Convention 2010…Did I Get Lost in Denver?

The verdict is in, and I can say without a doubt that Convention 2010 was AMAZING! Attending Convention definitely inspires and motivates…and it is a moving experience, too. From Shelli’s opening remarks (why didn’t someone tell me that I needed to have my Kleenex ready), to my teary-eyed farewell to my fellow Pals, it was an emotion-filled four days. I was overwhelmed by the large number of you, my readers, that found me amidst the throng of demonstrators. Isn’t it great to be able to connect faces to names? And I know that some of us will be keeping in close touch over the upcoming months. Of course, when I left for Salt Lake City, I had concerns about making my connection in Denver. So here I am to answer the burning question: Did I get lost in the Denver terminal?

I navigated the airport at Moline, IL just fine! One of my fears was lifting my baggage. A wonderful young man lifted my carry-on bag onto the conveyor belt during the security check. All I had to do was just use puppy-dog eyes! Who can resist an elderly woman in need? And I lucked out that the gate from which I needed to fly was right across from where I deplaned in Denver. No problem with making connections! The problem occurred after I landed in Salt Lake City.

You see, Salt Lake City has more than one Marriott Hotel. For the past few months, I seriously thought that my Marriott was right across the street from the Convention Center. When people would ask, “Where are you staying?” I would smugly say, “In the Marriott right across the street from the Convention Center!” You know the old saying about assumptions? You guessed it. I ended up at the wrong hotel! So with my little “rolly-bag” trailing behind me, and armed with a map, I set off in the wrong direction to find the right hotel. My husband will be the first to tell you that I am map challenged. However, I had a lovely 45 minute walking tour of Salt Lake City until two sweet young businessmen headed me in the right direction. Do you realize how embarrassing it is to stop complete strangers and tell them that you seem to have misplaced the Marriott? Next year, I am thinking The Shiloh, or The Monaco, or The Plaza, or “The Marriott Right Across the Street from the Convention Center” as viable choices of places to stay. However, the room was wonderful, and my roomies (Ginger and Kylie), were delightful.

You may have seen us at Convention. From left to right, are Mike Funke, me, Ginger Toivonen, and Kylie Nicolosi. Isn’t Kylie adorable? She watched over Ginger and I, making certain that we were always headed in the right direction. As for Mike, he was my dance partner as we waited for each day’s General Session to begin. I swear that there was not a group who had more fun than the four of us!

What did I enjoy the most? My favorite sessions were the new product shares and the demonstrations. I definitely have several ideas of projects in mind that I can hardly wait to share with you, as well as new techniques and tips. Another highlight was watching my upline, Mary Fish, being named #6 Demonstrator of the Year. Of course, I spent way too much at Memento Mall. They had an adorable little “Convention Only” Love What You Do stamp that I purchased as a gift for my downline members. And speaking of downlines, just email or call if you would like to be the next member of The Schach Pack. I would like to discuss the opportunity with you. Being a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator is more than just discounts and fantastic product…it is about relationships and sharing what you love! I would love to have you join me at Convention next year! The new Starter Kit, priced at $175 is a fabulous value, and we can customize it to suit your style! And we can complete the paperwork in time for you to take advantage of the Holiday Mini pre-order period. Are you ready to talk about joining my group?

All in all, I had an incredible four days! There is nothing that compares to being surrounded by people who share your passion for stamping. Will I brave the airport terminals next year…you bet! Stay tuned as I share what I have learned with you in the upcoming weeks! You won’t be disappointed! I will leave you with one final picture. Who is this hippie chick? Tuesday: A Convention Make and Take share! Until next time… Peace baby!


  1. haha! WOW I have missed SO much!!! Yes, I am still NOT getting your email or comments Ann…It was GREAT to read all you have on your site! The convention sounds fantastic and what a keeper of the picture of you and Shelli! It is beautiful of both of you…the eyes have it with both of you! And now I am going to catch up with your gorgeous art…today’s is blissful! The colors are sensational!

  2. i love your post. i am hoping to go next year. what fun!

  3. Oh, super pictures! Love that hippy, whoever she is. 🙂
    I am amp challenged too, I am sorry you had such a mix up at the beginning, but I loved reading your thoughts about convention. It was great to meet you!

  4. gorgeous pictures Ann…it looks like you had so much fun! 🙂

  5. New follower from SC. Great pictures of your time in SLC.

  6. I love the picture of you and Shelli! I’d love to be able to go to convention next year. I read several of the posts on facebook and it sounded like a blast! Thanks for the comment you left on my blog ( I’m now following you as well.

  7. Ann, great pics and wonderful stories. You guys must have had a blast. BTW – LOVE you as a blonde!
    hopefully, i’ll get to convention next year and we can meet in person

  8. Ha ha…great pic, hippie girl! 🙂 So glad you had a great time…maybe SOME day I’ll go to Convention and experience the awesomeness everyone touts! 🙂

  9. Love your piece on the convention!! Especially love the ending picture. Looks like you had an awesome time!! Glad you found your way home.

  10. Fantastic photos, Ann!

    Thanks for sharing. It was a blast spending time with you in Utah. 🙂

  11. I am so glad you had a great time at Convention !!! And you did it all on your own. To me that means a lot! I can’t wait to see what you come up with I can only imagine the ideas that are going through your head!

  12. I was anxious to hear about your convention experience and so fun to see pictures with your thoughts! Looking forward to your next inspirations! Welcome Home!

  13. Ann, tell us ~ do blondes really have more fun?!!! What a cool Hippie Chick!! Loved the photos from Convention and can’t wait to see the new ideas you will share with us.
    Barbara in SC

  14. Love the pixs Ann!! Isn’t Shelli the sweetest?! Can’t wait to see all your inspiration 🙂

  15. All of you look like you were having fun. I just love the blonde hair. Wish you alot of luck and growth in the next coming year

  16. Great recap Ann! Thanks for making Convention a great experience for me. I’m glad I was your roomie!

  17. Fortunately, your memory is still intact for an “elderly” woman. Get out! loved seeing you “in real life!” Hugs, Mary

  18. Oh I am so glad you had an awesome time and enjoyed your tour of Salt Lake. *smile* I go the wrong direction here at home sometimes. I need Ginger too. Love reading your post and can’t wait to go next year. Hugs,

  19. Love this update blog post! You look and sound as though you had a wonderful, wonderful time! I’m so happy! Maybe, next year I’ll get there. I truly hope so.

  20. GREAT photos. Looks like so much fun. Maybe one day I’ll make to a convention too. Looking forward to your new ideas.

  21. Let me just make a happenin’ hippie chick! That is YOU girl! 🙂

    Sounds like you had a blast! I am so glad you did – and found your way around. It’s scary navigating on your own. I have lots of experience in that, thanks to being an Army wife.

  22. The pic of you with Shelli is lovely! You look so vibrant! Glad ya had fun. Congrats to you!

  23. Wow it sounds like such a good time! So glad you posted pix! Peace out 🙂

  24. Oh boy, it sounds like you had a fantastic time out there! And.. map challenged? Me is too! lol. I always take my Sally Satnav with me, and I still get in a pickle with that at times!

    I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself, and the photos look fantastic.

    Here’s to Convention 2011!

    Jo xx

  25. Ann, love the picture of you and Shelli. Convention 2010 really was amazing and I am glad that I got to attend. I wish I could have met you at some point. I have been to your blog in the past and am a new follower of yours.

  26. Great pic of you and Shelli! Glad you had such a great trip. Can’t wait to see all your new inspirations in the coming weeks/months 🙂 Kim Brownfield

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