A Peek and a Pup and a Pearl

Saturday always brings the promise of a peek at my Paper Players Design Team card. Several of you noticed that my last two cards were not distressed or sponged or spritzed. Well, I could not restrain myself any longer. Tomorrow’s card definitely has a vintage flair! I hope you will join me for the reveal!

A Pup and a Pearl

I know I get a lot of teasing for my copious use of Stampin’ Up!’s Basic Pearls. I admit…I LOVE them, and perhaps I am just a wee bit addicted. But even I had to chuckle this afternoon. When Brody the Boxer isn’t busy playing or watching out the window, he loves to lay at my feet just like Missy the Boxer used to do. Well imagine my surprise when he got up and was sporting a Stampin’ Up! Basic Pearl on his hip!

One must have fell to the floor and landed on him while I was embellishing my card. Obviously this is a testament to the high-quality adhesive that is used. What wonderful advertising copy this would make!
“Stampin’ Up! Basic Pearls…So sticky, they even stick to a Boxer!” Of course, poor Brody, soon discovered the source of my amusement. So I retrieved the errant pearl and tucked it away for use another day. And just to answer the question before it’s asked…No! Even I don’t put pearls on the pups! Cards…yes! Pups…no!
Thanks for stopping by for a quick visit today. I really do appreciate the time that you spend with me. Of course, I would love for you to drop in tomorrow for the full reveal. And did I mention that there will be a short video tutorial? Plus if you ever have any questions about the cards that I create, or the techniques that I use, such as “Creative Canine Pearl Placement” just email me! Until next time…
***There is still time to take advantage of the Starter Kit Special and join me as a Stampin’ Up! demonstrater. Email me for details.***


  1. I don’t know how I missed this post. So cute of Brody and the pearl. I love it. Have you had any luck with Blogger? I did see your photo’s were here for todays post. If I can help you search for an answer, let me know. Hugs,

  2. It’s also a testament to how the supplies fly when you’re creating. The Edward Scissorhands of the Stampin’ Up! set!

  3. Beautiful card, Ann. Love your designer paper creation. The colors are gorgeous. Great tutorial too!

  4. Very intriging. Can’t wait to see it. The pearl on the pup is too too funny. Love the picture of the dog looking at it… like “What the heck is that”?….

  5. It’s what all the well-dressed doggies are wearing these days!

  6. LOL! I should have known you would embellish your pups with pearls sooner or later! Thanks for the good laugh!

  7. Brody looks good in pearls! Enjoyed reading your post. I love boxers so am always happy to see pictures of them.

    Looking forward to your post tomorrow.

  8. How funny! You made my day. Luckily, ticks aren’t white or that’s what poor Brody would look like he has. . . ! My “stamping buddy” is a fluffy orange and white cat. He turned his usually spotless white paw Poppy Parade by jumping up and putting his paw right on the open pad I was using.

  9. Can’t believe he went out and got a piercing without checking with you first. Thankfully, it’s only fake. 🙂 Muffy would have totally told on him though and you’d have to put the twins in a timeout, as a result. I love the errant pearl on Brody – that has happened once to Lexi as well although in her case, it was hanging from her beard. So she reminded me a lot like one of the commercials that would air on TV when I was growing up – a jeweler with a diamond in his beard. BTW, my color spritzer arrived and I’ve already practiced with “her” and I love it! 🙂 Will have to post a card soon (I’m way overdue with posting anyway but I wanted to let you know that “Ann” arrived.)

  10. BWAHAHAH! Awesome…

  11. I love your sense of humour. Reading your blog just makes my day! I can hardly wait to see the rest of this card. Do we really have to wait another day! 🙁 Just kidding.
    Have a great weekend!

  12. What a cute story about Brody!! and the one about your Great Grandparents quilt.. I wish you had more history on it, I started reading and didn’t want to stop… Your sneek peek looks so pretty..

  13. Too funny! Brody is gorgeous even without pearls!

  14. Thanks for the laugh Miss Ann!! So glad you captured the moment! Too funny!!!

  15. Love your sense of humor and story telling talent, Ann! We can see Muffy and Brody at the next show, Muffy mincing down the runway with her Basic Rhinestone tiara and Brody escorting her in his Basic Pearl studded collar! Is that the luscious Cherry Cobbler we are seeing? Oh, the anticipation!! Have a great day, Ann!

  16. You do write a good blog story, ….this one sure makes one chuckle. Can’t wait to see your creation tomorrow.

  17. Just too funny Ann. The pearl was strategically placed to show it off.

  18. Several out loud chuckles! I’m so glad you keep your camera handy.

  19. Oh, I can hear it now – “Mom, Brody has one of your pearls, I am better than he is – I need three, at least!” Or, “rhinestones mom, we all know girls are better and diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” “If Brody gets to be in an ad, I gotta be in two ads with more bling!”

    Actually some on a collar might look pretty spiffy!

    Looking forward to the reveal. I, too, never know what to do with the little safety pins. Of course, I forget I have them too.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  20. I guess Brody wanted to ‘try his paw’ at embellishing since Muffy is so good at distressing!

  21. Oh my goodness, you are too funny! Tell Brody he is much too handsome to sport body piercings…particularly pearls. I love the photo of him looking at the pearl. I can just imagine what he was thinking. Isn’t it sweet that he “helps” you craft, just like Missy did?

    I can’t wait for the reveal of your card, I’m loving it already.

  22. thanks for memories. My Mom also made quilts (for granddaughters and afgans ( for grandsons). My children still have theirs and have kept them in great condition. My grandmother made coats for us out of old wool suits of my grandfathers, etc. I guess nothing went to waste that many years ago. Good Memories. I think Brody might be the hit of the show with his bejeweling. haha

  23. Tooo funny Ann!….Brody’s all trying to bling it up…you can’t fool us! HAHAHAHA

    Have a great weekend!


  24. I’m seeing a color combo when looking at Brody. Maybe some Pacific Point and Soft Suede adorned with Pearls. Love those pictures of your handsome boy and your funny story to go with it! Looking forward to tomorrow to see your full reveal.

  25. Brody is definitely the best dressed boxer in town! Can’t wait to see the reveal tomorrow!

  26. Love the sneak peak! Can’t wait for the full reveal!

    Pups need “bling” sometimes too!

  27. Maybe a tiara of pearls would be fitting :)….too funny…

  28. Oh Brody really does get into your work, lol. Love that. Proof that he comes from a stampy home, lol. Love the sneak peak.

  29. You know, the twins could win “best dressed” at the shows with the pearls. I just love that you shared this story…made my morning. Can’t wait to see the reveal!

  30. Anxiously waiting for the reveal as to how you’ve incorporated the safety pin into your card. I’ve had the pins in my collection but still have not found a use for them yet.

    My dogs usually walk away from my crafting room with a stray dimensional element adhesive cover hanging from their body! TFS.

  31. Hehe brilliant. We now have a whole load of potential new customers in people who show their pets at competitions!

  32. Wow Brody don’t we look embelished! Thanks for sharing…I am still laughing!!!

  33. Well, bejeweling the pups may be a little over the top (hee hee) but certainly unintentional in your case! However, perhaps not surprising with your love of Basic Pearls – statistically it seems it would be bound to happen sooner or later!!

    I wanted to comment on the lovely quilt you shared yesterday. It is such a beauty, distressed and all. I have a few that were handed down from my great grandma and her mother…one my Mom sewed together by hand in the 70’s from squares that were from the turn of the 20th century. They were not made of the most stylish colors perhaps, but my great, great grandma had hand cut them from what she had at the time, and like many of us today, we just appreciate the time and effort…and they were from her. Thanks for sharing your wonderful family heirloom and stirring a cherished memory.

  34. I may, or may not, be the first one to request this but is “bejeweling” the twins REALLY so wrong?? LOL!! I am still laughing at your post, Ann!! Brody knows where it’s at…and I agree, SU! should totally use it as a selling point! 🙂

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