Stylish Blogger Award and Six New Blogs I Have Discovered

Jackie Watson, of Creative Designs by Jackie, recently awarded me the Stylish Blogger Award.  To quote Jackie:  “I love your blog and tips and most of all the adventures of the Twins.”  Isn’t she so sweet…she loves my furbabies, and their shenanigans!
I always appreciate receiving these awards for two reasons.  First of all, it lets me know that people really are visiting The Stampin’ Schach and that you are being inspired in some way.  I guess that is still the teacher in me…I want to inspire; I want you to learn at least one new piece of information.  Secondly, it allows me to share other stampers’ blogs with you. 

This time around, I searched out stampers who are relatively new to me.  I hope you enjoy them, and that you will leave them a little of the same sweetness that you leave me!  Here we go, in no particular order:

Lauri Ingram – Paperville
Maria Vanderform – Crafty Maria’s Stamping World
Sandra Azzopardi – Sandra’s Stamping Spot
Sandie Conner – Pretty Provisions
Tere Giardano – Stamp with Tere

Carrie Sampsel – Carries Scrapyard

Remember, your comments are so very important to me. If you ever have any questions about the cards that I create or techniques or Stampin’ Up! products, I am only an email away.  Until next time…

Coming Up:  A Peek at the PPA, PPA Reveal, Buried Treasure, The Paper Players Technique Blog Hop


  1. Ann,
    I wanted to say thanks for thinking of me. I didn’t even realize it till a couple of days ago. I’ve had a crazy week and lots of catching up to do. lol Thanks again and a late congrats!!

  2. OMG!!!! Thanks Ann, for the “Stylish Award. I acknowledge that I barely leave a comment on blogs, because my English is not good but I go every day to visit and see new ideas …. you are very talented and for that I’m one of your faithful followers.

    Bye….and thank you again.

  3. Congratulations on getting the Stylish Blog Award. I have not visited your blog before, but I will be coming back.
    Thank you for passing the award on to my blog. I really appreciate your vote of confidence.
    I will definitely visit the other blogs as well. It’s great to find new sites to visit.
    Thanks again.

  4. Congrats on a well-deserved blog award.

  5. Congratulations on your award! However – doesn’t this award belong to the twins? I mean, my best friend, Muffy is so stylish and, sigh, my friend BrOdy, sigh is so cute. Hmm – I’m really thinking this belongs to them.

    MISS DAISY – go lay down! Yikes.

    You are well deserving of this reward Ann – Don’t listen to Miss Daisy. 🙂

  6. Congrats!!!! I took a quick visit to these blogs and will definitely go back! I saw the St. Patrick’s Day Birthday card and I had to smile. So fun. I will go back when I have more time to look through previous creations! Thanks for the new blogs to visit!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  7. Congratulations, Ann, and thanks for the blog suggestions. I can’t wait to try them.

  8. Congrats, Ann! Your work is always inspiring! As a fellow card maker, I know how much work goes into those fabulous designs of yours. I’ll check out some of your fave blogs, too!

  9. Thank you for the Stylish Blogger award! Such a lobvely suprise! I’m off to check out the other blogs now.

  10. Ann. Congrats again on your “Stylish” Award (well deserved) and so nice of you to recognize new talant. I have visited a few, but I’m off to see the others.
    PS: I’m having blogger issues today everywhere?? since I don’t understand it much guess it doesn’t matter, but I’m happy YOUR comment box opened up.

  11. Ann, everyone knows you are a Stylish Blogger!! 🙂 You are always a creative inspiration to me and I always enjoy visiting you. Hope you are having a great day! Hugs!

  12. Hi Ann,
    congratulations getting the award for your blog.
    hugs and smiles Conny
    I have to write anonymous, blogger is out of function

  13. I am seeing if this will let me leave a comment for you, as I am experiencing difficulties, too!

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