A Peek at the Players and More Blog Awards

Today I have a little peek at this week’s The Paper Players inspiration card for you, as well as the remainder of the Stylish Blogger Award recipients. I hope that you will stop by The Paper Players site and check out the winners of last week’s challenge.

Stylish Blogger Award

Yesterday I mentioned that I had received the Stylish Blogger Award from three young stampers:

Holley Sullivan
Carrie Sampsel
Angela Timms

You can imagine my surprise when I had an email this morning from Crystal Rancourt stating that she was giving me this award, too. How sweet! Yesterday I listed four of my favorite blogs. Today, I will list four more. Now remember, there are many, many talented stampers that I love and visit daily. These are just four from a long, long list.

1. Julie B — I love her vintage style!

2. Linda Fisher —Linda is fairly new to the blogging scene. I love how she mixes up vintage and clean and classy.

3. Julie Gearinger — Julie’s designs are always classics!

4. Mary Anderson — A visit to Mary’s blog will reward you with classy cards, fabulous MDS scrapbook pages, and some of the most beautiful photographs you will ever see.

You Never Know…

What a surprise I received when I read through my comments for yesterday’s post and found this one. Needless to say, it brought a tear to my eye…

Chris P. said…
I am not a blogger or a stamper. Found this site while looking up old teachers. Ann was my biology teacher in the mid 70’s. She was a pretty cool chick and a great teacher as I recall. I just did not have a head for biology! Great of you to share your personal feelings with your readers….Even though I spent 20 years in the military and even served in Iraq, I almost cried at the last episode of Monk too! Glad to see that even though you retired from teaching, you found another way to channel your energy and passion.
Good luck!

Isn’t that soooo sweet! I have not heard from Chris since 1978. (And I don’t think anyone has ever described me as a pretty cool chick! Thank you for brightening up my day!)

I hope you enjoyed today’s sneak peek and that you will join me tomorrow for the full reveal! Remember, your comments are important to me. And if you ever have any questions about the cards that I create or the techniques that I use, I am only an email away. Until next time…


  1. All,
    I am the Chris P that sent my former teacher, Ann, the comment.
    Thanks for all your nice comments. I realize the name Chris could be either sex – but I am a guy!
    And I still stand by the cool chick comment!

  2. What a very sweet thing and how fun that she found you by accident. And just for your information, I find you to be one pretty cool chick myself! ๐Ÿ˜› Best, Curt

  3. OH Ann what a beautiful thing to find in blogland. I think your student discribed you wonderfully. You really DO influence many people, in the classroom or in the blogland version of a classroom.


  4. 1) I cannot WAIT to see the full image of that blue peek of fabric.

    2) That’s incredible about your student. It must be indescribable to receive something like that. Each year I try to write back to a teacher that has made an impact in some way…I’m glad to see I’m not alone ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. What a lovely surprise for you, Ann; probably the best reward of teaching! AND another award! Hummm,seeing the lovely frayed fabric and Victoria lace, a die cut or two and I will wager a few pearls. Can’t wait to see the end product! Hope the Twins are all settled back in and feeling well.

  6. Well, now it has been confirmed in writing–you are a pretty cool chick! How sweet of your former student to leave such a nice comment. What a pleasant surprise and great start to the weekend.

  7. Great little peak today! Maybe a yo-yo flower thing? Lace is always good – I don’t think I saw any pearls though. Gorgeous colors!

    Fun hearing from a former student – “old” sounds, well, OLD! Mike hasn’t heard from any of his a quite awhile. Of course, moving from Texas back to Iowa doesn’t help either. Is “this” Chris a male or female – could be either! Either way, what a fun E-mail for you.

    What is it with this snow?

    Chris R. from Iowa

  8. Wow, one of your former students!
    Hearing such positive comments has to be one of the best
    “gifts” ever! From reading your blog,
    it wouldn’t surprise me at all if a
    lot of your “former” students thought
    of you this way! Good on you girl!!!
    Lots of nice things happening to you!
    ….waiting in anticipation to the
    big reveal of your next card….
    Jennifer, Calgary

  9. That is the coolest thing I have read in a while! It is nice to know we had made an impact on a persons life and you were remembered. Gorgeous Peek too! I think the circle flower is they typ of flower my grandmother made a blanket out of?? I have started to see them more and more lately??? Humm

  10. What a wonderful comment from Chris! Makes it all worth it, huh? Of course, I’m sure there are many more memories of the “cool chick” Ann from the 70’s! I CANNOT wait until you reveal this card. I see fabric and a favorite die cut!

  11. Wow…I am feeling happy for you Ann. I look foward to looking each day what you have posted.Today was so special to hear that you made such an impact on a student too. I know this must have made your day hearing from her! ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy days to you.

  12. What an awesome note you received. I am a HS English teacher and hope each day I make that kind of impact on my students.

  13. That is so sweet of her to comment! You must have really made an impression for her to remember you all these years later.

    I can’t wait to see the full reveal of the card. I need to find ways to use my fabric!

  14. Ann, that note from Chris must’ve made you feel so good. I’m so glad you got some happy mail. ๐Ÿ™‚ Good things happen to good people.

  15. O…M…G…

    MS. ANN.

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