We Have a Winner and Puppy Middle Names

On this day after Thanksgiving, I want to thank all of you for your kind comments during my Blog Candy giveaway. And if you did not win this time, I will be having another giveaway closer to Christmas. I love giving away blog candy!

Using the random number generator from Random .org, the winner was: lisa808, who left comment #33 on Monday’s post:

Hi Ann,

Yes, it is amazing the friends we make around the world through blogging. Crafters are awesome! My favorite stamp set in the Holiday Mini is Fireside Christmas. Love that fireplace image.


Congratulations, Lisa! Please email me your name and address by Monday, November 29th, and I will get your package in the mail!

The Boxer Twins Now Have Middle Names
The Boxer Twins, Muffy and Brody, made the trip to their Aunt Sissy’s for Thanksgiving. Although I was worried what the Twins might do, they were perfect! Well, almost. We do need to work on “no jumping”. But there were no potty mistakes, and no whining when crated! Aunt Sissy was so impressed that she took lots of pictures to show her friends, AND she invited the Twins back for Christmas! Woo hoo! As for me, what kind of a mom am I? I forgot my camera!

Since they were such good puppies, there was no reason to use their newly selected middle names. For Muffy, it came down to Muffy Lin and Muffy Marie. We allowed Muffy to choose her own, but calling her these names. She liked Muffy Lin better. Lin was suggested by none other than my good Pal, LINda Callahan!
As for Brody, it was a little tougher. There were so many wonderful choices. I liked “Beal”, which means “handsome”, because it really fit him. He is one handsome Boxer boy. However, the men in my life did not care for it as much. (I think they are just jealous because their ears are not as big as Brody’s.) We narrowed the choices to Brody Andrew, Brody Michael, and Brody James. And the winner was…Brody James. This combination just “came” to me while listening to songs on You Tube. I listened to some real oldies, let me tell you! Well, one of the songs I listened to was “Reuben James”, sung by Kenny Rogers. I started singing it to Brody, but changing the words to Brody James. Brody liked it. (OK…so I sing to my dogs. Doesn’t everyone? I just change the words to suit them. The Twins love the classic Elton John hit, “Your Bone”, and the Aerosmith tune, “Bark This Way”.)
So now, if the Twins get into trouble, it will be “Muffy Lin Schach” and “Brody James Schach”! But I am sure that their wild and wanton puppy days are over…NOT!

Stampin’ Up! Specials!

Hurry! Until November 30th, Stampin’ Up! is offering a fantastic sale with discounts from 20 to 50% off AND free shipping on qualifying orders of $150 (products before shipping and handling). CLICK HERE to see the list of discounted products. CLICK HERE to order.

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  1. Hi Ann, Have your considered putting the Christmas Tree in a childs playpen. I remember friends doing this so litle ones couldn;t reach the ornaments. Enjoy the Holidays. Pat

  2. I love your puppy stories. My own Chihuahua Brothers don’t have middle names. Skippyjon’s name is shortened to Skip, with me only calling him Skippyjon occasionally. Diego is frequently Don Diego, so maybe Diego is a middle name … Anyway, I really wanted to share those songs that were special to Miss Chelsea (my terrier mix). She was a roly-poly little batface girl when she was a baby, so You Can Call Me Al became her song until she outgrew the roly-poly phase. Later, when she was older, she learned to jump into my arms, so Van Halen’s Jump was her official song. And when I was taking her for her last drive on her last day, David Cook’s Come Back To Me was playing on the radio. Chelsea was almost 15 and suffering from canine dementia, and phrases from the song applied to her in so many ways. After a year and a half, I can hear that song and immediately tears come to my eyes as I remember our last drive together.

  3. Leslie said … Ah Oh! When you get to three names that is sooooo bad! And yes, the kids were adorable to die for! I am so glad they came for the day and can’t wait until Christmas when they come again. In the meantime, Aunt Leslie will be over to visit them. Kiss them from me!

  4. Love the middle names! Congrats to the winner!

  5. I love the new middle names that both Brody and Muffy have. I think they are great! The twins are so lucky to have you as thier mom.

    I hope that you will take a photo of them all dressed p in thier winter coats for us to see. :)I’m sure they look adorable.


  6. Thanks for the great laugh…”Bark This Way”??? You are too funny! The middle names are great too; hopefully you won’t have to use them too often!

  7. Sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving. Where does your sister live? Boy, am I nosey or what? I like their full names now. So glad they behaved and can go back! We went to my in-law’s and my step mother-in-law was sick with the flu. She had most of the food ready and we ate without her. Sure hope we don’t catch the flu! Have a good weekend!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  8. The Boxer Twins middle names roll off the tongue nicely. Cannot imagine it will ever be used in a disciplining voice….lol. Glad they made you all proud for their first “road trip”.

  9. Congrats to Lisa for winning the blog candy. Your names sound perfect for your puppies. I never thought to give my dogs middle names… hmmm…. Bailey (what?) and Coco (what?). 🙂

  10. All dogs should have middle names! I love your choices and the songs that go with them! Haha, you are having too much fun, Ann! Don’t forget your camera at Christmas, please!

  11. Ann sounds like your Thanksgiving was a huge success and now the coming holidays will goes even smoother, with no worries about the pups. the middle names seem fit perfectly too. Congrats to lisa808 for being the lucky winner. She’ll surely love it.

  12. Congrats to Lisa and great job on naming your boxers!

  13. Congrats to the winner…and love your pick of middle names! Hopefully you won’t have to used them toooo often! 🙂


  14. Wow!!! I couldn’t believe it when I saw my name as the winner of your awesome blog candy! Thank you!!!

    I’m so glad to hear The Boxer Twins were on good behavior yesterday. I was expecting to hear quite a funny tale today. Their middle names flow nicely. Let’s hope they won’t need to be used very often.

    I’m off to E-mail you.

  15. Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and the twins middle names are adorable.

  16. I am so proud to have such a beautiful namesake! We call my little one Abby Girl (Heaven only knows how that started) and have ended up calling her Girlfriend most of the time!

  17. Awesome! I just love their full names. The names sound so good together. Thanks Carla… for reminding me to tell Lisa…congratulations on your blog win. It is so sweet of you Ann to give away blog candy.

  18. congradulations to Lisa! And you too, for finding the middle names. I love them! Your converted songs are funny, thanks for making me laugh tbis morning. Makes getting ready for work on black friday that much better, lol.

  19. Love the twins’ middle names! Glad they had a terrific Thanksgiving and were invited back again for Christmas! Just so you know, I sing all the time to my pup and
    HER full name is Tennessee Jed Shaw from the Grateful Dead song(that’s how crazy we are–giving a male name to HER, but we were told she did come from Tennessee when we rescued her)! Whenever that song comes on anywhere, my husband and I sing it to her at the top of our lungs and she actually sits up so proudly!

  20. Awesome middle names!!! I’m so happy the twins got invited back!!! Congrats to Lisa808!!! Hugs,

  21. Ha ha so cute! Our little ones have middle names too. Dixie belongs to my daughter and she named her, she always wanted a Dachshund named Dixie. Dixie is the only one with papers,so she needed a full name and we came up with Southern Belle Dixie Lee, yes we are from the south, lol. So when she is in trouble she is Dixie Lee. Lady, we got when the kids were little, all they could think of was Lady from Lady and the Tramp, she is Lady Bug, but she is never bad, it’s a love name, sometimes we call her Love Bug :). And Suzie already had her name when we adopted her,sometimes we call her Suzie Q.

    Glad your little babies were good, and they got invited back, that’s huge! Have a great weekend.

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