Muffy: Mom said I could tell you all about my perfect day on Saturday, because Brody was a loser and got an ugly old red ribbon and I got…
Brody: MOM…Muffy is starting it already!
Muffy: Well, it’s true Brody! You jumped up and down and wouldn’t run right and…
Mom: MUFFY LIN! If you can’t say something nice about your brother, then don’t say anything at all!
Muffy: Oh, alright! On Saturday, my wonderful brother Brody with the beautiful head did an OK job and got a red ribbon! I received a beautiful blue ribbon. Red is for losers…Blue is for winners!
Brody: MOM! Tell Muffy to quit calling me a loser!
Mom: Muffy Lin…If you want to continue telling this story you had better be kind!
Muffy: Okaaay! Well anyway, I ended up going back into the ring with all of the big girls who had won their classes. The judge picked one, and she was called the Winners Bit… Mom, can I say the “B” word? It is what all of the dog show people say!
Mom: Muffy, you can just call it the Winners “Female” if you want.
Muffy: OK, Mom! Then the judge pointed at me, and said I was the Reserve Winner!!! I got a very pretty purple and white ribbon AND I got my picture taken with the judge while I stood on a special standing place called a podium!
Brody: I want my picture taken with a judd! Why can’t I have my picture taken with the judd? I want my picture taken on a podi…a podi…a special standing place!
Muffy: Pictures are for winners, Brody! And I told you last show, they aren’t called “judds” they are “judges”.
Brody: But Muffy, I got a blue ribbon Sunday. I ran like I was supposed to, and I stood really still, and I didn’t jump on the judd. Mom, will I ever get my picture taken with a judd?
Mom: Brody, I know that one day you WILL have your picture taken with a judd, er…I mean judge. And by the way, Miss Muffy Smarty Pants…what color was your ribbon on Sunday?
Muffy: It was…red. But I wanted red. It looks so pretty with my coloring. And my leash is red. I thought I would share the blue with my other puppy friend. Aren’t you always saying we should share, Mom? I was just doing what you told me to do!
Mom: Oh, Muffy…
There is still time to take advantage of Sale-A-Bration and the Starter Kit Special. Email me today and I will answer any questions that you may have about joining Stampin’ Up! I would love to welcome you as a member of The Schach Pack.
Coming Up: Vintage Card Video Tutorial, PPA Peek

What a great story and so proud of the twins’ wins! Josie is baying her whoohoo too!
Wow – what a weekend for the Twins, Ann! Muffy – maybe you can share some of your secrets with Brody and together, the two of your can be an unstoppable force in the ring. The other boxers will quake in fear when they see the two of you strutting your stuff. And Brody, just remember, Muffy really does love you even if it seems like she doesn’t. It’s a sister thing. 🙂 She’s trying to help you in her own way…
Best wishes to you both from Ms. Lexi here! (and her momma!)
Dear Muffy and Brody … congrats on your winnings! I know your Mom and Dad are so proud of you. You two are beautiful pups with a bright future in the ring. Tell your Mom to keep letting us know how you all are doing. I always love reading about your fun adventures! Have fun in your training classes!
The Wacky Whippet Woman
Too stinkin’ cute Ann! Congrats onthe twins wins…and tell Muffy I was routing for her….and Brody too of course! LOL
Congratulations Muffy and Brody a job VERY WELL DONE!!!
Wow, Muffy and Brody, you both had great weekends! I can’t wait to see your professional picture.
Wow, congrats on the ribbons, I had no idea you showed your dogs. You are one busy lady!!!
Way to go, twins. Wonderful news for both of you. You both did really well… Muffy may have done a little better than you did, Brody! But you were both outstanding!
Glad to hear your twins had fun! Looks like they wore themselves out. Congrats on the ribbons and can’t wait to see the picture of Muffy with the “judd”!
Snicker, snicker. Those twins are adorable!!
I glad you are all home safe!!! Those twins and there story tellin’!!! Love it. Give them hugs and kisses from me. Hugs,
Your twins sure are impressive for winning all the ribbons -Esp when they do exactly what they are supposed to do –they are boxers and they are still young -I would think they would be thinking “Play, Play Play” Their coat just shines in the pictures.
I wanted you to know I received the ribbon -Thank you so much but esp for the card you made -beautiful! I have it displayed on our end table in the family room 🙂 Loking forward to your video -Kathy T
Woof, woof, bow wow, jump up and down, spin the tail on the Doxie – go Muffy! Oh I suppose I should congratulate Brody for his blue ribbon too! But us girls have to stick together! By the way, I’m an old Doxie and the only show I’ve ever been in is at the vet – what is so exciting about getting a ribbon for reservations?
Wow – I didn’t know Miss Daisy could type! You must have had the time of your life this weekend. So many ribbons to bring home. Thanks for sharing your it with us.
Woof – woof – slobbery kisses – Miss Daisy (Hey who let Shari in here – this is my post!!!!!!!
Simply put – way to go everyone! Looking for more tails, I mean, tales of the twins with photos!
Chris R. from Iowa
Oh my goodness Muffy & Brody…you guys crack me up…and so does your Mom!! So glad everyone is home safe and sound with ribbons to boot!
Congratulations to the Twins. You both are so great at telling us about your adventures in the ring. Well done both of you! Besides I am so biased this is easy to say! Of course you won!
Congrats!! What a fun weekend!! they are so stinkin cute! hugz n blessings.
Wow…. Muffy & Brody you did GREAT and I loved your ongoing saga. I think your mom should write children’s books too! Hugs
Oh my goodness, so much excitement going on over there! Congrats to the babies! Can’t wait to see pics! 😀
Congratulations to all! This was a great morning read, Ann. Thanks for the fun.
Wow! Sounds like a successful show for both! How exciting Ann!!! Thanks for the play by play Muffy!!!
Ann, please tell Muffy and Brody I enjoy reading their narrative of what hapened. 🙂 (You are too funny!)
Congratulations Muffy & Brody! Mom is going to be very busy scrapping all your accomplishments.
Great news about the twins! They are such beautiful doggies! Congrats to all!
Oh how fun, can’t wait to see her pic with the Judd! You are too funny. Congrat’s they are doing well.
Muffy and Brody, you are BOTH winners…way to go!
Regardless of what color ribbons they win, Muffy and Brody are true winners in my eyes. Muffy tells a great story, but maybe Brody can share his side next time. Congrats to both.
Congrats! Can’t believe how big they’ve grown!
Woohoo Muffy and Brody! What a show you put on! Congrats to both of you from Cookie and Whispers & me too!
What great looking dogs you are, and sooooooooooooo big. My Brody you just don’t know how big you are do you?
Love the story with the “Twins” “telling” it.
Now it’s time for some Mocha for “Mom” while you guys catch some naps!
Congrats!!! Sounds like the twins had a very busy weekend.. I always love to hear what they have been up to. Muffy should be very proud of doing such a fine job. And I am sure Brody will get some pretty pretty ribbons Such a sweet little story..Can’t wait to see the picture.
Congrats to the twins! Sounds like a fun weekend.
The twins are doing a perfect job! They are looking so cute and obviously starting a great show career. I really love the way you let them tell the story. Sounds like the “discussions” of my two youngest girls 🙂
Thank you for another adorable update from the twins. Well done Muffy and Brody, you are both super stars, far more worthy than getting your photo taken with just a “Judd”.
Congratulations Ann, you must be a very proud Mum.
You’d better share the picture with the judd…I mean Judge…when you get it!! Scouts honor, right? 😀
Good morning, Ann; I thought I would take a chance one last time before I turn off my computer to see if you had posted a show update. I love the way you let Muffy and Brody tell all about their experience!! So funny; sounds just like my twin granddaughter and grandson sometimes! Congratulations on a successful and safe week-end! Looking forward to the video and all the fun things you are going to share this week!
Win it or not, sounds like the twins had a good weekend! Tell Brody that he really doesn’t want to meet a “Judd”…their poofy hair will take away from his spotlight! This is adorable Ann, just like those sassy, little twins of yours. Glad you are all home safe and sound. Give them hugs from me and the “terrier-boys”!