Twin Talk —Back Home from Indiana

It was an exciting weekend for the Twins as they travelled to Indiana.  They both came back anxious to tell you all about it!  I will let them talk while I go take pictures of this week’s PPA card.

Muffy:  See all my pretty ribbons, Brody?  See the pretty blue and white ones?  Those are my “Best of Winners” ribbons.  Do you know what means, Brody?  It means I am prettier than you!
Brody:  I don’t want to be pretty, Muffy.  I am a boy, and I am handsome!  I even got to be a “Preserve Wiener” this weekend.  Michelle the Handler said that the judd was really watching me. 
Muffy:  You know, Brody, I’ve told you before that the correct term is “Reserve Winner”.  It means you weren’t quite pretty enough to be the Winner.  Too bad.
Brody:  But Muffy, if you were Best of Winners, why weren’t you Best of Breed?
Muffy:  I wasn’t Best of Breed because there was some other old champion dog there.  I felt sorry for her ’cause she was so old and decrepit. She was like 3 years old.  Eew!
Brody:  How did you know her name was Dee?  What did Dee keep?  Why did she keep it?
Muffy:  Brody, the word is “decrepit” not “Dee kept it”.  You need to read more books so your vocabulary grows.
Brody:  I’m just waiting for my chest and butt to grow so I can become a winner.
Muffy:  If you live that long and Mom doesn’t give you away.
Brody:  Why would Mom give me away?  I’m a goooood  boooy!
Muffy:  ‘Cause you almost ordered a movie using the ‘mote while she and I were out on my walk.  I heard her tell Dad about it.  You took the TV ‘mote controller and pushed all of the buttons until you came up with a Pay-Per-View movie.  And I don’t think it was rated PG.
Brody:  What does PG mean?
Muffy:  It means Puppy Girls can watch it.  You picked one that was rated “R” which means that only Really old dogs can watch it.  You would have owed Mom $4.99.  That is almost how much a bag of Charlie Bear treats cost.
Brody:  But I don’t have any money.  How could I have paid Mom?
Muffy:  You couldn’t have.  So Mom would have had the police come to throw you in jail.  You would have been a felon.
Brody:  You mean I would have turned into a cat?
Muffy:  No, you DUMMY!  It’s felon, not feline!
Brody:  MOM…Muffy called me a dummy!
Me: Muffy Lin…Have you been teasing your brother AGAIN!
Muffy:  No, Mom!  I just asked him if he would like something “yummy”!  Shhhh…Come on, Brody…I will go open up the pantry door and you can jump up and grab the bag of Charlie Bears!

So there you have it.  Smarty pants Muffy won Winners Female and Best of Winners and earned 2 more points toward her champion title.  She now has 4 points out of the 15 needed, which is not bad for a 9 month old puppy.  Plus, Michelle the Handler bought Muffy her very own “big girl” show lead.  The little “Diva Dog” will not have to share.  Brody had a fabulous show, and was Reserve Winners Dog on Sunday, which is very good for a little boy puppy who hasn’t gotten his chest and butt yet.  For their efforts, Michelle took them shopping, and they received a brand new toy and deer antlers on which to chew!  And yes…Brody really did manipulate the remote and had a movie all ready to watch.  All he needed was just one more push of the right button.  As for the pantry door, doesn’t every dog owner want a dog who can open the pantry door and get their own treats…as well as chips and cookies and cereal???

Brody is all tuckered-out after his weekend.

Muffy is fighting off sleep and can barely keep her eyes open.
This week will find me preparing for a busy, busy weekend.  The Twins will be showing Friday through Monday, and my niece is getting married.  So if I am missing in action…you will know what is happening! Until next time…

Coming Soon:  Blog Awards, PPA Peek, PPA Reveal, The Paper Players Blog Hop


  1. Ann, thanks for brightening my day… I love the almost movie purchase! Hysterical. Congratulations to the babies – they are doing amazingly well!

  2. Bravo to the twins. They were winners in my eyes from the first time you introduced all of us to them. Keep up the good work puppies.

  3. Ha! So it IS true! Brody is growing his J-Lo bootie! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hee hee! I am seriously cracking up at your post, Ann! Every day is a new adventure with those pups. The fact that Brody ordered a pay per view movie is too funny. They are way to smart for their own good!

  4. I love your card posts but you always have me in stitches when the twins write about the shows they have been in. You have a couple real weiners there…..oh, that’s right real winners. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. WOW! They are doing great! Hope you are enjoying it too, congrats!

  6. Congrats to the beautiful pups! Yahhhhh! ๐Ÿ™‚


  7. WOW. How are you keeping/displaying all of those ribbons!! The twins need to buy stock in a ribbon company!!

  8. Maybe the twins will let Brady tell of his adventures too sometime! I think they are pretty impressive too with his music! Love the twin’s stories though. I think everyone has great animal stories to tell. Maggie had answered the phone one time when my father-in-law called long distance. I couldn’t figure out why the phone was off the cradle and all wet. Or, our newest, Henry the basset, who stole my insulin pen out of my purse and hid it for a couple of weeks but did bring it back to me safe and intact in it’s bag! Antlers???

    Chris R. from Iowa

  9. Hi Ann,
    thank you for the new episode from Muffy and Brody. It´s a funny story. Perhaps Brody will play eventually with the telephone…..
    Have a nice week
    hugs and smiles to your twins

  10. I was so excited to hear from the twins!!! It sounds like everyone has had a busy week and another one to come. I can’t believe all the ribbons they!!! The remote story about Brody got us all laughing…I can still hear my son chuckling…thanks for the laughs

  11. Ann the twins’ stories are too funny. I’m sure you’ll need a LARGE display case soon for all those ribbons too! Hugs.

  12. Too funny Ann. I love reading the Twins’ stories on how they did over the weekend. Brody must have been really bored and wanted something to do, so did what a lot of us do and decided to watch a movie. All the best to you for your busy week.

  13. What a fun way to start Monday morning; Muffy and Brody definately have a typical sibling relationship! Sounds like they keep you just as busy and entertained as our grandkids keep us! Keeps us young, right?? Hope you were able to get some stamping done while they were gone and that you have a great safe time and travels this coming week-end. And, yes, sharing your fun time with photos would be a great idea! Hugs, Pauline

  14. Wooofow – look at ALL THOSE RIBBONS! Do they taste good? I would like to try a red one please. Congratulations you two. Hey Muffy – quit teasing Brady about wieners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Brady – you are SO cute when you are sleeping. Sigh! Did you really almost buy a movie? Yikes – you have to tell me how to do that! Hee, hee, hee! Woof, woof – Miss Daisy

  15. Sounds like you had a great week-end. I’m so happy the twins are doing so well.

  16. What a guy that Brody is! He comes home from a looong day, is tuckered out – glad the ladies are out of the house and just wants to watch a movie and have a cold one…..I bet he was thinking about getting a beer out of the fridge next!

  17. Congratulations Muffy & Brody! I just told Harry about your wins this past weekend. He is very impressed with his friends. Enjoy your treats–you both deserve them.

  18. Ann…after the wedding, post a pic of the invites you made. I’d love to see them. Have a great week!

  19. What a great post! I think Brody has the key to my heart (but don’t tell Muffy that!). ๐Ÿ™‚ So glad the Twins had a great weekend and that Muffy has 4 points already – very impressive for a 9 month old pup! I’m still chuckling over the PPV incident.

    Hope you have a great week and that you enjoy the weekend ahead.

  20. Hahaha! Thanks for the laugh this morning, that was fun. Congrats to your babies! (I’m still laughing at Brody trying to order a PPV movie) Have a great day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. What a funny story the “Twins” have to share with us. The romote was so funny. I can only imagine how busy they keep you on a “normal” day.
    So happy Muffy is scoring points so young, and Brody will really be a champ soon too, by the sounds of it. Congrats to the Twins and the furbabies sent their happy wags!

  22. Congratulations to the twins! I love reading about them and hearing what they have to say.

    Sounds like you have a busy weekend coming up. Enjoy!

  23. Congrats to the pups. You have a couple of real winners there.

  24. Seeeee…. we always knew that they’d be special from the start..

    Well done to the babes.. they’re little darlings. xx

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