Muffy the Boxer and PPA Peek

You are looking at the reason I have no card to post today! “Muffy the Boxer” arrived at her forever home late Tuesday afternoon. It was a bittersweet day of sorts, as this marks the end of the “Missy the Boxer” era. But, Missy will live forever in my heart.

Muffy really has beautiful brown eyes…but I don’t have a “Doggie Blue-Eye” Fixer!

It is amazing how we canonize our pets after they are gone. Monday evening, as we reminisced about Missy, I remembered her as a natural at leash training. My husband reminded me that she used to drag me down the street when we first started out. I remembered Missy as a “snuggle-bunny” in bed, and once again my husband reminded me of how more than once we woke up freezing because a certain “somedog” had managed to weasel all of the covers during our bitterly cold Iowa winter nights! I remember the wonderful car rides, and seemed to forget the trips that we made where I ended up with 55-pounds of Boxer butt on my lap. I remember a well-mannered lady, who never tore up a thing…except for Brady’s Homecoming King crown! But I attributed that to sibling rivalry!

Muffy with Dad

As I write this short post, I have another sweet lady on my lap, and am typing this post with one hand. Obviously this will have to change, but for this evening I wouldn’t change a thing. Muffy is everything for which I could have asked. She’s an adorable, “puppy-kisses-in-the-face” type of baby. She’s “swassy”…both sweet and sassy. In the eight hours that we have had her, she has pottied outside five times with NO mistakes! She is training me well! She has learned to sit already, and stands quietly to have her “necklace” put on…we don’t call them collars at the Schach house! And she has done an amazing job at walking on the leash.

I can already tell that she is going to be another Velcro dog, and I am just fine with that! She will be my muse, just as another Boxer was for so many years. I had always promised Missy that we would have so much fun when I retired…now I will have to keep that promise with Muffy!

Although I don’t have a full card to share with you, I can share with you a snippet of my Pals Paper Arts card. I really enjoyed making it, and I hope that you will join me in it’s full reveal tomorrow!

Until next time…

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  1. AAAAAWWWWW, I can almost smell the puppy breath! So adorable.

  2. OH, have fun with all that wonderful bonding!! Love those sweet photos, and it looks like Muffy loves her forever home. She’s adorable!

  3. She’s gorgeous Ann! I know she will never replace Missy but Muffy will sure bring you some wonderful times! Her face is adorable!

  4. Oh wow she is finally home!! We have watched her from a baby How stinking cute is she. Now she has a family!!!! Puppies are such time waisters lololol

  5. Congratulations!! She’s so cute! I love boxers. 🙂 Enjoy.

    Amy Fink

  6. No worry about not posting a card. Lots of people can post cards but only you can post news of Muffy and the memories of Missy. Please keep us update on how Muffy does. I am sure she fill your home with as much joy as you have experienced before. Hugs/Licks

  7. Congratulations on your newest addition! She is simply adorable:-)I hope Muffy can help to fill the empty place in your heart that Missy’s loss left. Thanks for sharing the great news and the adorable pictures!
    Inky hugs,

  8. I love Missy and Muffy!!!! Great post, Ann!

  9. Oh, I know those memories… I so enjoyed your post today. Muffy is gorgeous and I’m looking forward to seeing that card. Hugs,

  10. Oh, Ann, I am so happy for you and your husband! What a sweet, sweet baby – she is so beautiful, I even made my husband come over to the computer to see her beautiful face sleeping in your arms. Many years of happiness together for all of you.

  11. I am so happy for you! I remember when we went to pick up our dog Capone and I blew my transmission in the car because I just couldn’t get their fast enough! good luck during the puppy stage and enjoy every minute of it!

    She is Beutiful!

  12. She’s lovely. I loved the stories about what you remember about Missy and what your husband remembers. The homecoming king crown is especially hilarious. It’s also good to know that Muffy is potty-ing in the right spot (so far). She’s going to be a dear friend.

  13. Ann, thanks for your sweet comment! Love all your work and especially enjoyed the post about Muffy and Missy. My husband’s family always had boxers, so I will have to show him the pics! She’s adorable! We are about to lose one of our fur babies, so I can completely relate to your feelings about Missy. It’s so hard to say goodbye to these sweet little critters. Thanks again for your comment and I look forward to playing along with the PPA again soon!

  14. Everyone’s comments said it all! Enjoy!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  15. Oh my gosh!!! So cute. It makes me “almost” miss the puppy stage. Dogs are definetley family members in our family so congratulations on the addition to your family

  16. Blessings, my precious friend!! I wouldn’t be able to get anything done, I’d be holding her all of the time!! I can’t wait to meet my god puppy!! 🙂

  17. Muffy is beautiful. I smiled the whole time I was reading the post. Every time I’ve read your posts about Muffy, that old yearning for another boxer of my own creeps back in. Many happy days to you all!

  18. Oh, Ann! Your post brought me to tears. I am so happy for you! I know how much Missy meant to you and your family, and she will truly be with you forever. But Muffy is there to make new memories and to heal your heart. I can tell by her pictures that she is sweetness in puppy form! ~Bonnie~

  19. I missed seeing your daily card, but what a fantastic reason for not having it! Muffy looks so silky and cuddly and loving. I can imagine what love is filling her forever home today.

  20. Awww!! Congrats on your new furry friend.. Muffy looks so adorable. I am sure she will bring lots of love and joy to your home…

  21. ahhhh such a sweetie! Amazig how they just melt our hearts! we never forget the ones that have left us, but thnakkfully we can “love again”! As I write this Teddie is following the sunspots around the house looking for a warm spot to lay in! have a great day! Blessings.

  22. ahhhh such a sweetie! Amazig how they just melt our hearts! we never forget the ones that have left us, but thnakkfully we can “love again”! As I write this Teddie is following the sunspots around the house looking for a warm spot to lay in! have a great day! Blessings.

  23. Congratulations! I hope you are getting some sleep with the new baby in the house. Muffy is so beautiful. Her ears look like velvet and must be so soft. I am sure having a new puppy will bring back all sorts of happy memories of Missy. What a fun time. Congratulations again!

  24. My heart melted when I saw those pics and read your post Ann. Muffy is adorable and just hearing you talk about Missy brought a tear to my eye. Have a ton of fun with Muffy now that you are retired.

  25. What a sweetheart your new little girl is! Enjoy the puppy months – I love puppy breath 🙂 You will have her well trained by the time the snow flies!

  26. I can’t wait to meet Muffy!! What an adorable little lady she is!
    Also, I just caught up on your posted cards…as usual…BEAUTIFUL work!!! See you soon…Krista

  27. Hi Ann,
    Muffy is sooooooo cute.Have much fun with your baby-boxer.
    hugs and smiles Conny

  28. Oh my gosh…. how quickly time has gone!! My Welcome to your New Home gift has been delayed due to work, but is going to be on it’s way soon.

    It’s very true that we canonize our pets, I still do with Asti, and I’m sure I’m going to do the same with these muttleys!

    I’m sure you’ll miss Missy every day, even though you have Muffy… but welcome to your new Forever home Muffy.. Scooby, Holly and Truly say HI…. xxx

  29. She is just so precious my heart is melting…Ahhhhhhhhh is what I’m saying! LOL She is so stinkin’ cute and I can just imagine how soft and cuddly she must feel! I am so happy for you and your family that she is finally home! Hve fun with your new addition and post pictures often! 🙂


  30. Muffy is adorable, and I loved the story about Missy (and your husband’s “mis-conceptions! LOL!). Can’t wait to see your card!

  31. Congratulations Ann! I am so happy for you. Your sweet post brought tears to my eyes as I remembered our own family pets. Muffy is sweet as can be and looks quite content in her new forever home. Hugs…to you both! 🙂

  32. The first thing I wanted to do this am is check out that sweet puppy – oh Ann, she is so cute, I know you will enjoy her immensely! Welcome home Muffy!

  33. She is just beautiful! I had to laugh about your memories of Missy through rose-tinted glasses LOL. All the best with your velcro mate. I know you will enjoy each others company 🙂

  34. Muffy is adorable! What a lucky puppy to have you and your family for her forever family.

  35. She is gorgeous! I think she “misbehaved” in her videos because she was saving the sweet love for her true family! So happy for you and Muffy!

  36. How wonderful – what a blessing!

  37. Ann, what adorable pictures, Muffy is so sweet looking…love your comments (& your husband’s) about “remembering” the best of Missy. Animals bring so much joy and pleasure into our lives, don’t they.

  38. Those are some of the most adorable photos!!! Loved the post! Welcome home Muffy! Betsy the boxer says ‘hi, hi, hi….how r u?’ All the while wigglying her butt. 😉 Many Blessings-Tana 🙂

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