Buried Treasure

It’s time for our Friday feature, Buried Treasure. This little gem first appeared on The Stampin’ Schach on July 22, 2009. I dug up this “pirate’s booty” because of its layout…which is just perfect for many of the small stamps which have been released since 2009.  To read the original post, with all of the card details, please CLICK HERE.

Layout Options: This layout is perfect for cards where you wish to showcase a trio of similar images. How about a trio of blossoms made with the new Blossom Bouquet Triple Layer Punch?  Or three butterflies?  Or an anchor, a compass, a ship?  How about  flowers bedecked with Dazzling Diamonds. There are a multitude of floral images which would be lovely substitutes for three snowmen!

Embellishment Updates:   Wouldn’t a trio of Pearls look gorgeous in place of the brads? Or depending on the triple images you use, Baker’s Twine?  I can envision Paisley Petals Designer Series Paper as the background, with perhaps a seam binding bow running vertically on the left.
Techniques: How beautiful would it be to use the Inlaid Embossing technique on the back panel! Emboss Resist the images! Create your own background paper by randomly stamping!  Pop up the triple images on Stampin’ Dimensionals! Zip the background DSP through the Big Shot with the Square Lattice Textured Impression Embossing Folder!

Once again, I am excited with the prospects of updating.  How about you?  Do you have any Buried Treasure just waiting to be re-discovered? I am challenging you to pull out one of your older cards and give it a face lift!

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(On a sad note, one of my blogging friends, Ruth, lost her beautiful dog, Lil, Thursday as she was giving birth to 7 puppies.  They will be trying to feed the puppies by hand until accommodations can be made to transport the babies to a mother dog in Illinois who will be weaning her litter in a few days.  Those of you who are pet lover’s know the grief that Ruth and her husband are experiencing.  It is only compounded as they engage in the struggle to save Lil’s babies.  Please remember these little furbabies in your puppy prayers…)


  1. This is such a fun and happy card! Simply love it and would work for my friends who receive a winter card rather than Christmas. I am pretty sure I have that stamp. Love the little scarves too.

    I will keep the furbabies in our prayers…Murphy (who we lost last fall) and his other 10 litter mates were all bottle fed from day 1. Murphy basically didn’t have any immunity properties and had allergies to about everything and also lupus. But, he had a good life of 12 years. Hope the puppies do well once they have a foster mom.

    Happy Mother’s Day Ann!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  2. I’m loving your new feature, Ann! SO many beauties form the past that are still beautiful, and great ideas to go with it. A win! all around!

    Must go back to your post and read again – I missed the dog news.

  3. I love this buried treasure feature that you are doing ann-this card is another beauty-love the paper(which I have hoarded lol!!) and how you used ribbon for the snowmen’s scarves

  4. OMGosh Ann I love the snowmen how did I miss that one the first time. Must have been when I was in my down depressed mood and wasn’t blogging for awhile…. Love it and I still have some of that paper left too! You are amazing and to see all those different varieties of the same card….wish you lived near me so we could stamp together….I am lost without stamping with friends…! Sorry to hear about your friends dog…I will say a little prayer things work out for those lil puppies!

  5. Love this!! So darling!

    And what a great idea to get some lovin’ on older posts!!!

  6. Oh Ann, I am so sad and sorry to hear about Lil. My condolences to your friend Ruth. I hope the the fur babies thrive.

    On a brighter note, the snowmen with their scarves are so cute.

  7. What a wonderful Christmas card. I love your design. I also love the way that you used the ribbon as scarves. Using the small square punch for small stamp images is a fantastic idea!

    I am very sorry for your friends loss.

    I hope that you have a very Happy Mother’s Day Ann.


  8. Love this card but, boy, do those wheels of yours spin on high speed. I’m fascinated with the new and clever ideas you come up with. I’m so sorry for your friend’s loss. I pray they have success in keeping the little ones going. Keep us posted.

  9. Adorable card … love the scarfs! My heart breaks for Ruth and her family. I hope they can find some comfort in helping to raise those precious puppies.

  10. Hi Ann,
    the snowmen are so cute. You must have a great treasure chest to show us all these adorable cards from the past.
    And it seems to be an easy made card, love it.
    hugs and smiles Conny

  11. What a cute card – snowmen always make me smile! Thanks for sharing the updates on the twins – it’s so much fun to hear the story from their perspective.
    Sorry to hear about the puppies – I can’t imagine how devasting that must be. Hope their new “momma” knows how special she is……

  12. Diane said exactly what I was thinking about how your inspiration helps us to see possibilities. (IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES– and I just ordered that stamp set!) Sometimes it takes a nudge to get us going. Thanks, Ann. Such a sad story about Ruth and her dog family. I will certainly be thinking of them all.

  13. I love your Buried Treasure posts. Especially the ideas you give for reusing the layout. Thanks! I remember when you first posted this card. I always did love that Holiday Lounge DS paper, especially the teal color in it.

  14. Love this card and so cute with the little scarves. I have tears in my eyes for your friend. I just can’t imagine the terrible heartache to lose your fur baby giving birth. You are a blessing.

  15. Oh, Ann! I remember this card! I have that stamp set and CASEd you right away! I still love it! great job.

  16. Very cute. Hoping there is no more chance of a snowman anymore now this spring though. 🙂

  17. Ann, I just love all of the ideas you shared for updating your already adorable card! Ahoy, matey! It was just the inspiration I was looking for this morning for a little creative mojo. 🙂

    So sorry to read about the loss of Ruth’s sweet dog. My heart goes out to her, as I’m sure she is heartbroken. I will keep her and those wee pups in my thoughts and prayers.

  18. Love your snowmen. You are right about the layout being great for all our new little stamps. Perfect for Pretty Postage.
    So sorry to here about your friend’s dog and those poor babies. I will keep them in my prayers. Hopefully they will do well with their new mommy.

  19. I’m a sucker for snowmen, so I just love this card. Honestly, Ann…you are so versatile!

  20. This card is still adorable – and you are right – it is a great layout! So sorry to hear about your friend’s dog – praying the puppies all make it!

  21. I agree…this is a fantastic layout for smaller stamps….I so remember this card too… I have it filed away in my “favorites”!


  22. This really gets the creative juices flowing….makes me want to stay home and play. Instead, I will think about it today and see what I can dream up. Praying for your friends as they grieve their lose and strive to keep the little blessings going.

  23. Ann, your buried treasure card is adorable…and you make my brain just start spinning with your ideas. I CAN imagine those images on this card, but would have not without your always appreciated inspiration..THANKS I LOVE your tips.
    I am so sorry for your friends loss I DO know how pets are part of families. So sad; I hope the little puppies find a new furmomma.

  24. This card is so cute and I can visualize it with anchors ,flowers and the such.
    What a sad story of the momma dog. Hugs to you Lil. So sorry for the lost of your friend.

  25. Love the buried treasure, what a cute card! I’m so sorry to hear about Ruth’s dog Lil, I can only imagine how devastated they must be. I will keep the puppies in my prayers that they will be ok until they can be taken to the other mother dog. Poor lttle babies, my heart goes out to your friend and everyone involved.

  26. Such a cute card! Love all the ideas you gave for using this layout. Thanks!

  27. Wow lady, you’ve done some amazing cards! Love the PP flowers, they are so gorgeous. I love it when you do flowers. Congrats on a new downline member!!! I so tickled for you. Your PPA is so fun and fabulous, I love the scene you created! Of course, you know how I feel about those twins!!! Awesome awards. Love your Buried Treasure Fridays!!! Hugs,

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