Sneak Peek and My Homemade Light Tent

Here is a peek at this week’s Pals Paper Arts card, which will be revealed in it’s entirety Thursday at 5:00 AM CST. It shouldn’t be too difficult to determine what went into the making of this card! So join me Thursday and find out if the card is as you envisioned it!

Need a photo/light tent, but don’t want to spend lots of money? Since several people have asked about how I take my photos, I will reveal the secret of my light tent. I made it! It was so easy…and inexpensive, too!

The Stampin’ Schach Tips:

  • Begin with 1/2″ PVC pipe.
  • Cut eight 16″ pieces, using a hacksaw. (I acted helpless, so me husband actually cut it for me. But the rest I did all by myself!)
  • Select four pieces to serve as legs and top each with a threaded connector.
  • Screw the legs into three-way elbows, and slide the remaining pieces into the elbows to form the top square of the frame.
  • Add a section of white poster paper.
  • Cover with white fabric. I simply used a twin sized sheet. Of course, this can be cut to size, but I just left it whole. You never know when you might need a twin sized sheet! Note the chip clip holding the sheet in place. Neccessity is the mother of invention, you know!
  • Two clip-on lamps are placed at the side.
  • One swing arm clip-on lamp is used for the top lighting source.
  • The light bulbs are GE Energy Smart Daylight 6500K (85394).

As you can probably tell, my light tent has a place of honor on my kitchen island. It was the only place that I could find to clamp the lamps on. Oh, well! My husband is a very patient man! I can also tell you that the man at the hardware store was very patient and helpful, too, when I explained what I wanted to build. He actually knew what the “do-hickies” were that I needed to connect all the pieces together!

Want to Shorten Your Wish List in a Hurry? Join the Schach Pack today! Just click on the link at the top of this post to see how being a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator can benefit you! Enjoy the SPA treatment as you reach your potential as a Schach Pack Artist. I will be there every step of your journey! If you have been “on the fence”, Sale-a-bration is the perfect time to join and take advantage of the $169 Starter Kit price!

Remember, if you have any questions about the light tent, or joining The Schach Pack, don’t hesitate to email me. You know that I always enjoy chatting with you. Until next time…

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  1. Thanks for sharing your tips on making a homemade light tent. I have been debating whether or not to purchase one on Ebay. Thanks to your tips – it will be much cheaper way to go!

  2. I was once again looking at your camera setup and you mentioned 8 pieces of the 16″ of PVC. Would you need 8 pieces if you put conectors on the bottom 4 legs? I’m thinking 6 would work. Am I off in my calculations of how this goes together? I’m headed to HD or Lowes today!

  3. Thanks for Sharing the tips….is that paper lining the back?

  4. Love your light tent tutorial, fabulous job. I have copied it for hubby, he needs something to do and I need a light tent. I think that works. Hugs,

  5. Thanks for detailing the “light box” set-up. The only problem is that I don’t know where I would put one to keep it up permanently. I am going to have to give this some thought. I am bookmarking your instructions, they are so easy to follow. Thanks again.

    Trish in Wisconsin

  6. excellent post! Be sure to keep sharing your photo tutorial/tips. hugs, m

  7. Oooh, can’t wait to see the card in it’s entireity! Great job on the light tent, and thanks for showing us how to make one ourselves! 🙂

  8. Necessity is the mother of invention! Fabulous idea. Someday I may get there but for now my Ott lamp is it for me.

  9. Can’t wait to see the whole project tomorrow. Last week was my first PPA challenge, so I hope to go for a streak and do another!

    Thanks for the light tent photos. I have a sheet from an auction box lot. What I lack is three good lights. Someday. Until then I continue to take photos on my Hoosier cabinet in my well lit kitchen, only on sunny days!

  10. You are so clever!!!! I love your tips, thanks for sharing all of your great ideas!

  11. Love the light box, and the fact that it is simple, affordable and transportable. I’m going to get my hubby to make me one, too! You are the BEST!!!

  12. Thanks Ann….I’ve been trying to get better pictures of my cards. I made a light box out of card board last week…..think I’m going to try the PVC though like yours as the box is so flimsy. Thanks for the tutorial.

  13. Ahhh genius. I have always wondered how you were able to light your cards so well without harsh light or shadows. The sheet is the answer. I will have to give it a try. Thanks for including the picture of the tent. I can’t wait to see your reveal tomorrow.

  14. Now aren’t you brilliant, Anne. What a great idea – I’ll have to remember this one when I have room for a light tent. Thanks

  15. Thanks for the detailed light tent tutorial. Could you tell us what type of a camera you use? I’m in the market for a new one and your photos always look wonderful. Thanks!

  16. Lovely sneak peak! Looks beautiful! Thank you SO much for the informative posting! I’d love to make one of these and totally appreciate the tips!

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