Pardon me, but is that a pony? and PPA Peek

Meet Tinkerbell, a young Mastiff, who is my houseguest this week. I work with Tink’s “dad”, who asked if I would mind watching her while he and his family take a short vacation. The last time I had actually seen Tinkerbell was in May, when she was a mere puppy. Well, needless to say, the puppy has matured a wee bit. Just to give you some idea of her size, she is standing next to a sofa table!

I have never thought of my home as being exceptionally small…until now!

This has been an incredibly busy week, with today being the end of third quarter. And those of you who follow my blog know what that means…tests and calculating grades! However, I do have time to share with you my Pals Paper Arts Sneak Peek. Have you noticed, however, that cards are like people? Some are more photogenic than others. This is card is definitely one which is much prettier in person. Tune in Thursday to see more, and learn about the technique that I used.

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry

There is still time to take advantage of Sale-a-bration! But, you have to act fast as this promotion ends Wednesday, March 31st. Spend $50 before shipping, handling and tax and earn one FREE Sale-a-bration product of your choice! OR join me as a demonstrator! The Starter Kit is discounted 15%, plus you can choose a FREE stamp set from the Idea Book and Catalog valued up to $47.95. CLICK HERE for more information. I would love to have you as a member of my downline group, The Schach Pack! Until next time…


  1. Is she a super drooler? I recall a Mastiff at my Isabel’s obedience class who always needed a little clean up. Hugs, M

  2. Love the fact that this beautiful huge creature is named Tinkerbell!

  3. You must be having such a nice time dog-sitting! And, enjoying your last few months of teaching before retiring! How exciting!

  4. Sorry…but I am more interested in Tinkerbell! I thought maybe Misty had found you a friend!!!! Oh Ahh….you are on your way!!!!

  5. Tinkerbell is a beauty! I have a feeling that she will be spoiled while visiting you.

    I’m looking forward to seeing all of your card. I’m sure that it is gorgeous.

    Have a great day.


  6. oh Ann, what a beautiful houseguest!!!! I can hardly believe she is standing beside a “sofa table” NOT a coffee table! She’s huge. I know Mastiffs are a gentle personality but do they tend to thunder about the house when the doorbell rings? 🙂

    When my DD was 2 years old and in the hospital, a man brought his 2 therapy dogs in to meet the children in the ward. Both therapy dogs were Mastiffs and my first thought was “Oh my!! Those huge dogs could hurt someone!” I panicked a bit, but quickly realized how sweet and loving they were. They were both so calm and gentle with the kids, I was surprised and fell in love with the breed right there and then. I don’t know much about them, except they are huge and have a lovely temperment.

    Enjoy your guest Ann, she looks so sweet. 🙂

  7. She looks so sweet! You must be loving this houseguest 🙂

  8. You’ve already fallen in love, right? What a beautiful girl!!! Can’t wait to see what you created tomorrow. Hugs,

  9. I love your furry house guest! Can’t wait to see the PPA challenge! Have a wonderful holiday.

  10. Wow what a big houseguest!!! I bet you feel safe with her around. She might have been tinkerbell as a puppy, but I think they should call her tankerbell now,…lol she looks almost big enough to be a tank.. She sure is a beautiful dog. Can’t wait to see the rest of your card..

  11. Wow, big, but pretty. I do believe that she could have my mini doxie for lunch if she wanted to. LOL


    Lisa Atha

  12. Very pretty dog – and also VERY LARGE!!! WoW! Of course, I’m used to looking at my little doxie all day! Have fun with your houseguest.

  13. Aw, so cute…..I wish I could have a DOG!

  14. Quite a handsome houseguest Ann! Such a regal looking dog! Can’t wait to see your card! {SMILES}

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