Twin Talk…A Tail of Two Puppies

It was the best of shows.  It was the worst of shows.  It was the age of puppy wisdom, it was the age of puppy foolishness, it was the epoch of one puppy’s belief, it was the epoch of one puppy’s incredulity.  Two tired puppies returned home from Jefferson, Wisconsin.  One happy…one sad! Here’s their story!

Me:  OK, Twins! Who wants to talk about their show this weekend!
Brody:  I will! I will! Can I go first? Huh? Can I, Mom?
Me:  Brody, you seem very excited.  What do you want to tell Mom’s friends?
Brody: I beat my sister! I was named Best of Breed Puppy on Friday! And then on Sunday, I was the Preserved Weiner.
Muffy:  That’s Reserve Winner, you idiot.
Me: Muffy Lin! Let your brother finish!
Brody:  Oh, yeah!  I was the Reserve Winner and I beat out other big boy dogs.  I got to have my picture taken with the judd twice.  Once for being Best Puppy, and once for being the Reserve Winner on Sunday.  That was fun!
Me:  You did an excellent job, Brody! You looked very handsome in the ring Sunday!  How about you Muffy?  Do you want to talk today? 
Muffy: NO! I don’t want to!
Me: Why not Muffy?  You always love talking to Mom’s stamping friends.
Brody:  She doesn’t want to because she was a loser this weekend.
Me: Brody! That’s enough! Do you remember how badly it made you feel when Muffy called you a loser?
Brody:  I’m sorry, Mom.  I’m sorry you didn’t win like I did, Muffy.
Me:  What’s wrong, Muffin?
Muffy:  I’m so sad, Momma.  I didn’t win first all three days.  I always win first.
Brody:  I saw Muffy show, Mom.  Michelle the Handler said she had “ants”.  And then I heard her say that Muffy was a bad dog because the ants made her not stand still.
Me:  I think you mean she was “antsy”, Brody.   Michelle said Muffy was having some issues in the ring.
Brody:  Why did Muffy need tissues in the ring, Mom?  Remember when Muffy got into the whole box of tissues that Dad left on the floor by the bed when he had his cold?  Boy, was Dad mad!
Me:  Issues, Brody…not tissues!
Brody: Oh…
Muffy:  But I always win, Momma! That other girl dog who beat me never beats me, and she beat me two out of three times this weekend.  Didn’t these judges know I was the Winner, and Best of Winner and Best of Opposites on both Saturday and Sunday last week.  What’s wrong with these judges!
Me:  Muffy, you must always be on your best behavior in the show ring or you are not going to win.  You can’t rest on your laurels. 
Brody:  Who’s Laurel, and why can’t we rest on her, MomI love to rest on people.
Me:  What I mean is that you can’t rely on your past achievements.  It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but hopefully you have learned a lesson from this.
Brody: Mom, we don’t have to swallow bitter pills, remember.  You bought those yummy pill pockets to put our medicine in when we are sick.  I love them.  They taste yummy.  Can I have a pill now, Mom?
Muffy: I’m sorry, Momma. I wanted to win so badly for you this weekend. Do you still love me even when I don’t win?
Me: Oh, Muffy! I love both you and Brody regardless of whether you win or lose.

So there you have it! Brody had a fabulous show.  It was the best of times for him.  He was named Best Boxer Puppy on Friday and he was the Reserve Winners Dog on Sunday.  At his age, both were awesome wins for him.  As for Muffy, it was the worst of times, in her book.  Michelle will be giving her some extra lessons in standing still!

Of course, I always fall behind on dog show weekends.  So, here’s to catching up! Until next time…


  1. the tails of 2 dogs—-too funny & yet, I can relate to this story.

  2. Congrats to Brody….and are you sure those judges knew what they were doing when they judged Muffy?…LOL Sounds like you all had fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Yea! Go Brody. . .one for the guys!!! LOL You wrote this so sweetly. It was fun to read. They are just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. Best, Curt

  4. Way to go Brody! What a handsome – and good – boy you are. Muffy, sometimes, you just have to learn that being quiet is a good thing for a dog, especially when nasty judd’s are around!

  5. OOPS! That would be BRADY! Shari always forgets – sigh. :))))

  6. Way to go Brody! Congratulations from a very demure and beautifully appointed Miniature Doxie who has a big heart for you in my little body! Oh Muffy – one off weekend and you get your nose out of joint! You should have my nose when it goes out of joint! LOL Just kidding. I know you will be right back upon top next time.

    By the way – how did those tissue taste! I do this all the time. That’s why David had to build Shari a new place to keep the bathroom waste basket (that is waaaaaay off the floor with drawers that she never leaves open) because after 7 years of living with the old one – I FOUND IT! Oh boy what fun with stuff all over the house! Oh by the way – if you get anywhere near a diaper – grab it and run! These are lots more fun than tissues. Hee, hee, hee! (Don’t tell you Mom and Dad about this).

    Have to go now. Can’t wait to hear how well you both do next time!

  7. Ann, I always love your dialogue with your twins. Puts a smile on my face every time.

  8. Ahhh, poor Muffy! I’m sure she is still a winner in your book. The sleepy picture reminds me of me at the end of the day! Congratulations Brody and TFS.

  9. Maybe Muffy is getting paid back for the spritzer snitching! Maybe one of those rhinestones are to blame for “ants” or a glue dot! I bet the other girl puppy spiked Muffy’s kibble or water. Anyway, glad to see Brody did so well! Loved the story. Hugs and sloppy wet kisses.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  10. Love to hear the “tails”, they look all tuckered out from all of the weekend fun. Glad Brody had a good show.

  11. As soon as I saw the post title I started to smile. And smile I did, and smile, and smile. I love when the twins share their “tails” about the weekends. Congrats to big guy Brody and his ribbon winnin’ weekend. I know little Miss Muffy will be back on top real soon. Big hugs from me.

  12. I always enjoy your puppy talks and the play on words. ๐Ÿ™‚ Give Muffy a big hug from your stamping friends and tell her “there’s always next time.” Congratulations to Brody!!!

  13. Ann,
    I’ve been a long time follower of your blog and love your stamping style. I also sooooooooo look forward to your puppy tales. You should seriously think about writing childrens’ books. As a former elementary ed. teacher, I can see your humor and the pups’ adventures being winners for all ages. You are definitely one very talented lady. Thanks for sharing those talents with us!

  14. oh, better yet…i now see at the top…TWIN TALK…A TAIL OF TWO PUPPIES!~ hahaha. Coin it Ann…seriously!

  15. Oh Ann! I just love the Puppy Talk…I am so convinced THIS NEEDS TO BE A BOOK FOR SHOW DOG OWNERS AND EVERY DOG OWNER!!!!! You would sell so many! You have such a gift for speaking for them. I laugh and laugh when I read what they write…and how they speak to each other. It is the funniest. The Preserve Weiner!!! OMGOSH! And the tissues. I don’t know how you do it, other than I hope you share it with the WHOLE WORLD!!!! xox

  16. Yahoo for Brody. All his hard work is paying off. Muffy will return to 1st place because she has determination. They look so sweet fast asleep. Just like human babies.

  17. these shows sound like fun and a lot of work-congrats to brody-and until next time muffy…….

  18. Cute pics. I’m with Muffy…what were those Judds thinking?

  19. Ohhh that Brody – coming into his own! And Muffy Lin will be back in top form soon. They are sweethearts for sure!

  20. So sweet! I enjoyed reading that, Ann.

  21. Brody, congratulations on your wins. I am so happy for you and so proud of you.

    Muffy, I’m sorry you had a disappointing weekend. You have had many wins and you will continue to receive lots of ribbons.

    Hugs & kisses to the best Boxers.

  22. Good for Brody! My Bayley says tissues are the best. :S Somehow, she always finds the box!

  23. Woohoo Brody … congrats to you! Oh Muffy, I’m sorry you didn’t have the best weekend. There is always the next show to win over those judges. Enjoy your time at home with your Mom and Dad. Love your pictures … such sweet faces!

  24. Congratulations to Brody. Poor Muffy, she will do better next time. One of our boxers was a Muffy. Loved your post. Give both the twins a hug and an extra treat!

  25. Awww, those darling babies are both winners to me. So good to hear that Brody is coming along in the ring, such a big boy. ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. What adorable pictures of the Twins and they look like they must be full grown in them. They look like they needed plenty of rest from the busy weekend.What a surprize that Muffy did not put on a good show. Brody did really good!!!!Yay Brody it show you are maturing. Thanks for the cute story.

  27. Congratulations to Brody! I know he is one happy puppy today! I’m sorry Miss Muffy didn’t do as well this time but I know she will come back and be an even bigger winner next time! Hugs and kisses to both of them!

  28. Poor Muffy! But congrats to Brody!

  29. I have to say I love BOTH of the twins, but I’m happy that Mr. Brody finally had his share of the spotlight! Give those sweet Boxers a hug from me! ….and keep the tissues away from them! Haha! ๐Ÿ™‚

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