spritzer tool! Congratulations!

  2. Congrats!!! to the twins… I just love their stories. Wouldn’t it be cute if they could really Hope you are feeling better real soon..
    hugs & prayers

  3. Ann, i have been a bad blogging buddy! I have some catching up to do here….but HOLD THE PHONE…not the beloved Color Spritzer! I’m so glad you were able to save it. Whew, that was close! I love reading about the twins and their “escapades”. I love learning more about the show ring. Not that Emmy and Ozzy will be competing anytime soon, lol! Hope you get to feeling better soon! Hugs!! 🙂

  4. Still giggling!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  5. Never a quiet moment with your “fur” twins, right, their stories are so funny. Hope by now you’re feeling much better.

  6. Ann…glad you are feeling better. Congrats to the twins~ Glad your spritzer was spared!

  7. Ann Sorry you’re under the weather but congrats to the twins on the WINS. Wow there are alot of ribbons for such a short time showing. Their story telling is so fun.
    You must have got “Best in Grab” when Muffy was after your spritzer! Can’t imagine you without it.
    I have to tell you. I finally called DS asked ‘why’ my spritzer wouldn’t spritz. They exchanged mine and I tell you… NOW I get it. It must have had a hole, or was “too squishy” because this one feels much more firm and finally spritzes (is that a word?) with ease.

  8. Ann. congrats to the twins. Way to go, puppies!
    Sorry you have been feeling under the weather, I hope you are starting to recuperate.
    errr. lucky you retrieved your spritzer… you’d be lost without it:-)

  9. Ann, You really should write books, especially about Brody and Muffy! It makes My day when You write about the twins. You almost make the twins sound human! Glad You’re feeling better. A BIG CONGRATS to the Twins (especially Muffy, don’t tell Brody, I don’t want him to get his feelings hurt)!!

  10. Sorry you haven’t been feeling well, Ann. And lot of congrats to the twins! I love their stories!

  11. Congrats to the Dynamic Duo! And I can understand chewing up the spritzer 🙂

  12. Since I don’t have my furry friend any longer, I’m enjoying your Muffy and Brody. 🙂

  13. Congratulations to all of you on the ribbons! I hope you are back to full strength soon!

  14. I hope you are feeling better now. Congratulations to the twins. You must be very proud. Glad you got your spritzer before it was damaged! Hugs to you and the twins.

  15. Hope you start to feel better. I cant believe that Muffy got your color spritzer! That would of put you way behind, better get a second one just in case that happens again! Love the twin stories.

  16. Hope you are feeling better Ann! Another great story by the Twins. Congrats to both of them for their hard work and colorful ribbons!

  17. Feel better soon ANN (smile) Well done Puppies, Well Done! Your stories always make me laugh!!!!

  18. I’m so excited I could chew on a stamping sponge – now if I could just find one on the floor. Or maybe Shari left one of her lower drawers open for me to play in! Congratulations Muffy on all of your ribbons. Some day I will be able to tell all of our friends around the world “I knew you when. . . .”! Hi Brady, you are soooooooooooooooo cute. I just want you to know that it is my birthday today. I’m . . . . . never mind!

    Bang, bang from the tail, slobbery kisses and lots of nose hugs Ann so you feel better.

    PS: Muffy stay away from that sprayer gizmo – it makes your teeth a different color. :))))))) Guess how I know.

  19. Congratulations to The Twins and to you, Ann, for rescuing your color spritzer in time! I hope you are feeling better. Amy, enjoy your new pearls.

  20. Congrats to the twins! Sounds like Muffy had a super great show. Too bad she was trying to celebrate with a bite of color spritzer. LOL

    Hope you get to feeling better soon. ((HUGS))

  21. I wondered where you had been – glad to hear you are feeling better. Congratulations to the twins!

  22. Good morning, Ann; so sorry to hear that you have been under the weather. Hope you are back up to speed real soon! Congratulations, Muffy and Brody, you are doing your Mom proud! Take good care of your Mom and make sure she gets some extra rest this week. Hugs, Pauline

  23. Oh my gosh..thanks forthe laugh. I was laughing right from the belly at the Twins. Thanks I needed that!
    Congrats to the Twins and Amy too.

  24. Congrats to the twins….and saving your ever valuable spritzer tool!! 🙂
    I hope you’re feeling better soon!

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