The End and a New Beginning

The day dawned gray and dreary as I awakened for my last day of teaching.  Somehow it seemed to fit my mood. My daily routine varied little from what it was 34 years ago.  Wash my face, brush my teeth, put on make-up.  Dress, eat breakfast, and head out the door by 7:15.  As I pulled into my parking space, a drizzle began to fall, as if the heavens could feel my sadness and were crying with me.  This was not a normal day.  My students were either exempt from taking semester tests or else they qualified to take them early.  I was left with too much “alone” time…too much time to reflect upon all the changes which had occurred during my tenure at West Burlington High School.

I grew up here.  You could guess the decades from my school pictures in the yearbook.  There were the long, straight hair years, followed by the “big hair” and shoulder pads era.  During my twilight years, I traded in “high maintenance” for quick and easy.  I started my career teaching in suits and high heels, and ended in casual slacks and sensible shoes.  As a child of  the ’60’s and ’70’s however, I never did trade in my eyeliner. 
Teaching was never a job to me.  It was a way of life. I had a gift of inspiring students to achieve to the highest of their abilities.  They enjoyed my classes, and I enjoyed them. I taught future doctors, lawyers, nurses, factory workers, policemen, firemen, teachers, mothers and fathers. I  buried eight students, and it was never easy.  I touched their lives and they touched mine. And this was why it was time for me to retire.  I wanted to leave while I still enjoyed it.  I did not want to leave my profession filled with bitterness or hatred, nor did I want to dread going to “work” every day.
Amazingly, as the day progressed, the sun peeked through the clouds, and my reflections turned toward what the future holds in store for me.  At the beginning of each school year, I always had my students list their goals.  “Research shows us that if we write down our goals, we are more likely to achieve them,” I would tell them.  So this afternoon, after the books were stored and the room cleaned for my successor, I wrote down my goals for post-retirement.  Many of them revolve around my creative passion.  I am so looking forward to having the time to design and make cards.  And I would love to belong to another design team after my time with the Dirty Dozen comes to an end.  Some of my goals are business related, such as adding to my Stampin’ Up! downline.  I love the friendship that has evolved with many of my group.  Of course, the teacher in me wants to serve as a mentor to them. I would so love to teach design and technique classes on a regular basis, as well as hold many more workshops.  And of course, there is the all-important goal of spending more time with my son and husband.
As I took one last look around my empty classroom this afternoon, I realized that as one life ends, a new one begins.  What I have learned these past 34 years are lessons that I can take with me into the future.  They have shaped and molded me into the person I am today.  And as my fellow teachers embraced me, as we said our final good-byes, as we shed our collective tears, I knew that I would be OK.  This was not the end, it was a new beginning, a new adventure, a new page in my new life…a life free to create and inspire. 
Starting tomorrow, my new life begins.  I have a PPA card to design, next Tuesday’s Pals Blog Hop and Blog Candy to prepare for, and a Dirty Dozen gallery just waiting for me to upload my cards.  And did I mention a huge box full of my Stampin’ Up! pre-order goodies just calling out my name?   So it’s off to bed after a day which has been an emotional rollercoaster.  Until next time…


  1. Ann, you have such a beautiful way of writing, whether it’s about your family, your retirement or card techniques. Thanks for sharing how you felt on this special day. Congratulations on your retirement and a job well done.

    I do understand. Yesterday I was surprised in the office store by my sudden tears when I saw all the back to school displays. Seems August or September was always the beginning of the year for me never January. This year will be very different!

  2. Congrats on your retirement, what a great post! Sounds like you were and always will be an amazing teacher. Looking forward to meeting you at convention! -Sue

  3. Ann,

    I wish you such happiness in your retirement. I’ve been a lurker to your blog for a long time. I’ve been teaching for over 25 years, the last 17 teaching high schoolers. I could feel the emotions of your post. I hope your retirement is filled with many crafting days.

  4. What a fabulous post. I’ll bet there were many tears shed in virtual land (including mine) while reading it. Such a sweet tribute. I feel lucky to be part of your “new” life. Hugs, M

  5. What a beautiful commentary on the life of a teacher and the equally wonderful life passage of retirement! From one long-time educator to another, I wish you a long and successful career in your creative endeavors.

  6. Congratuatlions on your retirement and your goals for the future!

  7. Congratulations on your retirement. YOu blog was beautiful to read. Enjoy your new journey and be happy! You have touched so many as a teacher…. thank you for your time and dedication!

  8. Congratulations on entering the next phase of your life. It sounds like it’s going to be so much FUN!

  9. What a beautiful and moving post. I congratulate you on your retirement and wish you many happy hours of crafting and family time.
    My mom now says she doesn’t know how she had the time to work.

  10. Oh Ann!!! It is a wonderful time of your life! You will find a new way to minister, teach, encourage and uplift, because that is your GIFT and you won’t ever stop doing it! It will just be somewhere new, whether a physical location or here in blogland! Enjoy yourself!!! STAMP! Woohoo!

  11. Thanks for sharing, Ann.

    I bet SO many students will remember you as one of the best teachers they’ve ever had!

  12. WOW, Ann, you are so ready for this new chapter with your goals all written out. I admire your dedication for the last 34 years. I’m sure you touched many lives with your professionalism and your caring manner. May you be blessed in retirement with achieving your present goals and then some! Congratulations!

  13. HEY! I can relate! 5 years ago I retired after 11 years as a nurse and 24 as a nurse educator. I occ. run into former nursing students who thank me for my influence -both knowledge-wise and life-wise! How precious are those words to me! My life since retirement has taken a totally differnt track – one I never really dreamed it would … part of which is finding my creative side! I am so loving this part of the journey! May you have many wonderful years! You truly are an inspiration to me in the paper crafting sector. Praying for God’s rich blessings on you as you begin a new phase of life!
    YOU GO GIRL!!!!!! 🙂

  14. Ann, Congrats on your retirement and congrats on your new beginning! I look forward to your creations and your writing!

  15. What a beautiful post Ann! Congratulations on your retirement. Enjoy all that this ‘next phase’ brings your way – I know you will 😉

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I look to you when I think I need inspiration to keep on with the teaching plans. When I think about teaching, I think, I wanna be like Mrs. Schach!

    Here’s to a wonderful career with SU, to friendships, to a new future!

    May the road rise up and meet you!

  18. Ann CONGRATULATIONS on your RETIREMENT…you brought tears to my eyes! I wish you all the luck on your new journey and look forward to seeing more of your creations! 34 years is a long time to teach and it’s teachers like you that mold our children to whom they become. The teachers of today are not like you and I know that from experience because my children’s teachers were just interested in the almighty dollar and not the children they were teaching! So pat your back and now enjoy your added time with SU. I wish you all the luck in the world!!!

  19. and now it’s time for a new doggie : )

  20. Congratulations on your retirement and your eloquent way of telling us about it. As a teacher of 40 years and retired 9 I can empathize with your feelings. I still miss the students and interesting ideas I see for them but….. You will make new friends and your stamping will lead you to new friends,you will reconnect with old friends both HS and college and family. It is a wonderful time of your life. Enjoy it and let the good times roll!!!! Johanna

  21. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. As a former teacher, I too understand that “last time” in the classroom. I know you’ll find your new path, and be happy walking it too.

  22. Congratulation Ann on your retirement and a new begining of a new adventure. I thoroughly sink in with each of your word with your 34 years of teaching. What an amazing journey you had and touching so many lifes. I wish I was one of the fortunate ones to have been taught by you. Now that you have more time with your creativity, I am looking forward to see many of your creations. You are truly an inspiration.

  23. Oh, Ann! Your post touched me in so many ways. You are gifted. Not only with your cardmaking, but also in your writing and in your teaching. I know that your students will miss you. Your love for them comes through your post. Enjoy your retirement. Anyone who can teach for that long deserves time for themselves. I will be looking forward to your creations. Just as you have inspired your students, you inspire your readers. ~Bonnie~

  24. Ann, your post was so inspiring and lovely. Yes, it’s a new beginning for you but I know it will be a good one. Good luck in everything you do and above all, enjoy your retirement.

  25. Ann…my eyes are filled with happy tears for you! Whew! What you wrote really touched me! As an educator, at the start of my career, you have confirmed the reasons I went into education! Thank you for your beautiful sharing. I wish you all the best in your retirement.


  26. Ann ~ Congratulations on your retirement! I have been retired from education for 4 years now and I love it. You will find so much to keep you busy and you will wonder how you ever did it when you were working.


  27. congrats!!! Ann on your retirment..
    Your blog was so touching, it brought tears to my eyes. How lucky were you to have had a job you enjoyed so much but at the same time helping and inspiring others along the way. I wish the world was full of more teachers like you, who actually love what they do. Enjoy the next journey of your life… I know I am looking forward to all your new creations…


  28. Congratulations Ann! I am sure there are many students who remember you as fondly as you do them. Enjoy the days ahead.

  29. congratulations ann. teachers truly do touch lives and are always remembered. thanks for sharing your retirement thoughts. i can’t wait to see what you do with your “new life” 🙂 see you in salt lake!

  30. I enjoy reading your posts Ann; especially this one as you shared so many memories and histroy…I was reminiscing too of the fashion era.
    Your students were so fortunate to have had you for a teacher; I wish my kids could have had you for a teacher-especially my son, then he might actually enjoy school.
    It may take a while to get into the new routine, but you will enjoy your new season of life and all it has to bring for you.
    Congratulations on your retirement. Enjoy!

  31. Congratulations!!! I loved reading your post. I cannot wait to see all your new creations. You are such an inspiration to me. Hugs,

  32. Congratulations on your achievement! I retired 2 years ago after 30 years of being an elementary physical educator. You may find that it won’t be real until your teaching friends start back & you don’t! Make that a special day, how about a special card meeting day! Enjoy your new ride!

  33. Ann, I loved reading this post and could also relate to it when I retired from my publishing job. I, too, couldn’t wait to get started on my “next life” and follow my passions. This past year-and-a-half have been wondrous for me. I’ve learned so much about myself, have made some wonderful virtual friends, and have no regrets about taking that voluntary retirement package. It was time…and I guess when the time is right, you just know it. I’m so sure you were a wonderful teacher and I also know that you have a terrific, bright, creative, and passionate future ahead of you. And the best part for me is that I can go through it with you!!!! Thanks for always being a tremendous inspiration to me–in so many ways, but most of all, by just being you! All my love, Gina

  34. Hi Ann, Congratulations on your retirement. I can just tell, you were the kind of teacher every student wanted and loved having. You will be missed, but we, in the stamping world, are happy to have you full-time!! Enjoy!

    And, by the way, you inspire me with your wonderful creativity.

    NC Stamper




  36. What a great post! Congratulations on your retirement, Ann! I am looking forward to see your beautiful creations.

  37. Congratulations on your retirement. I too, retired from teaching (second grade). It is amazing what influence we had on the future!

    Enjoy your time and fill it with all the things you wanted to do but never had time to do! I have found that life is so wonderful what with new friendships and activities. Now there really is time to smell the roses!

  38. Dearest Ann, you have the ability to take us on a journey with your words, and I hope you add writing to your retirement to-do list also! As I read your words I felt like I was sitting on your shoulder as you went through your last day at school. I cried with you, but then I smiled as I knew you were just beginning a whole new chapter of your life. Blessings on you and your family as you enjoy more time together and all the fruits of your labors!
    Thank you for all the joy, creativity and love you’ve shared with us through your blog.
    Barbara in SC

  39. Congratulations, Ann! I could tell you to sit back and relax, but you have too much energy for that! Can’t wait for our Blog Hop! XO

  40. Congrats Ann on your retirement and on to a new road in your journey. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your teaching career. As a school nurse, I have known some amazing teachers and can guess that you will be missed! Happy Stamping and now we expect to see more of your wonderful creations!

  41. You write with such eloquence! It is another gift and ability that I hope you will pursue in your creative endeavors. I can’t wait to see what you do with all your talents, skills and abilities in the days ahead. Blessings to you and your family as you begin this new phase of your life 😀

  42. HI Ann,
    this is where all your fellow teachers come out of the wood work! I have been teaching for fifteen years and also feel that this is not a job, but a calling. I love going to work everyday, but at this time of year I must admit to feeling very ready for summer break. My goal is to feel as committed to this profession the day I retire as I did when I began. So far, so good. When I look back at all that has changed in education here in Canada over the last fifteen years, I can only imagine the changes you have seen over the last 34! Congratulations! I understand your mixed emotions, but selfishly, as a daily follower of your blog and a huge fan of your designs, I am really excited about this new phase of your life!

    Meg McGarry

  43. Congrats! What a wonderful post. You need to add writing to your list of”Things to DO” in your time of retirement. You are very gifted in that field also.Bless you for touching so many of those children.
    I bet you’re a favorite teacher to many.
    Who could complain on having more time to do stamping! I can’t wait to see those cards!
    Enjoy your retirement!

  44. Wow – what a wonderful post. I have been teaching for almost 20 years and can’t imagine what it will feel like when I retire. So many good memories (and a few you want to forget, I’m sure 🙂 Congrats on your retirement and enjoy all your free time.

  45. Ann, what a lovely post!

    You should do some writing too as your descriptions of your day were like a word painting! How wonderful to know that you’ve touched so many lives and made a difference!

    Congratulations on your retirement and have fun with your new beginning!

    Hugs ~ Judy

  46. Can totally relate to your last day! It’s a feeling like no other – such a mix of emotions! Sounds like you have plenty to do to keep you busy! Looking forward to all of the new creations 🙂

  47. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. Thank you for your investment in all of the kids whose lives you’ve touched. My kids’ teachers are such a blessing to me because they choose to pour themselves out into my kids every day. I have no doubt that you’ve touched many lives. What a wonderful legacy you’ve given to those kids.

  48. Congratulations to you on your retirement. I hope I can be as positive as you when I finish my 34th year of teaching. I’ve only just finished #15. I look forward to seeing all of the beautiful cards you will now have time to create.

  49. Oh Ann, how I understand all the emotions you went through today! I retired from teaching 7 years ago — was it really that long? I had to retire early for health reasons. Unlike you, I taught elementary school and most of 27 year teaching career I taught first grade. I was home for several years with my babies and preschoolers until they were all in school full time. Now some of those first and second grade students are my “friends” on Facebook. That is a wierd feeling! We know we have influenced future generations. Enjoy the summer, it will be the first in many summers that you do not have to think about new curriculum, what the first day will like, lesson plans, meeting new students, will the students I had last year be really ready for the next grade, will they have changed physically so over the summer that I no longer recognize them, and etc? But you can think about some of the good things: no report cards, no parent conferences, no outside or playground duty, no hall duty, no faculty meetings, and NO bells to live by. For three years I still had my usual “back to school” nightmares the week before school started. For a short while you will wonder what you will do with all your free time. Now I wonder how did I ever work? Now I have four grandchildren. And they are fun! This is only a brief change in your life. Enjoy this new adventure!

    Judy Jackson

    judystamper at verizon dot net

  50. Congratulations on your retirement and your accomplishments. May your new journey give you as many wonderful memories.

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