It’s HERE! The 2020 – 2021 Annual Catalog
2020-2021 Annual Catalog – Click to view the new catalog on-line!
Woo hoo! TODAY’S THE DAY the day for which we have been waiting! I know you are as excited as I am to get your order placed. However, ordering does not begin until 12 PM MT! This will allow Stampin’ Up!’s ordering system to make the transition to all the NEW products in this fabulous catalog! In the meantime, you can start building your Wish List!
NEED A COPY OF THE CATALOG? If you are one of my established customers, one was mailed directly to you from Stampin’ Up! However, if you do not currently have a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator, please email me at: and I will drop one into the mail to you, pronto!
Membership Has Its Perks
Do you have a BIG WISH LIST? Consider becoming a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator. June 3 – 30, 2020, not only will you get a Starter Kit—already a great value at $99 for $125 worth of products—but you can select any stamp/tool bundle from the new 2020–2021 Annual Catalog for FREE!
- DISCOUNT Time! Once you join, you’ll enjoy a 20 – 25% discount on your favorite Stampin’ Up! items.
- There’s never an obligation to host parties, sell products, or purchase anything else after the kit. You will still enjoy all the benefits and discounts of being a demonstrator through at least April 30, 2020!
- JOIN TODAY! Purchase the starter kit through me and instantly become a member of the Schach Pack Pals. You’ll have access to private Facebook groups, receive newsletters, and will be able to engage with a community of other stampers.
- Questions about joining? Email me at If you are ready to join NOW, CLICK HERE!
June Host Code Information
Ready to order supplies to make your own cards? I would love to be your Demonstrator. Click Here to place an order in my online store.
When checking out, if you apply the Host Code to your online orders of at least $50, but under $150, you’ll get a free gift from me. If your order is over $150, please do not apply the host code – you will be receiving your own host rewards, as well as your gift from me. All orders of $50 or more earn points toward my Loyalty Rewards Program (Details HERE).
June Code: EN46GDBY
As always, if you have any questions about the cards I create or the techniques I use, I am only an email away! Until next time…
- The $99 Starter Kit is the BEST DEAL EVER! Check out the details HERE.
- Join My Paper Pumpkin
- Earn free product with my “Shop with Schach” Loyalty Program.
- Join my Online Host Rewards Club!
- Refer-A-Friend! Free Gifts for both of you! Check it out!
- Check out the Clearance Rack and save!
- See my Retired Sets for Sale.
- Follow me on Pinterest.
- Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.
- To receive my daily blog updates and monthly newsletters, subscription links are in the right sidebar.
- If you are in need of any current catalog, and you do not have a demonstrator, please email me (