A Peek at the Players

Happy Saturday! Here’s a little peek at tomorrow’s Paper Players Design Team card.  I hope you will join me tomorrow for the reveal.  To tide you over, however, head on over to The Paper Players and check out the winners of Challenge #46…A Color Challenge!
Hopefully I will be able to get some serious stamping done today.  The Twins are a state-and-a-half away in Indiana, Brady the Boy is in Chicago attending a performance of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and Kim the Husband is at work.  I think I will celebrate with a low-fat mocha…perfect for a gray and rainy morning! Woo hoo!

I will leave you with this cute picture of the dove that built a nest on my neighbor’s downspout.

She has two little “peeps”, one facing forward, and one sheltered under her wing, with its little birdie butt to the camera.  The Twins have to check them out every morning!

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Coming Up: The Paper Players Reveal, Blog Award, and Twin Talk. Until next time…


  1. Amazing pic of the dove! Thanks for sharing that, Ann.

  2. Sounds like a lonely day. At least you have peace and quiet to get some stamping done. No little helpers to wear the bling or to try to figure out how Mom’s toys work.Enjoy the Mocha too!!!
    Your card is glitzy!Can’t wait to see the total image.
    Hope the Twins make Mom proud!Also hope Brady got a few pointers in Chicago.

  3. oooohhhh what a pretty peek. Looks sparkley and I see the tip of the butterfly wing. The colors look bold and I can’t wait to see it.
    PS: Such a cute little birdie…. my daughter had a robin build a nest right in the middle of her hanging flowers. Three little eggs as TEAL as ever. beautiful!. Hugs.

  4. Shari, Brady is just attending in order get a few pointers. One of the selections being performed tonight is the same one Brady is performing for a concerto competition. However, the last time he went to a performance, he did get to meet the trumpet section in person. Woo hoo!

  5. WOW – The Chicago Symphony!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Brady. How did he arrive at the opportunity to play with them. Wow!!! Hopefully the twins will behave so you can stamp. Thanks for posting the pictures of the cute baby birdies. Thanks for blessing my day. Wow – the Chicago Symphony!

  6. looks like rock candy glittering on your card, and so beautiful. Can’t wait to see the whole thing.

  7. Thanks for sharing the sparkly peek and the dove with peeps!

    Sounds like you will be stamping up a storm today. Have fun!

  8. I can’t wait to see what the whole card reveals. It looks like you have the bling factor going.

    It must be wonderful to see the dove and her babies near your home.

    Hopefully you will get some sun today, but a low-fat mocha will help you get through the dreary day.

  9. Pretty bit of bling for this gloomy day. Is Brady playing with them or just going to the concert? Either way, that is really fun! Good luck to the twins too. I have several nests and babies to watch and listen. Catch you tomorrow.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  10. Wow, look all that sparkle and glitz-and such pretty colors too! Can’t wait until tomorrow for the full reveal.Enjoy your weekend! Kathy in AZ

  11. I can’t wait to see this. It looks beautiful!

  12. OOHH glitter! And I see the tip of a butterfly! Can’t wait to see the entire card!

  13. This has all the aire of being a spectacular and enticing combination of colors and textures with the look and feel of warmth and summer. I can hardly wait to see tomorrow’s reveal!

  14. Oh sparkly! Looks gorgeous already, loving the colors.

    I enjoy watching birds, we had a cardinal family last year, I loved watching those babies grow! Enjoy your weekend!

  15. I love the glitter…so sparkly. those little birds are so cute… can’t wait to see your card, I think it will be one of those wow!! cards you are so famous for.

  16. What pretty colors and all that sparkle! Can’t wait to see the full card tomorrow! I love to watch the birds too, they are such beautiful creatures!

  17. Oh boy! Lots of color and bling! I’m sure it will be a beauty.

  18. Oh my. Look at that glitter! I can’t wait to see the whole thing. I totally went outside my comfort zone with my card this week, so I’m worried! I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with. 🙂

    I love birds! I have a bird feeder right outside my window and I spend way too much time watching them, especially the cardinals! Maybe I’d get more stamping done if I moved it. LOL Thanks for sharing that cool picture.

    Enjoy your weekend!

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