Pals Paper Arts Best Dressed List 2010

As 2010 draws to a close, it’s time to announce the Pals Paper Arts Best Dressed List. This is a collection of our 12 favorite paper creations from the Pals Picks throughout the year. One was selected for each month from our original weekly picks.

For the month of March, I am proud to announce that I selected this delightful card created by Karin Menghini. Karin’s card was a breathe of spring! I loved the assortment of buttons and the gorgeous Pretty in Pink bow. Of course, the paper-snipped grass landed this card on top of my favorites for the month!

WHO ELSE WAS A TOP PICK? See the rest of 2010’s standouts on the PPA Best Dressed List by CLICKING HERE.
See you tomorrow when I will be back with another Occasions Mini peek and the cutest little doggie treat box ever! Until next time…


  1. Thanks so much Ann for choosing my card! What an honor 🙂

  2. Great choice. A little bit of spring is what we all need here in the northeast right now.

  3. Ann what a great pick.

    Your style and Your blog has inspired me! Come on over to my blog for your award!
    Hugs Diane

  4. Beautiful pick! I like how Karin used the buttons on her card.

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