What Were You Thinking and a Card, Too

I am an adult, rational woman. I consider myself to be reasonably intelligent and level headed. I never, ever buy anything on impulse. So why…why… did I say “Yes” when Muffy the Boxer’s breeder asked me if I would like to have a second puppy? I now have a much better understanding of the phrase “temporarily insane”. Ladies and gentleman (Mike, I know you are out there), let me introduce you to “Cimarron’s What Were You Thinking”, which is exactly what my husband, Kim, said when I told him that I bought a second puppy.

I had an arsenal of answers ready for that question. After all, I waited a few days before I worked up the courage to tell him. Here are some of what I thought were my better responses:

  • “Oh, Kim…Muffy would always have a little friend to play with. We don’t want our little princess to get lonely, do we?”
  • “Like they always say…two dogs are as easy to raise as one!” (Whoever said that never met twin Boxers!)
  • “Oh, Kim…I bought him for you. I know how you love surprises!”
  • “He’s for my Stampin’ Up! business. When people ask me what I love about being a demonstrator, I can say…’Because of Stampin’ Up!’s excellent career plan, not only am I doing what I love, and sharing my passion with others, but I have also been able to purchase not just one BUT two adorable Boxer puppies!”
  • “It must have been that bump on my head that I received when I slipped on the overspray from my Smooch Spritz. Wait…who are you again? Where am I? Puppy? What puppy? You bought me another puppy? I remember you…you are my wonderful husband!”
  • “Um…um…Muffy made me do it?”
  • “We can conserve natural resources this winter because we will each have a dog for snuggling. You know me, Kim…I will sacrifice whatever I have to sacrifice if it’s for the good of the environment.”
What reason did I use, you ask? I simply said…”It seemed like such a good idea at the time…”

Our little boy is just as smart as his sister. We call him Brody the Boxer, not to be confused with Brady the Boy. And what does Brady the Boy think? We picked Brady up from college Friday evening after his Symphonic Wind Ensemble concert (He had two major solos. We hired a puppysitter for the evening.) He only knew about Muffy. Imagine his surprise when he walked through the door and saw double the fun! “Mom…he looks just like Missy!” Well, the resemblance is there with that distinctive gargoyle face.

In case you are wondering about Brody’s strange head wear, that is not his Halloween costume. His little ears have been cropped. When we put our deposit down on Muffy, we specifically stated “No cropping”. This breeder does crop all of her puppies unless it is specified otherwise. And since we did not know that Brody the Boxer was going to be living with us, she had him cropped. I took Brody to visit his new vet Friday, and she gave him some antibiotics and pain medicine.

So, in case you wonder why I have been missing in action for a few days, just blame it on the Boxer babies. Before we turn our attention to today’s card…after all that is the real focus of this blog…let me share three more baby pictures. These are cute because I caught the progression of Muffy’s looks as she is falling asleep.

Graveyard Gala

Need an invite for your Halloween Party? If so, this is the stamp set for you. A little fussy cutting and a little pape tearing, and this card is ready before you can say “Trick or Treat!” It first appeared in the Splitcoaststampers Dirty Dozen June Gallery: Simply Inviting! Please note that since this card was created before the Color Renovation took place, there are two retired colors…Going Gray and Pale Plum.

The Stampin’ Schach Design Tips:

  • Sponge it! A little Going Gray sponged onto the Pale Plum sky casts an eerie glow over the graveyard. A 1-3/4″ Circle Punch is used to punch a So Saffron moon. Once again, a little Going Gray is sponged over its surface.
  • Stamp-a-ma-jig! Perfectly place the trees from the Lovely As a Tree set over the moon by using your Stamp-a-ma-jig.
  • Tear it up! The Always Artichoke hills were free-formed with torn edges, which were then distressed with Going Gray ink.
  • Rest in Peace! The smaller tombstones were simpy created using the Word Window Punch. How cute is that! RIP was printed on with a Basic Black Stampin’ Write Marker.
  • Fussy Cut! The Gravestone was paper snipped in seconds and popped up on Stampin’ Dimensionals. In addition, the Ravens, Jack-o-Lantern, and Scrollwork were also stamped and snipped!

I hope that you find this card “inviting”, and a treat, not a trick! Please, won’t you leave me a comment to let me know what you think about today’s card? I will be anxious to hear what you think! And remember, if you have any questions about the cards that I create or the techniques that I use, I am only an email away! Until next time..>

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Stamp Sets: Graveyard Gala, Lovely As a Tree, Texture Wheel
Paper: Perfect Plum Designer Series Paper. Basic Gray, Going Gray, Always Artichoke, Pumpkin Pie, So Saffron
Ink: Basic Black, Going Gray
Accessories: 1-3/4″ Circle Punch, Word Window Punch, Vanilla Shimmer Smooch Spritz, Basic Black Stampin’ Write Marker, Sponge Dauber, Stamping Sponges


  1. Ann I have “two” labs and I would never consider again getting just one dog. I’ve had them for 7 years and there are such a host of reasons why it works out fantastically! I am SO happy for your little Muffy that she now has a built in Brody PlayMate Never to be Lonely Again!!!! (I’m behind the times here!!! lol)

  2. Poor Brody. At least it’s your male who has the cropped ears. My husband always teases me that we should have had our boxers’ ear cropped, “make ’em look tough”. But he would no more crop their ears than I would, and I WON’T. That’s where so much of their personality is communicated.
    Anyway, it’s always best to have 2 dogs (if they are sociable) so they can keep each other company and sleep together. Plus, it’s double the love!

  3. Too funny! Have a very similar story and now here I sit, typing on my laptop, with two very spoiled (but lovable!) dachshunds snuggled up with me. Can’t imagine life without either of them right now. Enjoy with no regrets!!

  4. In response to Blogs: I hope that you read my post carefully and noted that I did not elect to have Brody’s ears cropped. They were cropped by his breeder before we ever thought about purchasing him.

  5. I’ll never understand why humans feel the need to change a dog breed’s characteristics by chopping off body parts – tails, ears, etc. It hurts me just to think of their suffering.

  6. Oh the puppies are SO cute. You will have double the fun and double the love.


  7. We did the same thing, but it was Sheltie puppies. There were two boys in the litter and when we went to see them my husband said, “Let’s take both of them.” Yes, they are a lot of work and we often ask ourselves the same, “What were we thinking?” But they do keep each other company and they make us laugh everyday.

  8. Ok Business out the way, your card is spookatacular.
    Now on to the important stuff; your boxer puppies are so adorable! I have never raised a pupply let alone two puppies (although I do have a Chocolate Lab which we adoptd at 13 months old) so I have no idea the amount of work involved except that it is a lot…but can you imagine the fun they will have together?! I say you have a huge heart and tremendous patience and so much love for these puppies. Have fun with them. (I would love to give them a hug they are so cute)

  9. I love your excuses for buying another puppy!! they are both sooooo adorable…who could resist? I know I couldn’t!

    And the card is cute too!!

    Following you from NY via Stampin’ Connection


  10. Ann, they are both adorable! And I just love how you told the story! I was laughing out loud. : ) I am sure Muffy is happy to have a friend! Two boxers just means twice as much love! Of course, your card is awesome as always!

  11. The card is awesome, but those cute puppies took all focus away from the card. I can see how you ended up with two…how could you not with those two faces!!!

  12. Ann, such cute puppy pix! ANd this Halloween card is “to die for”! I really love it.

  13. You are SO FUNNY, Ann! What a hoot to read your rational explanations! I almost feel off my seat about the slip on the Smooch Spritz.
    They are adorable!
    Great halloween invite too!

  14. I loved reading your post “What Were You Thinking and a Card Too”! I knew as soon as I saw the headline that a second puppy had found a loving home! Your rationale was wonderful, ALL of them! I like the card too, love the layered hilly look and the colors. Have a great day, Ann, and enjoy your babies!

  15. Ann, I laughed so hard at your post. Brody and Muffy are absolutely precious!! I bet they were so happy to see each other again and I’m sure that they are “double trouble”.

    I was so side-tracked by the cute pups I almost forgot to mention your great card. I love how you used that set, it’s just so eerie! 🙂

  16. Great card, an even Greater story. Thanks for giving me my 1st Laugh Out Loud for the day. I can see The Boxers are just too cute to resist. Brody looks like he’s preparing to be a Shriner wearing his practice head gear instead of a cropped ears protector. Which looks like a better idea than I’ve ever seen. I’ve had a dobe and then a great dane and promised if I ever get a dog with big floppy ears they’ll stay that way. I now have Yorkies and their ears stand up naturally. I’ve also downsized to 4# & 6#!

  17. Ann, Brody is gorgeous! Muffy must so excited to have him with her. I am saving your excuses, just in case I need them. Love your card, too. Hugs,

  18. Hahaha, great story, Ann!! Temporary insanity would be a good excuse! He is handsome and of course you all will be so happy so have both after your inital adjustment period to (2) two puppies (hee hee)!?!!! Your card is terrific as well!

  19. The pictures of ‘The Boxers’ together are so cute.

    Love your Halloween card. The hillside & crooked headstones are fab.

  20. Is the card to represent the trouble you got in? They are too cute to get you in trouble though! Love the dogs and the card!!

  21. Oh, can I come to your house to play? A little stamping (because your cards are always terrific) and lots of boxer lovings. I say if you’re going to have one, what’s one more. He is adorable even with his head gear. What fun!

  22. Ann…I love when you post pictures of Muffy and I love it even more that Muffy has a companion. I wish Roxy, my boxer was still that small. I did not get her ears clipped, I just didn’t have the heart. Brody will be fine…they are beautiful puppies. I will come babysit any time you want me to!!!!

  23. they are as cute as buttons-but I bet you have your hands full!!

  24. Leslie said … Too cute and yes, I am laughing like crazy! How well I understand the chaotic gene pool we share. I am glad I am not the only one in the family who does stuff like your “two are better than one” deal. Yes indeed, been there done that. 2 cats, 2 dogs, 2 sons, 2 daughters, but only 1 soon to be husband. Whew!

  25. Oh Ann, How cute are they. I too have a similar story. I went to the Animal Shelter to get a Lab and came home with 2 100 pound brothers Bear ans Marley. They are Lab Retriever Mix and they are soooo beautiful. They are inseparable too and really love each other. “How could I possibly separate them” I said to my husband?? He said” You know where the shovel is” What??? 🙁 Bear chose me and Marley chose Jeff. But they are mine all day until he comes home from work! Check out my blog to see my babies hahahah

  26. Awwwwww, so cute! I wondered about that head gear. At first, I thought you made a little hat, LOL! I love your story, too. Double the fun! Congratulations on your new arrival, Mama! 🙂


    P.S. Cool card, too!

  27. Ann- I know exactly where you’re coming from. It’s so hard to say no. We lost a hamster earlier in the year. When it was sick, the vet told me that two Chinese Dwarf hamsters of the same sex can stay in the same cage and not tear eachothers heads off. So, I went to the pet store with the intention of buying two. When I got there they had them in a little box. There were 3 in the box and they all came from the same litter. How could I say no? My hubby was so mad at me, he wouldn’t talk to me for a couple days. Anyway, I’m so glad that I got them. My kids adore them (and so do I!) and they snuggle when they sleep. It’s too cute. Your puppies are just precious and I see how you couldn’t say no. I’m sure they will bring you lots of joy and they can play together. It’s amazing how much joy pets can bring. Enjoy!

  28. Insanity at it’s best! Congrats on your new addition to the family!!!! You will never have a dull day at your house!

  29. walking. lots of walking. it tires them out. oh! and a “chuck stick” and ball! works for my Golden! good luck and enjoy!

  30. Love the story. Adorable doggies, too! OH, and your card—CUTE!!

  31. The card is very cute but I loved the puppy story even more. Given the opportunity, I can see myself doing exactly what you did. LOL We travel too much now to have pets. 🙁

  32. Great invite and I love the layering of the grass with tombstones popping out, and the tree against the moon. So cute. The puppies are adorable and you’ll have your hands full (first year anyway) but oh so fun I’m sure. Looking forward to more stories.

  33. The card is marvelous but you captivated us with your new “kids” and the fun stories . . . love the ‘slipped on the spritz’ version. hugs, M

  34. “Did you fall down and smack your little head on the pavement?” (Miranda Priestly)
    Gorgeous dogs both! (And the card ain’t half bad either!)

  35. Follow your heart works for me – too much thinking can get in the way~! Your babies are beautiful!

  36. Oh my goodness! Such sweet babies!
    We said we would never get another Dachshund because the one we have is more than enough, she is a princess and knows it. I was looking in the classifieds at the dogs last month, why? no idea. And came across a little Dachshund, 1 1/2 years, I went down, met her, and adopted her. For such small dogs, they are a handful, but I love them and am so happy for our new Susie, we are her fourth home, not even counting the breeder. She is such a love, so happy to have her in her real forever home. Good luck!! 🙂

  37. OMWord Ann – double duty, double fun, double the adorable, double the snuggles… Kim will melt in no time!! Loved your rational 🙂

  38. To cute!!!! what a softy… Congrats on your new little boy… I love his hat…I hope he’s not in too much pain. I wish I could give him a big hug..lol your card looks great to…

  39. I think the “for the Demo business” is the one I would go with, LOL! As a matter of fact, I may just have to use that one and surprise my Sweetie with a little someone this year at Christmas, heh heh heh!

  40. Yay for irrationality! What a great story…and I love the reasons you readied for Kim! Hearty welcome to Brody! Both pups are gorgeous! Oh, and I love your card, too! 🙂

  41. What a great story Ann and I am sure that your puppies will bring you happiness and a few laughs. The card is great too.

  42. I AM IN LOVE!! Now I have two babies to spoil, long distance!! You are so freaking funny, I can’t stand it. Congratulations on your gorgeous new boy!!


  43. Adorable story Ann and look how cute they look together, great idea!
    Love your card, I really like the way you stamped the tree to be outlined against the moon, the gravestone is a great invite too.

  44. Oh Ann, my darling…

    I am sat here with the biggest smile on my face!

    When we had Asti, I would never have thought I would have another dog. She was an only woofer in our house and when we found out she had cancer, Paul mentioned getting another and I said no – all the way!!!

    However. We got Holly as you know, and six months down the line got Scooby aged 18mths, then another six months later got Truly, aged nearly 3!!!

    Two – or three – dogs are so much more lovely to look after than the one, and I absolutely love the look on Muffy’s lickle face.. Give Brody a mahooooosive cuddle from me. What a shame about the ears. So cruel I think.. but hey.. He looks a stunner anyway.

    Gosh, I’m so proud of you Mummy!!

    Have fun, lots of woofy cuddles and more!

    Jo xxx

  45. OMG, double the love! You will not be sorry for this temporary insanity. You cracked me up with your excuses…is your husband speaking to you yet? I bet Muffy was so happy to see her brother again…Cute name for your little boy. Okay, I will go look at your card now…the babies sidetracked me. Congrats!!!

  46. Love the story! They will be best friends and you will be able to look back on this first year with them and laugh ~ at some point down the road! But for now, just hang on and go with the flow! What a couple of cuties! Oh, and BTW, your card is cute too!!
    Hugs, Barbara in SC

  47. Oh Ann, you big softee! I’ll bet you could decorate Brody’s cone hat SU style!! Kidding, he’s just as precious as Muffy. I adore your graveyard card–love the word window tombstones, the sponging, the trees, the ravens—so gothic!

  48. How lucky your boxer babies are to have such an awesome mom! She’s precious, he is so handsome! Enjoy!!

  49. OMG Ann… literally cracked up when I saw the picture and the title! LOL…I knew before I even read your entry that you had purchased another! LOL…that is soooooooo something I would do! He is so super cute and I know him and Muffy will have so much fun together! I have two Bostons and they are inseparable! They do everything together! Let the roller coaster start! LOL…Have fun! 🙂 Gorgeous card too….love the “scene” you made…very spooky! {SMILES}

  50. Oh Ann, sorry, but they have stolen the spotlight from your gorgeous card! XOXO

  51. Good for you!!! And who needs an excuse?

  52. OMG…too funny! At least you are retired and able to be with them more now.

    Good Luck!

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